Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Ethical Issues and Ethics Essay Com231 - 796 Words
Running head: ETHICAL ISSUES AND TACTICS Ethical Issues and Tactics Sheila Nobles Grand Canyon University Communication 231 Professor Kimberly Thompson August 5, 2011 Ethical Issues and Tactics I hate to hire Black people; they are all so slow in doing their work. Sometimes they come to work and sometimes they do not come at all. No wonder they are stuck in poverty, they do not want to succeed. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and national origin. However when you hire black people, you may get one out of 20 that are sincere about their job and are always on time and actually do their work. Can you imagine the money a company spends†¦show more content†¦Ad hominem ethical fallacies; which attacks a person’s character rather than a person’s reasoning would be none existent making a change that would empower and persuade for the better. Dehumanization is unethical and should not be an issue in the world at this time and era. You can win more bees with honey instead of vinegar is an old saying which still holds true today. Most audiences can be persuaded through positive influence as well as the energy of the speaker. Let’s not forget when we address one’s needs no matter the level, we win our audience. References http://www.eeoc.gov/laws/statutes/titlevii.cfm retrieved Aug 6, 2011 Brock, T. C., amp; Green, M. C. (Eds.). (2005). Persuasion: Psychological insights and perspectives. Module 3 Reading Ethics in
Monday, December 16, 2019
Thinking About Diversity Free Essays
The dimensions of cultural diversity are categorized as primary dimensions and secondary dimensions. Primary dimensions are generally considered fixed and involuntary. Age, gender, race, and ethnic heritage would be examples of primary dimensions. We will write a custom essay sample on Thinking About Diversity or any similar topic only for you Order Now People do not have a choice of when they are born and thus their age. Gender, race, and ethnic heritage are also not open to choice. Mental and physical abilities are also usually defined as primary dimensions of diversity. Specific biological functions of the brain can be considered primary dimensions of diversity, but knowledge and education can improve mental ability. It is also possible to improve physical ability to a certain extent by incorporating healthy diet and physical conditioning into one’s lifestyle. Physical ability is listed as a primary dimension of cultural diversity because height, bone structure, and other physical attributes are genetic and not open to choice. Sexual orientation is also a primary dimension of diversity. Secondary dimensions of diversity include attributes that are considered less central to social identity. These dimensions can change based on life experiences. They include where one lives and works, socioeconomic status, education, and religion. Ethnic, Cultural, or Other Groups I Identify With I am a Black female who identifies with the Black community as well as other ethnic groups. I was born and raised in a large metropolitan city. I am a product of my big city upbringing. I believe that being raised in a large city has equipped me to be comfortable in many settings and with people from any group or cultural background. The Black culture and history is very important to my lifestyle. I work with young men and women in the Black community to advise them on career paths and encourage them to make positive life choices. As a woman, I am very concerned with many of the issues that are affecting women. The rise in teen pregnancy is one issue that I address with young women I encounter. Violence against women is also a problem that is prevalent in society. Women continue to be subordinated and discriminated against, and the struggle to change the situation is one of my top priorities. My social circle is made up of professionals who enjoy cultural pursuits such as plays, music, concerts, and charitable activities. Diversity and Inclusion Diversity refers to any mixture of items characterized by differences and similarities, (Harvey Allard, 2009, p. 11). This definition refers not just to people but also to the differences and similarities of functions or conditions along a given dimension. In identifying diversity in an organization, it is also important to identify the similarities within a group. When management accesses a group of ethnically diverse individuals, if they focus on the similarities am ong them, it will be easier to build common ground and mutual respect. Inclusion is a technique that organizations can use to optimize the benefits of a culturally diverse workplace. Rather than just focusing on cultural diversity as a quota to fill, organizations can use the cultural, ethnic, and experiential differences of employees to add creativity, new ideas, and new strategies. When every individual thinks that he or she is operating in a safe environment, they can be comfortable sharing innovative ideas that may not follow the traditional concepts of the organization. Importance of Workplace Diversity Training Effective workplace diversity training can benefit an organization in many ways. Increased productivity can result when employees appreciate and learn from the cultural or ethnic differences of their fellow employees. Workplace diversity training will increase the emotional intelligence of individuals which will increase their tolerance of differences. Emotional intelligence is awareness of self, managing self, self motivation, awareness of the emotions in others, and managing interpersonal relationships, (Harvey Allard, 2009). Emotional intelligence and emotional maturity can allow individuals to be open to the possibility of considering differing opinions and strategies. More openness among team members within an organization will increase creativity, cooperation, and collaboration. When cultural and ethnic diversity are successfully managed within an organization, minority employees will feel acceptance and comfort which will encourage them to express innovative ideas without fear of repression or ridicule. The majority employees will be given the opportunity to expand their acceptance and knowledge of different values, beliefs, and opinions. Workplace Culture and Inclusion I have had the opportunity to work in large and small organizations. During high school, I worked in a large department store. There were many races, ethnic groups and ages. The age groups in the workplace were in three categories. There were older workers who had worked in the store for many years and had made it a career. These employees spent most of their free time socializing with each other, such as breaks and lunches. They were generally very friendly and helpful to new employees. The second category was made up of managers ranging in age from about 25 to 40. Most of the managers were college educated and were hired specifically as managers. There were also managers who had started at an entry-level position and worked their way up to management. The third category, which I belonged to, was made up of young high school and college students. This category generally socialized with each other. I do not recall any negative interactions based on race, culture, sexual orientation, or ethnic heritage. Throughout my career I have worked with a variety of ethnic groups, races and ages in a variety of corporate settings. I have always been fortunate to work in very inclusive organizational settings. I have not worked in an organization that discriminated against employees based on their diverse ethnic or cultural backgrounds. How to cite Thinking About Diversity, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Charles Darwin free essay sample
ZOn August 30, 1831, is the most exciting news for Charles Darwin. He got the offer of a position on the H.M.S. Beagle. This offer was from his guidance, Henslow, at Cambridge. Henslow had been welcome to be the natural scientist for the ship, but he had turned down the opportunity. Fitzroy is a twenty-six-year-old male, and he was the captained at the time. He was anxious to have the brotherhood of somebody who was of his social class. Majority of the experienced naturalists had turned out to be occupied or reluctant, so Henslow gave the opportunity to Charles Darwin who has no experience. Sadly, there was an obstacle to be crossed before he is allowed to take off on his journey. He was required to get his blessings from his father, Robert, but the dad had enough of Charless laziness and attitude.Charles left the town, so he can talk to his uncle, Josiah, about his problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Charles Darwin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Josiah concurred with his nephew that this was an ideal opportunity. He thinks that there was absolutely no motivation to believe that the voyage would interfere with his profession when he returned. Later, the uncle composed a letter to Robert listing the reasons why the voyage would be useful for Charles. He came back to his hometown to find that his father had been persuaded. If Josiah was not there for the help, Charles would never get the experience to travel. Charles was happy. The ship was originally planned to depart in two or three weeks, but as he was getting ready, he got bad news. It has been said that there was a miscommunication and Fitzroy had just guaranteed the situation to a companion. Charles would only get the position if the companion cannot or declined the request. Regardless of the misfortune, he raced down to London to meet the captain for a meeting. Fitzroy appeared to be unpredictable. A few days later, Fitzroys companion gave up the position, so Charles has taken the position. He additionally discovered that the journey will probably be somewhat three years than two.The ship, H. M.S. Beagle, was delayed so many times even though it is readied, but poor climate postponed the crew much more. On December 10, they finally set sail, yet were soon turned back by storm winds that caused trouble and left Charles wretchedly disgusted. He was not happy about it. On December 21, couple days before Christmas, they had what resembled consummate climate and attempted once more. Fitzroy had an awful start, so he quickly controlled the ship on solid land, however luckily nothing was harmed. When Charles woke up after his first nights sleep on the boat, he found that they were gone to England. A gust of wind from the southwest was pushing them back to where they had originated from. On December 27, after Christmas, the ship finally left. Their very first stop was intended to be Tenerife in the Canary Islands, a similar place that Darwin had always wanted to visit with Henslow. Shockingly, they must be isolated for twelve days before landing, because of the current cholera outbreak in Britain, so the captain gave the request to set sail for St. Jago in the Cape Verde Islands, 300 miles off the African drift. As the ship is moving, Darwin started his work as a naturalist by gathering tiny fish, plankton. When they arrived at St. Jago, he climbed through the well of lava slopes, experiencing his first tropical wilderness in a little valley and seeing genuine proof of geographical change: a layer of compacted ocean shells in the precipices thirty feet above ocean level. On February 8, 1831, they visited at St. Pauls Stones to execute birds for sustenance. After that, they traveled to Bahia. The ship crew spent several weeks in South America before they take off to Rio. His most energizing find was a fossil Megatherium, an extinct ground-abiding relative of the sloth. This was back on September 22. This must be the biggest moment for him because it is rare to found fossils and my favorite part of the book. It is fascinating. Darwin would collect data and samples to send it off to Henslow, his friend.At the beginning of 1833, a year and couple months later, they almost got their ship sunk from an awful climate. They made it securely to the home region of the Fuegians. They had expedited board from Britain, two gentlemen and a lady who had been kidnapped by the captain on a past excursion. They dropped off the Fuegians with an English minister who would have liked to spread Christianity. However, when the Beagle returned nine days after the fact that preachers things had been stolen. The Captain had purchased the second boat in the Falklands. Darwin took off, voyaging 200 miles in two weeks and executing eighty various types of birds and different species. He kept on sending his samples to Henslow. This is the part where it improves my understandings of biology. He used these birds to study different types of finches beaks and how they adapt food based on their environment. The Beagle got to travel south again in the last month of the same following year, passing strange countries on its way through the Straits of Magellan to where the prisoner Fuegians had been dropped off a long time previously. Darwin headed inland towards the Andes with a group of people and tools, yet arrangements ran low and they were compelled to turn back before contacting them. Luckily, he knew he would have an opportunity to contact them from the opposite side when the Beagle went to Chile in South America.On June 6, 1834, they made it around the Horn and touched base at the island of Chiloe, off the west shoreline of southern South America. From that point, they went to Valparaiso on the last week of July. Since it was winter, it was excessively unsafe, making it impossible to achieve the Andes legitimate, however, Charles Darwin made it to the lower regions in August, returning through Santiago. There was a little scary moment for a second: Fitzroy had clearly had a breakdo wn because of questions about the exactness of his estimations on the eastern shoreline of South America. Luckily, the officers persuaded him to continue his post and it was settled that there was no compelling reason to come back toward the east drift for promoting estimations. Beginning in the spring, he finally accomplished his fantasy of seeing the Andes very close. After coming back from the successful Andes campaign, Darwin rejoined the Beagle for the excursion north to Lima, where they touched base on mid-July 1835. Two months later, they traveled west into the Pacific Ocean to their first look at the Galapagos Islands, which Charles Darwin was later to make well known, on September 15.Galapagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean near South America. Charles saw different species of marine iguanas, birds, lizards, and even big tortoises that live on land. The sad part is that they killed at least a dozen of tortoises for samples and specimen. When he moves to different small islands, he noticed that the birds are somewhat different than others. He is very curious why these birds are different than others. He drew different types of finches beaks in his journal. Charles also noticed that the giant tortoise has different shapes of the shell. The left the island on October 20, 1835.In conclusion, The Voyage of the Beagle is not just a vital book in the historical backdrop of present-day thought yet, in addition, an exceedingly critical one in the life of Darwin. As a young fellow, Charles had a little feeling of business or heading. When he was only sixteen-years-old, he started a profession of medicine at Edinburgh College. Finding, in any case, that he was unfit for the calling, he entered Christ School, Cambridge, after three years in 1828 to set himself up to be a pastor. Neglecting to take respects or to separate himself in any capacity, he acknowledged the offer of Captain Fitzroy of the Beagle to sign on as a naturalist on a voyage the world over that, in the end, took five years. Amid that time, Darwin found himself and his profession as well as started mentioning those objective facts that he later formed into the hypothesis of advancement clarified in On the Origin of Species. This work, together with crafted by Karl Marx and of Sigmund Freud, constituted an intense impact on twentieth-century logical idea and qualities. In this book, we have this man whose thoughts have reformed totally our comprehension of life, composing with fascinating about the voyage which started and formed his reasoning regar ding the matter. He is one of the historys most influential thinkers. Works CitedDarwin, Charles. The Voyage of the Beagle.Bantam Edition, New York, 1972.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Why I Love Football free essay sample
In life we come across a countless amount of things connected to us and our environment. Trough my childhood my parents thought me to love sport and I realized the importance of sport in our life. It’s very important to trough life we gain love for a specific sport, in some way sport will repay us. We all tend to trough sport gain friends and to make sport itself our friend. In my spare time I hang out with a ball. Now that I mentioned the ball, we narrow the circle of sports that we can discuss. Of course, even thought I said a few sentences about sport in general, my goal is to talk about the thing that I am in love with. As a kid a tended to get out of the house and spend time outside, to be more specific I was looking the place were the ball is spinning. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Love Football or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was looking for something that marked me and something that I will love, and that something is football. When I was a child I took my ball and went to the nearest football court. I spent there a few hours, my parents look for me, like the ground swallowed me, but I was actually happier than ever, the older boys called me to play football with them. My parents were really scared and angry with me. This situation that I mentioned, happened than and was remembered, but let’s turn towards other things also connected to my childhood football playing day. We used to make-up our own courts and our own rules. We gather tools and materials, everything was necessary for our stadium. Everyday we wasted our whole time well and outside the house. New chapter in my life which changed everything, was the day when I got back from the school and my dad told me, son get in the car we are going down town. I couldn’t even imagine this, but we made a stop right before the biggest club in our town, club â€Å"Kozara†. My eyes were glowing, I didn’t know what hit me. We are walking towards to the rooms of the club, and singing me up in the school of football. That was the happiest day in my life, I wasn’t aware what was happening, but I was so happy that nothing could of ruined it. I haven’t waited for a second, trainer asked me if I would like to join them it the game, right now. Of course I want! I ran in the game, a bit confused and lost between some new faces. First 15 minutes of the game I haven’t realized what was happening, but then I said to myself, come on show them what you can do with the ball! Without any false modesty I have to admit that I’ve always stood out between the very best, and that I presented my talent in a worthy manner. Ball was kicked around, we dribbled, I was awaiting my chance to get the ball in my legs and to glow. I gain possession of the ball, dribbling, once, twice the ball ends up in the net. My dad was watching me with the smile on his face, happy with a gentle applause, and me? I was jumping around like I got everything in the world, and I did! I made the goal. It was the end of my first training. On our way back home, dad stop in front of one store and said to me: â€Å"Son, let’s buy you some real football boots†. The feeling was indescribable. Can you imagine how much happiness can be in a six-year old boy for all of that to happen in one day? The feeling when I arrive to the training is indescribable, it’s more than happiness, a lot of kids trained there ‘cause of their parents, but I, I did it ‘cause for the love of the game days were passing, months, years, but I was still restlessly training, and that was still the one and only thing that could make me that happy. Those trainings weren’t something that parted me from my friends, on the contrary I have going more and more to our stadium and playing football with them. I was spending my childhood in school, in the trainings, in the street court, with my friends, and I can say that I could not imagine my childhood any better. Practicing I got to those ages when the league of our age started and our first real games. Hence the FC †Kozara†was the main club in our town, they gather the most talented players, therefore our scores were noticed, since seventh to thirteenth year troughs all the games we had no defeat. My first game will be remembered, ‘cause in that game I was shooter on 2 goals, and we wrote down victory, score was 7:0. Until I went to college and leaving for Novi Sad, I played in Gradiska actively and enjoyed every moment on the football field. My last season I played in Nova Topola’s FC †Lijevce†for the first team, with a couple successful performances and goals. My football career is stopped for the moment, because I am in studies and I haven’t found the club good enough, to play in it. I still play football with my friends 2-3 times weekly and I wish to play it at any time I have free. By the next year I will try to find a club to actively practice in, and play football, because it’s my love and it always will be. In this essay I told you about my love towards football. Football to me, is a part of life , I play it, I follow it regularly, I grew up with it, than let it stay with me to the end of my life. I couldn’t imagine my life, not to think everyday on something connected with football, that I am not interested in results, transfers and other developments in world of football. Ball is a funny thing, it gets into your blood, and it stays there.
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