Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Report On Case Study
This research article chosen is entitled, Individual Differences in Children’s Emotion Understanding: Effects of Age and Language. It came from the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology; September 2003, Volume 44 Issue 4, p 347, 7 p. It’s logical to assume that as individuals get older, they tend to mature in additional areas of life. In the extent of the last two decades, it has been proven that emotion understanding can alter with age. Recent studies have begun to focus on children’s individual emotion understanding. Researchers in this study also hypothesized that as children mature, their emotion understanding will increase. The researchers’ first goal of this study was to examine the development of individual differences in children by assessing a test containing nine different components of emotion understanding. Their second goal was to observe the relation between language ability and individual differences in emotion understanding. Eighty children ranging in age from four to eleven years were tested. As expected, there was an increase in emotion understanding and language ability with age. In each age group, it was clear that there were individual differences in language ability an d emotion understanding. Age and language ability collectively explained 72% of emotion understanding conflict; 20% of this variance was explained by age single-handedly and 27% by language ability. The research conducted was a correlational study. As the children increased in age, their language ability and emotion understanding also increased. In this case, there was a positive correlation. After the exposure to an original research report, I realize that even the most practical situations could be a product of a psychological study. I expected the research article to contain more scientific information resulting in confusion. As for the results of the actual study, I’m not surprised. It’s logical to assume that when aging occurs, it wi... Free Essays on Report On Case Study Free Essays on Report On Case Study This research article chosen is entitled, Individual Differences in Children’s Emotion Understanding: Effects of Age and Language. It came from the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology; September 2003, Volume 44 Issue 4, p 347, 7 p. It’s logical to assume that as individuals get older, they tend to mature in additional areas of life. In the extent of the last two decades, it has been proven that emotion understanding can alter with age. Recent studies have begun to focus on children’s individual emotion understanding. Researchers in this study also hypothesized that as children mature, their emotion understanding will increase. The researchers’ first goal of this study was to examine the development of individual differences in children by assessing a test containing nine different components of emotion understanding. Their second goal was to observe the relation between language ability and individual differences in emotion understanding. Eighty children ranging in age from four to eleven years were tested. As expected, there was an increase in emotion understanding and language ability with age. In each age group, it was clear that there were individual differences in language ability an d emotion understanding. Age and language ability collectively explained 72% of emotion understanding conflict; 20% of this variance was explained by age single-handedly and 27% by language ability. The research conducted was a correlational study. As the children increased in age, their language ability and emotion understanding also increased. In this case, there was a positive correlation. After the exposure to an original research report, I realize that even the most practical situations could be a product of a psychological study. I expected the research article to contain more scientific information resulting in confusion. As for the results of the actual study, I’m not surprised. It’s logical to assume that when aging occurs, it wi...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Lets Get Real About Passion
Lets Get Real About Passion New writers/unpublished writers are quick to say I am passionate about writing. I just dont know how to publish. Okay, but thats apples and oranges. To be passionate about anything means you are skilled at it to a certain degree. You may not be a master or a best-seller, but you have written for long enough to make mistakes, learn from them, and have direction. . . at writing. You can self-correct. You have dreams about the stories. Publishing, however, is not writing. Publishing is about the business. You cannot be passionate about being a published writer simply Passion is a strong feeling, emotion, or like. You cannot have passion for another person without knowing them well. Same goes for writing. Same goes for publishing. In other words, you have to do it long enough to tell whether or not its a passion, because a passion sticks with you for a long, long time. . . and youll do anything to make it happen. It doesnt go away. It doesnt get disenchanted. It sticks. Its purpose. Its about making it happen regardless of what gets in your way.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Childhood Obesity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Childhood Obesity - Research Paper Example It should also be noted that children are becoming obese at a younger age and as Ebbeling et al (2002) put it, this can be highly attributed to the sedentary life lived for most part of the day at school. Arguing from Ebbeling claim, it is evident that many obese children take little or no time to engage in physical activities. Research indicates that children age 6-11 are vulnerable to obesity because of the nature of life they lead. For example, a child goes to school by bus, takes most of his time in class seated, and goes home by bus. This child may have no time to engage in an exercise that would result into sweating. Healthy living guides demand that children should engage in physical exercise in order to make them active. Many parents are not aware of the danger involved when a child does not take any exercises. Method of data collection For this research, questionnaires will be used as the method of data collection. The questionnaires will be designed in such a way that it wi ll allow the obese children, parents and teachers or social workers to respond. This will ensure that adequate information is collected relating to the child’s eating habits and level of activity both at home and school. Data collection will take place at home and school with the consent of the teachers and parents. Another method of data collection would be research information obtained from libraries. This information would help to identify aspects that promote obesity among children. Preliminary findings Results obtained so far indicate that many children in the US are becoming obese at a younger age and at the same time; there is a rise in the number of pre-schools in center-based programs (Peiser et al, 2005). According to the findings obesity cases in... The paper tells that main cause of child obesity is physical inactivity is important because childhood obesity is steadily affecting low income and middle-income countries. This means that childhood obesity is not just about eating in excess or getting a lot of calorie-rich drinks and foods. It should also be noted that children are becoming obese at a younger age and as Ebbeling et al put it, this can be highly attributed to the sedentary life lived for most part of the day at school. Research indicates that children age 6-11 are vulnerable to obesity because of the nature of life they lead. For example, a child goes to school by bus, takes most of his time in class seated, and goes home by bus. This child may have no time to engage in an exercise that would result into sweating. Healthy living guides demand that children should engage in physical exercise in order to make them active. Many parents are not aware of the danger involved when a child does not take any exercises. The re port recommends increase in time allocated for physical exercise among children in school. Another recommendation of the report is to limit time taken by children playing non-physical games. This will lead children to active participation. In conclusion, obesity is a disease that results from accumulation of too much fat in the body. Obesity leads to low self-esteem, social stagnation and health complexities. Research findings indicate that physical inactiveness of a child promotes obesity among the children. Largely, accumulation of fats in the body results from eating without spending the same amount of energy.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Regression Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Regression - Research Paper Example I retrieved my data from STATS Indiana. Three or four decades ago, cars in the United States were bought out of only necessity. People used to purchase cars not for laxity, but due to various factors such as for convenience purposes. In the last two decades, however, the world in general has moved on from this kind of situation. People no longer buy cars out of necessity, but rather, people buy cars for luxurious reasons. The United States, and Marion County in the state of Indiana to be specific, is no different. Motor vehicles of different models are purchased round the clock, for many reasons other than necessity (Riley 1). The automobile industry in Marion County is one of the most active among all industries within the county. In the recent years, the number of motor vehicles operating on the road has been going up steadily. There are various factors that contribute to this upward trend. The factors influencing the above trend may be well discussed if grouped into various categories. First and foremost, population is the most influencer of the rate at which cars are bought. In this paper, the population is considered both for the local and immigrants. The other factor is age. Age, in Marion County, is a major determinant of car ownership. Employment is another factor which highly determines the general purchasing power of the population. This paper, therefore, examines each and every of these contributing or influencing factors, determining how each one contributes, negatively or positively, to the selling and purchasing trends in the motor vehicle industry. In every business industry, there are market forces that determine the rate at which the goods and/or services in that particular industry are sold or purchased. These market forces are demand and supply. These are the only determinants of sales and purchases in any particular industry in any particular country. The market forces
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Natural Resources and Energy Paper Essay Example for Free
Natural Resources and Energy Paper Essay Wind Power and Global Role The world has been using wind energy for over 100 years now to generate power. â€Å"The first known use was in 5000 BC when people used sails to navigate the Nile River†(Alternative Energy, 2008-2012). Beginning in the early 1900’s, wind mills were used to pump groundwater in Midwestern portions of the country primarily. Today, windmill technological advances have brought about the development of powerful wind turbines and sophisticated windmill farms across the country. In many cases, the development of these devises has caused a decline in generating cost resulting in wind energy competitive with several other conventional sources of electricity. Today, wind is one of the leading sources of electricity beating out coal; coal can cause health issues as wind does not. Wind power has been the fastest growing energy source and some people are saying that is the reasoning behind the Global Warming Effect. There is talk already that in the next thirty to forty years the world’s energy will have to come from wind, solar or some other renewable resource. Wind power is used globally and plays several different roles in different areas of the world. Most areas though are using the same types of equipment for the energy resource, which are the windmills and turbines. In these different areas the climate control will control the amount of wind power being produced. In the hotter areas that have less wind are definitely not going to produce the same amo Alternative energy, Capacunts of wind energy as places that are in the windy areas like Seattle and Chicago. So from a geographical stand point, if someone is looking to generate m ass quantities of energy from wind, then being in Arizona is not going to be a good choice. Growing Human Population The population in terms of its affect on wind energy has very little effect on wind power production for one reason and one reason only. That is because winds are a direct result of the `uneven heating of the earth’s surface by solar radiation. So technically they are just another source of solar energy. There are still some major deficiencies of Wind power. Wind is not a constant source of energy at a particular place. Wind cannot be concentrated in one location, so that it will take up an enormous amount of space to create an equal amount of wind energy. And finally, once the energy is produced by the wind storing the energy becomes a major concern, meaning how you disperse the energy gathered effectively to the population. Only recently has wind power spread across the country as a somewhat viable source of power with the global initiatives to create and produce alternative energies. The Wind Farms were primarily used in California and recently spread out across the United States. There are some benefits of this energy such as agricultural, rural land use, pastures as well as farmers to use wind power in land open areas. Winds are probably never going to be the main or considered as a major energy producer for this country or for the world for several reasons. The population uses a huge amount of its energies. Because the way that wind energy is created, it has a role in our energy cycle but is reduced because it does not produce the end product energy. The wind is converted into electricity an d is a secondary source. Wind used with another source of energy, such as fission being the byproduct of another source of energy could generate several other improvements on different energy sources as well as decreasing the amounts of pressure on current energy sources may be a better and cost-effective approach to using wind energy. The problem with wind power and population is that wind power is not as efficient as our typical fossil fuels and has lower thermal dynamic potential to create the energy needed by the growing population. Another reason is as stated earlier the vast amount of space needed to create the power already effects the population. Most wind farms are in land masses that have already been cleared away, which limits the location. There are pluses and minuses to these areas. The land is usually prepared and cleared in advance so it can be used for farming and other industrial uses. At the same time of harvesting the wind power, some of the concerns would be the noise pollution that comes with a wind farm. Any type of populated area would be unbearable to endure. The population effects on wind energy are in reverse. The growing population does not have an effect on the production of wind energy other than the materials needed in its construction, the removal of large amounts of trees, and the loss of birds because of the blades over time. It seems as though we may be doing more damage than good for the return of energy that would be needed to support the population. Risks and Benefits of Renewable Energy Renewable energy resources are sustainable resources that replenish naturally. Such resources are produced from the sun, wind, biomass, tides, and geothermal. The main advantage of renewable resources is that the source is readily available and would never run out. Other important benefits include reducing contributions to global warming and with no polluting emissions. The disadvantages of using renewable energy is the expensive initial cost for setup, the difficulty to achieve the energy requirements needed, and the maintenance on the equipment. Depending on the application, the risks and benefits will vary when using the energy resource. Wind power is an electric energy obtained from surface air currents caused by the solar warming of air. Wind energy is a clean and cost-efficient way for energy. Wind power is placed in rural areas and requires constant wind (at least 15 mph) to operate. The wind turbines are most effective on high grounds where wind speeds are greater. At times, the turbines may kill birds and bats that get in its way. Other risks and disadvantages of wind include the cost, the noise pollution, and the unreliability factor of wind (Clean Energy Ideas, 2012). Solar energy power converts sunlight for heating and generating electricity. Solar power is used in commercial and residential applications. In order for solar power to generate energy, an open area along with sunlight is a necessity to perform properly. The weather, the time of day, and pollution can affect the performance of solar panels. At times, space could be limited and trees would be cut to make room for placing the panels in areas for sufficient amount of energy. Because of lack of space, many solar panels are placed on top of the roof. Some people think the panels make the buildings and property unattractive (Clean Energy Ideas, 2012). Biomass fermentation is plant and animal materials used as fuel. Biomass produces ethanol from different materials such as corn, grains, wood, saw dust and wood chips, plants, and animal wastes. Biomass is easily available where plants and crops are grown. Most of the source is from plants that gather its energy from the sun. In addition, the source is used for heat production, electricity, and fuel for cars. Biomass requires burning of materials, which contributes to air pollution, but it produces less greenhouse gases compared to fossil fuels (EHow, 2012). Hydropower is created as water flows through rivers and streams, the dams convert the energy of water to kinetic energy as the water turns turbines to generate electricity. Hydropower is efficient with 90% of the energy consumed to electricity. The benefits include clean source of energy, availability, and the reservoir can be used for leisure (boating, fishing, and swimming) and irrigation purposes. On the other hand, the risks involve overflow which can destroy the plant vegetation in the process (Benefits of, 2012). Geothermal energy is extracted from the heat produ ced by the Earth’s core. For centuries, many places have been extracting the source for hot springs. Some areas have geothermal power plants to generate electricity. In other areas, ground source heat pumps are used to extract water for the home or business hot water supply, which helps to reduce energy costs. The disadvantage is that a large area is needed to run the piping system (Clean Energy Ideas, 2012). Conclusion As the human population increases, the demand for energy will increase as well. There is much debate for the preferred choice of energy. Wind and other renewable energy resources are a clear alternative if we want to have a sustainable future for our children. Comparing the factors, the advantages with the use of renewable energy outweighs the risks and disadvantages. Although the initial cost will be expensive, the energy used will pay for itself in the long run. Reducing air pollution, contributing less to global warming, and reserving nonrenewable energy resources are just a few benefits with the use of renewable energy as an alternative. References Alternative Energy. (2008-2012). Retrieved from http://www.altenergy.org/ Benefits of (September, 2012). Benefits of Hydropower. Retrieved from http://benefitof.net Clean Energy Ideas (September, 2012). Natural and Renewable Energy Sources. Retrieved from http://www.clean-energy-ideas.com EHow (September, 2012). Advantages and Disadvantages of Biomass Energy. Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Gothic writing remains fascinated by objects and practices that are :: English Literature
Gothic writing remains fascinated by objects and practices that are negative, irrational and immoral. How far would you agree with this statement? Jane Eyre? WHY the focus, why the preoccupation? Introduction It is typical of Gothic writing to be fascinated by objects and practices that are negative, irrational and immoral.(define key term in terms of gothic elements) Such objects and practices are usually shunned by the society, much of which are very controversial. However, the Gothic being didactic in nature uses these objects and practices to challenge and convey a certain moral agenda. In this essay, in the context of Charlotte Bronte'sJane Eyre and Bram Stoker's Dracula, we are going to explore the different objects and practices in these novels that are negative, irrational and immoral and show how they can convey a moral agenda. There are several objects and practices in which portrays the immoral obesssions??? of Victorian society. Practices such as polygamy, voyeurism and rape, , incest and theà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Oedipus complex are such of immoral practices in which shows that the Gothic is fascinated in its writing. Polygamy is regarded immoral in Victorian times as men are traditonalluy monogamysupposed to have relationships with more than one woman. The blood transfusion scene in Stoker's Dracula of Lucy by Arthur Holmwood, Quincey Morris, Van Helsing and Doctor Seward depicts the controversies of polygamy. In page 225, Arthur claims that "he felt, since (the blood transfusion), as if 'they too had been really married and that she was his wife in the sight of God". This shows that Arthur, in Freudian terms, is already 'married' during the transfusion, along with the other men. If the idea of transfusing as a divine practice of marriage, the fact that, the other three men had also transferred blood to her would mean that they too have married her. This fulfils Lucy's desire of "letting a girl marry three menà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ as many want her", as it has been said in page 81. Voyeurism and rape, in which is regarded as an immoral act is also shown in Dracula in which the act of staking Lucy's heart is according Roth (199) is "relatively explicit and full of sexuality". When the stake is driven into her heart, she lapses into an orgasmic-like state, as it is quoted in page 277, "The Thing in the coffin writhed; and a hideous blood-curdling screech came from the opened red lips." Females being sexually open are regarded as immoral during the Victorian era. There are several examples showing Lucy being sexually open, as such in page 80, "You think me as a horrid flirt though I can't help feeling a sort of exaltation that" two men were interested
Monday, November 11, 2019
Feeding Monkeys Essay
In the short story,†Finding Prosperity by Feeding Monkeys†, by Harold Taw, Taw explains a moral about the importance of family, and how some people will break whatever rules to respect their family. Taw states that a Buddhist monk told his parents that he [Taw] would bring great prosperity to the family if he fed a monkey on his birthday every year for the rest of his life. Every year Taw made a point to feed a monkey on his birthday because he felt he had a right to protect his family. Early in his life, Taw and his dad â€Å"would go to the zoo early in the morning†¦ [and] when the coast was clear, [Taw] would throw†¦peanuts to the monkeys†. Together, Taw and his father would secretly go to the zoo every year until he was eighteen to guarantee the prosperity of his family. This proves that Taw was determined to keep his family safe. When Taw turned eighteen, he had to find different ways to feed the monkeys, since he was now an adult. One of the many ways he fed a monkey was that he went to a laboratory and had to â€Å"wear a biohazard suit†to feed a monkey. Taw demonstrates that even the tasks that seem the most impossible can be achieved. From these examples, it is easy to see that some people, such as Taw, with do whatever it takes to secure the safety of his or her family.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Characterisation in the Castaway Essay
Tagore’s The Castaway basically pivots around Kiran, Sharat’s wife, and Nilkanta, the shipwrecked orphan who formerly was a young actor too. Although Satish, Sharat’s younger brother, entered into the scenario later it was he who brought the twist in the course of the story. Despite the number of main characters in the story being four, they were sharp in contrast. The attitude and demeanour of both Sharat and Satish were quite harsh towards Nilkanta who, on the other hand, was pampered by Kiran. Kiran was the cynosure of all eyes of her family members. She was a jovial, amiable, caring and sensitive lady. The loneliness of the riverside villa at Chandernagore where she had come to recover from an illness was haunting her and she was eagerly looking for some sort of companionship. The solitude of the place was stifling the cheerful, joyous nature of Kiran and this shows a kind of conflict. Fortunately for her this conflict got resolved as Nilkanta, the shipwrecke d came into her life and she not only looked after him with utmost care but also spoiled him with profound affection and sympathy. Besides giving him sufficient food to eat and dress to wear, she also gives him freedom to come to her room. Moreover, she also had a great liking for Nilkanta’s recitation and singing. In addition to that the tragic account of his former days with the theatrical troupe made her even more caring and protective about him. She started enjoying his company. But the arrival of Satish drifted her attention away from Nilkanta and gradually he (Nilkanta) started feeling isolated and ignored and this is what unknowingly hurt him, bruised his tender mind. The biggest inner conflict that Kiran felt was at the juncture of time when she discovered the theft of the ink stand, done by Nilkanta. She was shell shocked. Her affection for Nilkanta was conflicted with the discovery of the act of stealing. The more affection Kiran showered upon Nilkanta the more he began to be disliked by Sharat though he was afraid to say anything to his wife. There is no denying of the fact that Nilkanta went w ayward and became insolent to some extent. He started taking too much of liberty by smoking Sharat’s hookah, by using his silk umbrella and he even went on to bring a mongrel which spoilt Sharat’s spotless bed with its dirty paws. To add to this Nilkanta became the leader of the local truant lads who used to pluck mangoes from the trees of the neighbours even before they were ripe. Sharat often punished him for all his mischief by boxing his ears. He was annoyed at Nilkanta and did not know how to handle him without causing anger to his wife. Despite his annoyance at Nilkanta, Sharat could not take any stern step against him because his wife shielded and pampered the insolence and disobedience of Nilkanta. Things began to change completely as Satish, the younger brother of Sharat, arrived. Kiran had a friendly relationship with her brother-in-law Satish. She shifted her attention from Nilkanta to Satish and this created a sense of insecurity, unhappiness in the adolescent mind of Nilkanta who, consequently, began to feel jealous of Satish. The indifference of Kiran towards Nilkanta made him feel that the cocoon of the caring family was no more with him. From the very outset Satish was against Nilkanta whom he considered to be an intruder. When Nilkanta broke out in tears listening to the news of their imminent departure from that villa Satish non-chalantly said that much like an opportunist he was weeping to soften the mind of Kiran. Nilkanta before the entry of Satish was a completely different fellow than Nilkanta after his entry. The energetic, agile, spirited self of the boy was replaced by a morose, insecured one who took Satish as his biggest enemy. Not being able to torment Satish directly he let out his anger and hatred surreptitiously by stealing a beautiful ink stand. He did it in a moment of frenzy without realizing the outcome of it. His possessiveness towards Kiran was the reason behind his act of theft. Although Nilkanta was saved by Kiran from the ignominy of being found out as the thief, it was she who eventually discovered the ink stand in his box. The situation became even more poignant as Nilkanta watched her discovering the ink stand in his box. This moment brought the biggest conflict in the mind of Nilkanta. He neither realized that she had actually opened his box to give him the parting gifts nor was ready to accept the stigma of being a thief cast upon him by his own Kiran. Thus being mentally shattered he left Chandernagore forever with heavy heart without giving anyone any clue about hi s sudden and mysterious departure.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Quantum Levitation Works
How Quantum Levitation Works Some videos on the internet show something called quantum levitation. What is this? How does it work? Will we be able to have flying cars? Quantum levitation as it is called is a process where scientists use the properties of quantum physics to levitate an object (specifically, a superconductor) over a magnetic source (specifically a quantum levitation track designed for this purpose). The Science of Quantum Levitation The reason this works is something called the Meissner effect and magnetic flux pinning. The Meissner effect dictates that a superconductor in a magnetic field will always expel the magnetic field inside of it, and thus bend the magnetic field around it. The problem is a matter of equilibrium. If you just placed a superconductor on top of a magnet, then the superconductor would just float off the magnet, sort of like trying to balance two south magnetic poles of bar magnets against each other. The quantum levitation process becomes far more intriguing through the process of flux pinning, or quantum locking, as described by Tel Aviv University superconductor group in this way: Superconductivity and magnetic field [sic] do not like each other. When possible, the superconductor will expel all the magnetic field from inside. This is the Meissner effect. In our case, since the superconductor is extremely thin, the magnetic field DOES penetrates. However, it does that in discrete quantities (this is quantum physics after all! ) called flux tubes.Inside each magnetic flux tube superconductivity is locally destroyed. The superconductor will try to keep the magnetic tubes pinned in weak areas (e.g. grain boundaries). Any spatial movement of the superconductor will cause the flux tubes to move. In order to prevent that the superconductor remains trapped in midair.The terms quantum levitation and quantum locking were coined for this process by Tel Aviv University physicist Guy Deutscher, one of the lead researchers in this field. The Meissner Effect Lets think about what a superconductor really is: its a material in which electrons are able to flow very easily. Electrons flow through superconductors with no resistance, so that when magnetic fields get close to a superconducting material, the superconductor forms small currents on its surface, canceling out the incoming magnetic field. The result is that the magnetic field intensity inside of the surface of the superconductor is precisely zero. If you mapped the net magnetic field lines it would show that theyre bending around the object. But how does this make it levitate? When a superconductor is placed on a magnetic track, the effect is that the superconductor remains above the track, essentially being pushed away by the strong magnetic field right at the tracks surface. There is a limit to how far above the track it can be pushed, of course, since the power of the magnetic repulsion has to counteract the force of gravity. A disk of a type-I superconductor will demonstrate the Meissner effect in its most extreme version, which is called perfect diamagnetism, and will not contain any magnetic fields inside the material. Itll levitate, as it tries to avoid any contact with the magnetic field. The problem with this is that the levitation isnt stable. The levitating object wont normally stay in place. (This same process has been able to levitate superconductors within a concave, bowl-shaped lead magnet, in which the magnetism is pushing equally on all sides.) In order to be useful, the levitation needs to be a bit more stable. Thats where quantum locking comes into play. Flux Tubes One of the key elements of the quantum locking process is the existence of these flux tubes, called a vortex. If a superconductor is very thin, or if the superconductor is a type-II superconductor, it costs the superconductor less energy to allow some of the magnetic field to penetrate the superconductor. Thats why the flux vortices form, in regions where the magnetic field is able to, in effect, slip through the superconductor. In the case described by the Tel Aviv team above, they were able to grow a special thin ceramic film over the surface of a wafer. When cooled, this ceramic material is a type-II superconductor. Because its so thin, the diamagnetism exhibited isnt perfect ... allowing for the creation of these flux vortices passing through the material. Flux vortices can also form in type-II superconductors, even if the superconductor material isnt quite so thin. The type-II superconductor can be designed to enhance this effect, called enhanced flux pinning. Quantum Locking When the field penetrates into the superconductor in the form of a flux tube, it essentially turns off the superconductor in that narrow region. Picture each tube as a tiny non-superconductor region within the middle of the superconductor. If the superconductor moves, the flux vortices will move. Remember two things, though: the flux vortices are magnetic fieldsthe superconductor will create currents to counter magnetic fields (i.e. the Meissner effect) The very superconductor material itself will create a force to inhibit any sort of motion in relation to the magnetic field. If you tilt the superconductor, for example, you will lock or trap it into that position. Itll go around a whole track with the same tilt angle. This process of locking the superconductor in place by height and orientation reduces any undesirable wobble (and is also visually impressive, as shown by Tel Aviv University.) Youre able to re-orient the superconductor within the magnetic field because your hand can apply far more force and energy than what the field is exerting. Other Types of Quantum Levitation The process of quantum levitation described above is based on magnetic repulsion, but there are other methods of quantum levitation that have been proposed, including some based on the Casimir effect. Again, this involves some curious manipulation of the electromagnetic properties of the material, so it remains to be seen how practical it is. The Future of Quantum Levitation Unfortunately, the current intensity of this effect is such that we wont have flying cars for quite some time. Also, it only works over a strong magnetic field, meaning that wed need to build new magnetic track roads. However, there are already magnetic levitation trains in Asia which use this process, in addition to the more traditional electromagnetic levitation (maglev) trains. Another useful application is the creation of truly frictionless bearings. The bearing would be able to rotate, but it would be suspended without direct physical contact with the surrounding housing so that there wouldnt be any friction. There will certainly be some industrial applications for this, and well keep our eyes open for when they hit the news. Quantum Levitation in Popular Culture While the initial YouTube video got a lot of play on television, one of the earliest popular culture appearances of real quantum levitation was on the November 9 episode of Stephen Colberts The Colbert Report, a Comedy Central satirical political pundit show. Colbert brought scientist Dr. Matthew C. Sullivan from the Ithaca College physics department. Colbert explained to his audience the science behind quantum levitation in this way: As Im sure you know, quantum levitation refers to the phenomenon whereby the magnetic flux lines flowing through a type-II superconductor are pinned in place despite the electromagnetic forces acting upon them. I learned that from the inside of a Snapple cap.He then proceeded to levitate a mini cup of his Stephen Colberts Americone Dream ice cream flavor. He was able to do this because they had placed a superconductor disk within the bottom of the ice cream cup. (Sorry to give up the ghost, Colbert. Thanks to Dr. Sullivan for speaking with us about the science behind this article!)
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Combining Academic Knowledge and Practicality
Combining Academic Knowledge and Practicality The idea of social responsibility came from Adolph Ochs pledge when he bought the New York Times in 1896. It was a promise to â€Å"give the news impartially, without fear or favor, regardless of party, sect or interest involved†. The educational requirement of press and broadcasting profession in Europe in the 1930s was only high school degrees. The absence of formal education for journalist let to the creation of different schools for journalism such as the establishment of Turkey Two-Year Institute of Journalism in 1949. However, although there were about 500 students enrolled in the program, the initiative failed due to the lack of qualified lecturers. In 1965, UNESCO supported the establishment of Journalism and Communications Higher School in Ankara and gave French journalist Georges Pitoleff and four other students scholarships abroad. Since journalism involves giving importance to public interest and being aware of social problems, human rights, equality, and cultural diversity, the mission of ILEF is to combine knowledge with practical lives. This in practice is providing core and basic skills and developing students public interest and desire to make a better world. Journalism’s relationship with social structures and institutions made it a public interest in terms of ethics and social responsibility. For instance, investigative journalists were questioned regarding the ethical implications of their expose on people’s privacy. Journalists’ strong emphasis on freedom of the press and social responsibility often result to media framing, an enduring practice affecting people’s attitudes towards social issues such as crime, internet safety, and others. The Bright Sides of Academic Intellectuals We Call Nerds Public Interest and Press Freedom Public interest and limitations of press freedom are the practical aspects of journalism education. In reality, journalists are often interested in socially relevant issues transpiring in different sectors. Their work normally involves choosing between professional interest and social responsibility and therefore requires a morally sound journalist. Journalism is often praised when it is fair and socially responsible thus a good journalist follows the rules of their work and aware of society’s demands of journalism. The idea of social responsibility came from Adolph Ochs pledge when he bought the New York Times in 1896. It was a promise to â€Å"give the news impartially, without fear or favor, regardless of party, sect or interest involved†. The pledge was later on adopted by the journalism community that later developed the idea of â€Å"journalistic independence†. However, great responsibilities are often hard to fulfill, as journalism in practice is historically associated with horrifying practices such as fabrication in news stories, publishing of fake photographs, impersonation, racism, and others. Higher education help journalism students developed academic and practical skills necessary in professional and social responsible journalist. However, since journalism, in reality, involves professional interest, the practical aspects of journalism education should be given more emphasis particularly in the area of public interest and human dignity and privacy.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Jade Peony and The Other Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Jade Peony and The Other Family - Essay Example They are made to feel like outsiders, at times and this can be very humiliating. They have to try to forget the language and way of life that they have been used to since their childhood, if they are to adapt to life in their new homeland. This can be a painful experience, because they have to give up something that is very close to their hearts. It is easier for children and young people to make these changes and to adapt to life in their new homeland. For older people it can be much more difficult to give up a way of life that they have been used to for all their lives. It is even more difficult for parents, who feel rejected, when their children adopt the language and culture of their new homeland. Bannerji, in The Other Family highlights the feeling of insecurity of an immigrant mother, who says to her only daughter "Is this the family you would like to have Don't you want us anymore You want to be a mem sahib, a white girl" (143). She worries that some day her daughter would be ashamed of her and would move out into the world of the residents of their new homeland. She thinks that some day they would be enemies. She is afraid that she will lose her child. She feels that the people in her new homeland have the power to crush little people like her anytime. She exposes her fear of rejection to her daughter.
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