Sunday, January 26, 2020
Managing Diversity in Employement
Managing Diversity in Employement Managing Diversity in Employment Identification and Discussion about Segregation in Labour Market with National and Governmental Perspective The purpose of this essay is going to identify and discuss the main things of segregation and discrimination in term on national and organizational issues in Singapore. Due to segregations in labour market, which are ethnic, age, sex or gender, disability, and sexual orientation, there are pros and cons for each of them. In the following paragraph, the writer is going to elaborate and discuss with further information. Labour market is a place that employers and employees interact with each other. Employers want to hire the best candidates, while the candidates are trying their best to suit the job requirements. Hence, labour demand is the employers in an organization and labour supply is the candidates who give their abilities to the company. (Times Internet Limited, 2014) Labours in the market are based on age, race, ethnicity, gender, disability, and sexuality. In the following paragraph, the writer will identify and discuss the national evidence that talk about statistics labour market in Singapore.  In the organization, there is no much segregation of ethnic group because there are several ethnic groups of people who work together, such as Indians, Chinese, Malays, and others. For example, Marriott Hotel and HSL in Singapore have put opportunities for people ethnics to works together. In order to maximize the potential of teams in term of managing workplace diversity, the companies’ believes an inclusive and harmonious workplace. They believe in selecting the right people and developing employees’ competencies to work in diverse environment, such as self-awareness, adaptability, and team work. For example, people interact with different profile so that assimilate them in an organization. Another event is annual workers dinner, the company mixes them up so that they do not seat with same nationalities. They can mingle, catch up, and have lots of fun. (Government of Singapore, 2014) Ethnicity is a tool of identity formation and imagination to involve in boundary-formation, conflict and racism. Hence, there occurs racism in Singapore. For instance, Singapore Malays are imagined to be incapable of or uninterested in entrepreneurial endeavours. In contrast, Singapore Chinese are seemed to be natural entrepreneurs to seek profit at every opportunity regardless of their ethnicity. Another example, in Chinese culture, ignores differences in sub-ethnic groups, social class, places of origin and so on. (Kopnina, 2004, p.249) Hence, Singapore government is supported the labour market, which contains people who are segregated by ethnic, age, sex or gender, and others. Even, the segregation in term of ethnic in a society occurs in order to respect people’s preferences. For example, most Indians are living at Little India and one of their authentic shops is Mustafa. However, it allows other ethnics to shop there as well. Stereotype is a highly potential influencing for discrimination. Thus, disparaging opinions, myths, and others overshadow the good qualities, characteristics, and abilities of older workers so that they tend to receive disadvantage in a workplace. However, the government set certain rules so that many companies have bolstered older workers’ willingness and abilities in an organization. For instance, in McDonalds, most of the morning shifts are older people because they will be more diligent and willing to wake up to work in the morning compared with the middle or young people. Hence, older people have opportunity to work in the morning and others in the afternoon and evening. On the other hand, the segregation can show some respects to the senior people. For example, people who work for long time in the company will be pay higher than junior level. In case of Singapore government, it has provided a chair for older people in accommodation. For instance, it provides special chairs for older people, disable, pregnant, and people with child in the mass rapid transit (MRT), bus, and other public transportations. Furthermore, the government has done certain policies in Singapore, such as government has reduced employers’ wage costs by lowering the Central Provident Fund (CPF) contribution for older workers, has encouraged employers to make a training lessons for workers above 40 years old with subsidized who earn less than $1,500 a month, and also has encouraged to retraining the mature workers through video-based training programmes and courses which provided by National Productivity Board (NPB). (Debrah, 1996, p.819) Stereotype occurs when individuals are not judged by their own unique characteristics or merit but on generalized characteristic based on group they belong to. People usually stereotype due to disadvantageous of women for selection, promotion decisions, and placement. Hence, there occur invisible barriers that prevent women in reaching the upper echelons of management. (Pichler, et at, 2008, p.466) However, the writer believe that the successful company is when it wants to respect each other regardless of their sex or gender and other disparities, instead consider on what advantages it will gain due to differences. For example, Mr. Antony Page as a General Manager at Marriott hotel in Singapore believes in diversity benefits. 60% of management teams are led by women. This leads the company to be successful and increase people awareness of its good brand names. Another example, Tet Wai Holdings Pte Ltd in Singapore, Maxine R. Hays as a President in that company said that Women must be trained for the technological revolution for they are not left behind and bring benefit for companies and their own selves as well as men. (The Singapore Business and Professional Womens Association, 1982) Moreover, segregation in term of sex or gender due to woman financial stability, like adequate health care and adequate Central Provident Fund (CPF) savings. Mostly, women have around 40 per cent lesser savings in their CPF accounts than men. (Wee and Hill, 2013) Though Convention to Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which Singapore acceded to in 1995, it still on the progress to demolish the sex or gender discrimination because some organizations have not eliminated the discrimination fully. There are several companies that prefer in the equal opportunities for every employee regardless of their gender, race, age, ability and others. For example, Han’s FB that adopts tripartite fair employment practices in 2008. Han’s FB company profit has increased since it hires people with disabilities (PWDs) to the company. Its profit jumped to more than 200% than previous years. (Fook, 2011) Hence, this company is tolerated with disparities in employment, including disable workers. In term of disability, Government of Singapore has been very supportive because it launched the Open Door Fund in 2007 in order to provide financial support to redesign jobs, modify workplaces as well as train people with disabilities. For example, Government provides the Assistive Technology Fund to help disabled students and employees purchase the technology devices for the sake of their education and work purposes. (Human Capital Singapore, 2012) Sexual orientation in the workplace also does as the government stated in Singapore, it is trying to implement the non-discrimination climate against sexual orientation in an organization. The reasons for organization allows the sexual orientation workers because they might bring better performance, enhance career progression, creativity, and productivity. (Day Greene, 2008, pp.640-41) In term of sexual orientation, in 2007, Singapore government stated that gays and lesbians have no legal protection towards employment discrimination. However, the Prime Minister, Goh, has given proclamation a non-discrimination regulation in the civil service which could be a signal for a real improvement security of gays and lesbians. (Badgett Frank, 2007, p.170) Furthermore, in 2008, Singapore government provides an equal protection of the law, which is stated Article 12(1) of the Singapore constitution guarantees equal protection: All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law should not be treated any differently. (Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, 2008, p.27) Segregation in labour market is about putting people apart from another in term of age, gender, race, and ability of them so that a nation and an organization knows the benefits and disadvantages as well as treats them according to their needs. Hence, national and organizational policy might not only giving an equal opportunity, but also providing a diversity management regarding people’s segregation and segmentation. For knowing the segregation, the nation and organization does not always provide the helpful reaction for the people. However, they could bring a hampered effect for their actions. For example, the older people are being discriminated by an organization. Furthermore, diversity management is important for a company because it will bring several opportunities for the company. For instance, different ideas and perspective, productivity, increase good circumstances, self-improvement, flexibility, adaptable to change, and many others. Hence, it obtains a compatitive advantage due to implement the diversity management in an organization. (Barrak, 2014, p.231) In conclusion, the segregation inside the organization and government could be called as a main thing for Singapore to look at, especially sex or gender in organization because there have disparities or stereotype for women in doing certain job. In addition, the organization or even government might consider for managing diversity so that the gap between men and women is getting closer and instead taking some advantages from differences. In order to render a company to be successful, there are several ways to do, such as evaluating diversity and equality management with a proper evaluation and improving diversity program effectiveness. (Richard, et at, 2013, p.236) For example, in order to gain various ideas with creating a unique package, a design product company could recruit a diverse workforce to enter the company. References Badgett, M. V. L. and Frank, J. (2007): Sexual Orientation Discrimination: An International Perspective. 1st ed. New York and Canada: Taylor Francis Group. Barrak, M. E. M. (2014): Managing Diversity: Toward A Globally Inclusive Workplace. 3rd ed. United States of America: SAGE Publications, Inc. Day, N. E. and Greene, P. G. (2008): A Case for Sexual Orientation Diversity Management in Small and Large Organizations. Human Resource Management, 47(3): 637-54. Debrah, Y. A. (1996): Tackling age discrimination in employment in Singapore. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7(4): 813-31. Fook, H. C., 2011. Philosophy, Policy, Training, and Charity. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 August 2014]. Government of Singapore, 2014. Fostering Inclusive and Harmonious Workplaces. [Online] Available at: practices/Pages/WDM.aspx [Accessed 29 August 2014]. Human Capital Singapore, 2012. Hiring the Disabled Mere Words by Employers or Real Deeds?. [Online] Available at: employers-or-real-deeds- [Accessed 28 August 2014]. Kopnina, H., 2004. Cultural hybrids or ethnic fundamentalists? discourses on ethnicity in Singaporean SMEs. Asian Ethnicity, 5(2): 245-52. Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, (2008): Singapores Fourth Periodic Report to The UN Committee for the Convention on the elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Singapore: Fabulous Printers Pte Ltd. Pichler, S., Simpson, P. A. and Stroh, L. K. (2008): The Glass Ceiling in Human Resources: Exploring the Link between Womens Representation in Management and the Practices of Strategic Human Resource Management and Employee Involvement. Human Resource Management, 47(3): 463-79. Richard, O. C., Roh, H. and Pieper, J. R. (2013): The Link between Diversity and Equality Management Practice Bundles and Racial Diversity in the Managerial Ranks: Does Firm Size Matter?. Human Resource Management, 52(2): 215-42. The Singapore Business and Professional Womens Association, 1982. The Employment of women in a restructuring society, Singapore: SBPWA. Times Internet Limited, 2014. Definition of Labour Market. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 August 2014]. Wee, V. and Hill, S. 2013. Gender dimension to inequality in Singapore. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2014].
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Human as a Complex Unit of Life Essay
The human body is a complex system of cells, most of which are grouped into organ systems that have specialized functions. These systems can best be understood in terms of the essential functions they serve: deriving energy from food, protection against injury, internal coordination, and reproduction. The continual need for energy engages the senses and skeletal muscles in obtaining food, the digestive system in breaking food down into usable compounds and in disposing of undigested food materials, the lungs in providing oxygen for combustion of food and discharging the carbon dioxide produced, the urinary system for disposing of other dissolved waste products of cell activity, the skin and lungs for getting rid of excess heat (into which most of the energy in food eventually degrades), and the circulatory system for moving all these substances to or from cells where they are needed or produced. Like all organisms, humans have the means of protecting themselves. Self-protection involves using the senses in detecting danger, the hormone system in stimulating the heart and gaining access to emergency energy supplies, and the muscles in escape or defense. The skin provides a shield against harmful substances and organisms, such as bacteria and parasites. The immune system provides protection against the substances that do gain entrance into the body and against cancerous cells that develop spontaneously in the body. The nervous system plays an especially important role in survival; it makes possible the kind of learning humans need to cope with changes in their environment. The internal control required for managing and coordinating these complex systems is carried out by the brain and nervous system in conjunction with the hormone-excreting glands. The electrical and chemical signals carried by nerves and hormones integrate the body as a whole. The many cross-influences between the hormones and nerves give rise to a system of coordinated cycles in almost all body functions. Nerves can excite some glands to excrete hormones, some hormones affect brain cells, the brain itself releases hormones that affect human behavior, and hormones are involved in transmitting signals between nerve cells. Certain drugsâ€â€legal and illegalâ€â€can affect the human body and brain by mimicking or blocking the hormones and neurotransmitters produced by the hormonal and nervous systems. Reproduction ensures continuation of the species. The sexual urge is biologically driven, but how that drive is manifested among humans is determined by psychological and cultural factors. Sense organs and hormones are involved, as well as the internal and external sex organs themselves. The fact that sexual reproduction produces a greater genetic variation by mixing the genes of the parents plays a key role in evolution.
Friday, January 10, 2020
What You Do Not Know About Grade 3-4 Persuasive Writing Essay Samples Might Shock You
What You Do Not Know About Grade 3-4 Persuasive Writing Essay Samples Might Shock You Many analysts argue this produces a troubling situation on work industry. 'A minimal salary has a negative effect on employees. If you need assistance, contact us or place a purchase and our professionals will write a good example of persuasive essay you will totally like. PaperCoach will be able to help you with all your papers, so take a look at this time! There are many persuasive essay examples college students are able to make use of online. Students also employed the debate section of the on-line problems. They should not have to wear school uniforms because they limit students' ability to express their individuality. While trying to understand how to write a persuasive essay step by step, they forget about another critical activity. Before they start to write, it's a good idea for them to make a list of the points they want to make to their readers. Other activities cause the worldwide warming. Another negative effect on employees is that low wages can induce stress. By paying people more, businesses can make more cash, since they won't pay as much on turnover prices. Another problem is the effect of fossil fuels on our environment. Your summary is the last push to convince the reader that you're right. A simile is a means to compare two distinct things utilizing the connecting words like or as to be able to make an intriguing connection in the readers mind. There are lots of free examples of appropriate form atting. The introductory paragraph is perhaps the most significant paragraph in the essay as it is the initial and possibly last opportunity to produce an effect on the reader. In some cases, your teacher might call for extra details such as the class title, instructor name and the date. In your introduction paragraph, it is sufficient to introduce the topic and supply meaningful background details. Before writing down the facts and examples that you're likely to tackle, you ought to be well informed, first of all, about your topic. Simile is a sort of figurative language that may be put to use as a literary technique. Evidence in writing works precisely the same way. Observe that the objective of a persuasive speech is like the purpose for writing an argumentative or persuasive essaythe organizational structure and variety of info in a persuasive speech would be. Produces expository text utilizing appropriate form and fashion in response to prompt. It is possible to also secure se veral discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Be attentive when selecting the business you can trust. Understanding how to compose an effective persuasive letter is a potent tool. Despite the fact that you pay for homework, we provide those options at no cost. Now you have a great beginning to your essay, you will need to compose a few paragraphs to strengthen your stance. Any sentence that's not furthering my thesis is distracting from it and should be taken off. Just take the `how' of your thesis statement and use it in order to construct your paragraphs. There are some straightforward guidelines to follow as a way to be in a position to compose an excellent persuasive essay. The main element which produces a persuasive essay in English stand out from the remainder of assignments is the use of reasoning. Keep in mind, any source employed in your essay has to be included in your reference section. While there isn't any one correct method to compose these essays, this page will show you some excellent practices to think about when learning how to compose a persuasive essay. Children need to be able to use cellphones in school. Students shouldn't have to wear uniforms. Parents have a part to play in their kids' life and regarding these, there are lessons that they need to teach their kids. My parents taught me the best way to survive on my own at a young age. The Pain of Grade 3-4 Persuasive Writing Essay Samples You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you wind up getting a great grade. The perfect place to do so is immediately after the attention catcher. All of the principal points ought to be concisely mentioned in the preview. Having found the side that you're standing for, you will need to ensure you fully grasp the standpoint of the opposite side. Although having the ability to write persuasively can look like a challenging thing for children to learn, remind them that everyone has valid opinions. Persuasion is utilized in our lives each and every day.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Etymology and Symbolism of Characters Names in Catcher in...
The Etymology and Symbolism of Characters Names in Catcher in the Rye Catcher in the Ryes pallid cover, adorned only with seven multicolored bands in its upper-left corner, is not what one would call eye-catching. Its reverse side lacks criticisms or reviews of any sort; in fact, it is bare of anything except a copyright date. Human beings are advised not to judge books by their covers, rather that they should look further than the obvious and try to apprehend the implied meaning. The world has peered past Catcher in the Ryes cover, cracked its pure, uniform shell of cardboard and discovered the novel of a decade, a story that has now made the name Holden Caulfield synonymous with cynical adolescent. Within the†¦show more content†¦He is Holden back, not allowing himself to become a part of the ugliness he sees in virtually everyone. Chains of contempt for the world act as manacles that secure his superior attitude and ensure he will not become what he hates. The name Holden flawlessly portrays his inability to join society becaus e of his high ideals for it. Caulfield, his last name, relates to recurring theme of childhood innocence. A caul is defined as a part of the amnion, one of the membranes enveloping the fetus, which sometimes is around the head of a child at its birth. The caul protects young children, just as Holden dreams to do when he tells Phoebe his ideal profession would be the catcher in the field of rye. Of course, the second section of his last name represents the field of rye. The few instants when Holden is genuinely happy and unaffected by his painful awakenings to the adult world deal with children, because he feels they are uncorrupted. Walking down the street in New York, Holdens rusted manacles of almost perpetual depression are unlocked when he sees a little boy singing if a body catch a body coming through the rye. He criticizes his father, saying he wanted to appear sharp with the ratty hat he was wearing, and says neither parent was paying any attention to their son. He feels any adult has been demoralized, but will go to great lengths to come into any contact with a child. His perfect job, the
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