Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Is Booking Travel over the Internet Causing the Decline of High Street Travel Agents? Essay
Is booking travel over the internet causing the decline of high street travel agents? During the decade leading up to 2007, ways of buying tourism products as changed a lot. Ten years ago people choosing a holiday more often than not a package holiday, by going to the travel agent and choosing one from a number of brochures and after chatting with the travel agent. Many people still chose this method but a lot more people are buying packing holidays, more people now buy online, or over the telephone, through teletext. People tended to find it cheaper to and more flexible to buy their flights from one internet site, their accommodation from another and book a hire car with another site, rather than buying a package holiday out of a tour operator’s brochure. They are not always financially, protected when booking travel separately. Holidaymakers are â€Å"turning their backs on the traditional high-street travel agent in favour of booking trips online†, reports sundayherald. com. Between 2000 and 2004 there was an 11% drop in the number of bookings made at travel agents, with only 47% of overseas holidays now being reserved through a high street travel agency, according to figures from market researchers Mintel. Many people book breaks by phone, and just 31% of overseas trips were booked in person in 2004,†says the report. â€Å"The research shows that traditional sun, sand and sangria package holidays are the main type of trip booked on the high street, with just one in five d omestic trips booked at travel agencies. Richard Cope, international travel analyst at Mintel, reportedly said consumer confidence in the internet was driving people away from booking in person. â€Å"Mintel’s research shows that almost one in five UK holidays are now booked online, with consumers becoming increasingly confident about making their own travel arrangements. †Mintel figures also indicated that, overall, more holidays are being taken. In 2004 65% of British people went on holiday, compared to 62% in 2000. Some 44% of holidaymakers now take more than one holiday a year, up 14% since 2000. Altogether, Britons took 43 million holidays abroad in 2004. http://www. m-travel. com/news/2005/10/number_of_booki. html Technological changes within tourism surround several different factors from medical advances to the innovative space tourism. Similar to tourism, technology is an ever changing and sometimes unstable business. Better communication, transport and safety have encouraged new consumers to the industry. Improvements in water supply, medicine and knowledge have meant areas are opened up which were not possible before technological advances. In today’s society in which a consumer wants easier, quicker and cheaper service only technology has helped tourism fulfil the customers demand. Another massive effect on tourism is the rapid increase in online booking that has given consumers more opportunity to make a holiday. Through technological advances, online booking has been one of the biggest factors in affecting tourism, leisure and recreation in today’s world. There were 37,600,000 Internet users in the United Kingdom (representing 62. % of the population) in March 2007, according to Internet World Stats. This was up by 144. 2% compared to 2000. (Internet World Stats, March 2007) and a new Google Survey has shown that surfing the web has topped watching television as Britain’s favourite past time. On average residents in the UK spend 164 minutes online every day compared to 148 minutes watching television (Daily Mail, Friday 10th March 2006). This shows how much the internet is now an integral part of life and has had an effect on other aspects influencing the tourism business. More and more people are now booking their holiday on the internet, as many people are looking for a better priced deal than they’re being offered by their travel agent. Both holiday and airline bookings have not dramatically rose in sales from the travel slump of 2001-02 due to the massive consequences of September 11th and the threat of terrorism which has increased (it saw similar slumps although smaller after the Madrid bombings and 7/7 terrorist attacks). The Iraq war, the SARS/bird flu epidemics and very consistent hot European summers have persuaded the usual long haul travellers to stay at home. This has seen a loss in sales and therefore profits causing one of the hardest aviation crises of the industry. The number of job cuts that were announced in 2003/04 was well over 100,000 according to BBC News, November 2005. Routes had been slashed and several European carriers were barely clinging to life. The turmoil in the industry went from Aer Lingus to XL Airways, but times were changing and the industry needed something new. Survival tactics started to emerge and online travel started to show evidence of bucking this gloomy trend. The Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG), as cited in a May 21, 2002, Financial Times article had cited for many years that online spending was increasing and predicted it to triple at the end of the decade. Looking at e-commerce data overall, the firm counted travel as the biggest online sector, followed by electronic products and apparel. IMRG also said British shoppers were buying larger and more expensive goods online, such as furniture and kitchen appliances. This showed a large gap in the sub-market that needed to be exploited. Online Travel Spend ($bn) Europe N. AmericaU. K 20002. 4 6. 4 0. 20015. 8 11. 00 1. 8 200212. 7 18. 7 3. 7 Source: Datamonitor At the start of the boom these were seen as survival tactics by the airlines and the government also pushed for more progress in online booking to make the travel industry more prosperous. The economic realities forced travel companies to be more efficient in running their business. Websites, for example were able to promote the latest ticket prices, particularly at a time when they were being slashed on a day-to-day basis which was used to tempt travelers back into the air. Similarly travel sites e-mailed a wide ustomer base with relative ease to promote special deals. It is seen as the cheapest method of booking a holiday, the LogicaCMG (a marketing body) has said that phone bookings typically cost about ? 30 to service. By contrast net bookings cost around 75p. One of the biggest online travel sites Expedia, took an initial knock from 11 September, but then saw its transaction volumes recover by 80-85% during October. â€Å"Like every travel company, we experienced a downturn, but we then recovered a lot more quickly than the traditional industry†said James Vaile, managing director of Expedia in the UK. Online travel sites are also well positioned to exploit the recent procrastination by consumers in booking holidays. People are booking later than usual in recent years and the internet is seen as the obvious and natural place to hunt down last-minute bargains. As this bar chart shows travel sales online rose rapidly from 2006-2007 and it is expected to continue to rise to over $30 billion. The consumers weren’t only using the internet to book their holidays but also to research and gain knowledge of the destinations they wanted to go to. The search engines were flooded with searches over cheap flights, accommodation and new destinations (as shown in the rankings). From the bar chart below it shows that web-search is the preferred method of obtaining travel information with it being preferred nearly twice as much as personal recommendation, the second most preferred method. This is then followed by TV programmes, but the travel agents became the fourth option of consumers to collect travel information. Web-searches are high due to people liking to make their own decisions at their own pace and this can’t be done in travel agents where they are pushed, poked and pressured. This is unpleasant for the consumer and has changed the trend in which consumers went to travel agents for advice, whereas now they would rather use the internet. As this pie chart to the left shows the internet has had a huge impact on the booking of a holiday, with 79% of all booked holidays using the internet in the process. Also, the internet has seen a large increase in the number of â€Å"last minute†business as many tourists feel it is better-placed and they can search for the best priced, most suitable holidays or excursions. Furthermore, since the growth of the internet, online advertising has been used as a huge marketing tool, where holiday and travel providers can target large quantities of potential customers and keep advertising costs low. This has also been used to great effect as they appear to be a successful method and an efficient way of gaining business from the wallet-conscious consumers, whereas high street advertising receives less notice. Moreover, the internet has caused the high street travel agencies to close, therefore creating job losses within the businesses. This is mainly due to the fact that more people are booking direct with the holiday providers, thus cutting out the middle man and saving money by doing the research and booking themselves. This is usually done by using the internet or telephone booking where the overhead costs are much lower as an outlet has to be staffed and incur running costs such as electricity bills and also because of the larger volumes of people that are able to access the service. A recent example of this is was in 2001, when Airtours, the UK’s largest tour operator had to cut one-in-seven of its high street branches in an effort to return to profitability. According to finance director David Jardine, around 120 shops going under the name â€Å"Going Places†were closed as the business stated that they were finding there was an â€Å"increasing trend in customers wishing to book direct†. On the other hand, online companies such as Expedia. com have seen their profits on the rise over the past few years as would be expected, although they had not anticipated such a large growth. For the last three months of 2001, Expedia saw its net income surge to $19m according to BBC News, compared with a loss of $2. 6m in the same quarter of 2000 and also the firms evenues were in excess of $80 million for 2001, over double that for 2000, showing how quickly it has established itself as an efficient internet booking service. So in conclusion online booking for travel has dramatically changed tourism in the world. It has provided a less time consuming, cost effective and an overall efficient/productive method in organising tourism which has seen triggered a rapid rise in sales. Airlines are now recovering after effects that were unforeseen. BAA Limited, formerly the British Airport Association said seven UK Airports handled a total of 11. m passengers in August 2006 making it a record summer with the highest number of passengers ever recorded over a two month period. BAA also revealed here was a 6. 8% increase in passenger traffic for the 12 months to August 31st 2006. Bigger discounts and better security could tempt more people to book holidays online, a LogicaCMG survey (http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/technology/3939035. stm) found. However, the future of online booking although seen as prosperous can also turn, but due to the recovery in airline business they are starting to hit back. Prices are starting to rise and now you must book early to get the best price. The same survey revealed that online discounts were still not high enough to tempt potential customers onto travel websites and that the process was still too complicated for some consumers. A serious issue with online booking is the fear of fraud. Consumers are not convinced that any personal and financial information they hand over would be kept secure by online travel shops and this is slowing the potential growth that could occur otherwise. The Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) sees the online travel market having a long way to go before it replaces high street travel agents. ABTA estimates that by the end of 2007 online travel will be 17% of the UK’s ? 28bn travel market but this growth will only occur if trends continue as it relies on steadily growing numbers of people happy to book holidays online and as well as improvements in technology and the creation of better websites by travel firms. Issues over security, faults and complications need to be solved if this method of booking is to prosper.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Logistics and Project Planning Essay
The mission of elc was to provide consumers with access to the Internet at the lowest cost. Despite the excellent support and recognition from the public, elc was experiencing adversity of keeping their business profitable after the Internet Investment bubble burst. The original concept of owning many of the large stand-alone cafes with 250-500 PC terminals at each cafe was not working well. elc undertook a dramatic restructuring of the company by downsizing the cafes. Many of the large, original stand-alone elc stores will be run by franchisees. These franchised stores will become smaller stores which have 20 to 30 PCs terminals at each cafe and with no staff required except for regular maintenance. Less involvement with store operations allows elc to concentrate on activities of their core competence and outsource all the non-core activities. Their core competence was to continue building their ‘easy’ brand and applying the yield management model to the Internet cafe business. Their business goal was to open 4 new franchises per week over the next 3 years. In order to achieve the goal of growing their franchised Internet cafes business, an efficient, flexible and cost-effective logistics system is what they need for the provision of equipment to the franchisee. Since logistics is one of the non-core activities that is perceived as a bottleneck for scalability, the present logistics system of elc will be reviewed and findings of whether to outsource the logistics system will be presented to the management team. Background of easyGroup Stelios Haji-loannou, the founder of easyGroup, is the renowned Greek entrepreneur who utilized his family money to launch a serial of ventures. His first venture, Stelmar Tankers was found in 1992. The company very soon went into the public sector and was listed on New York Stock Exchange. In 1995, he found easyJet. easyJet was a no-frills, low cost airline company and later grew to become the largest no-frill airline in Europe and was listed on the London stock exchange in 2000. Building on the success of easyJet and to extend the ‘easy’ brand further, he formed the holding company easyGroup in 1998. easyInternetcafe was his first venture under the umbrella of the easyGroup. Other companies in the group included easyJet, easyCar, easyCinema, easy. com, easyMoney and easyValue, easyBus, easyPizza, easyCruise, and easyDorm. Low price and no-frill is the key elements of the ‘easy’ brand. Yield Management Model Stelios is an enthusiast of Yield Management Model and he applies the model to his business. According to Wikipedia, yield management is the process of understanding, anticipating and influencing consumer behavior in order to maximize revenue or profits from a fixed, perishable resource (such as airline seats or hotel room reservations). Stelios believes that lowering the price will increase the demands of the customers significantly. By locating all the large internet cafes in high traffic areas, elc aimed to capture the maximum revenue by providing internet services with a variety of price points at different points in time (peak hours or off peak hours). The price for Internet access varies based on demand, raising the price in dollar per hour in mid-afternoon, when stores are nearly full. That gives bargain hunters an incentive to visit in the non-peak hours, when price is dropping. The model is well suited for business with high fixed cost and perishable supply. The large numbers of computer equipments inside the Internet cafes are capital intensive for elc. The empty seats inside the cafe in a certain time period cannot generate any revenue and thus can be said to have perished. elc uses one of their capital proprietary products, CVM, to monitor how seats are occupied and react accordingly, for example by adjusting the price to offer discounts when it appears that large amount of seats are remaining empty. However, this model is not working for elc as it does for airline and hotel industries. The customers’ willingness to pay for using the internet access at theses internet cafe is impulsive and their demands are not easy to predict. The yield management model works well for airlines and hotels mainly because their customers usually plan ahead of time on their journey. Therefore, airlines and hotels are more likely to predict their customer demands and adjust the prices accordingly. They still have time to attract customers by offering last minute deals. But for internet cafes, customers do not make reservation for their usage of Internet in advance. Customer demands are thus very hard to predict. Even though the CVM can adjust the pricing based on the vacancy of the cafe, it is difficult to attract enough customers in a short period of time to fill up the empty usage of the internet access. Since Internet was still a new technology at that time, Internet access was not yet considered to be an essential product. Customers were likely to learn when to visit the cafes so that they can pay less compared to other time period.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Business Card Etiquette
Business Card Etiquette: A Must Master Have you ever experienced how mortifying it is when you’re asked for a business card and you don’t have any? Either you forgot to bring one or run out of business cards, this incident is embarrassing both to the asker and to the one being asked for. Habitually forgetting the business cards is the most famous neglect that someone makes when it comes to business card etiquette. In the business world it is important to always remember the business card etiquette as this would speak much of you and the business that you are representing. So, what do we have to be harking backed to when it comes to business card etiquette? First, it is always helpful to have a system to remember to bring a bunch of cool business cards with you every time. Put it in a business portfolio or your purse or desk drawer or a cool business card holder, whichever is applicable and more convenient for you. As one of your most important marketing weapon, a cool business card should always be present in business meetings and basically everywhere. This system would also save you from doing the same mistake that most forgetful entrepreneurs do. The second business card etiquette you should be dredging up on is that it should present creativity. Creative business cards not only state your name, contact numbers, or company logo. The style itself should discourse what kind of service you do or product you provide. You might even want to try cool digital business cards if you’re on the PC or electronic business world. Creative business cards give respect to the card giver and receiver alike. Third thing to consider in business card etiquette is the poise of the card. Cool business cards make the receiver want to keep the card for some reasons like future reference or simply because it is something likable. Either way, cool business cards promote boost in the owner’s individuality. The last and most important thing to ruminate in business card etiquette is the manner on how you present your card. Handing over wrinkled, torn or stained business cards give a reflection on how you see the receiver. This is a big no, especially when you’re dealing with CEOs and managers of companies. Also, it is but proper not to present business cards during personal or emotional correspondence like condolences, get well soons, and even congratulations. So, you can understand that business card etiquette is as much as important as the card itself. Mastering it not only brings potential income to the business but a lasting impression of good reputation as well. Design diaries batch 2 (9-28) 9. China Travel Depotwww. chinatraveldepot. com Anyone planning to travel along China might want to browse www. chinatraveldepot. com, the official website of the top destination service provider of the country. The site provides information regarding China activities, flights, hotels, tour packages, cars rental, Yangtze cruises, top China tours, prices, and promotions. Basically, what they offer is within- China travel services. But they also provide an option for add- on international travel services by teaming up with Expedia, one of the leading online tour operator in the world. The company also deals with the possibility of customization options and packages to provide the perfect travel destination. China Travel Depot serves over 60 chain stores and outlets located all over China. 10. Extreme Piewww. xtremepie. com It’s up for the hippies to search for the biggest surf, snow, ride, and skate brands online at www. extremepie. com. Nike, Oakley, Nixon, Jansport, Billabong, Converse, Sanuk, Roxy, Havaianas, Element, and Reef are just some of the wide array of brands to choose from. The site features a full assortment of styles that are hip for the current season. Products are categ orized as to usage (by ladies, men, and kids), gift items, and hardware. Extreme Pie offers their customers with a 110% price promise and a good pact of 90 day returns policy(both subject to company’s discretion). The company also gives a deal of free delivery for UK Mainland residents at some point detailed in the terms. 11. Fitness Footwear www. fitnessfootwear. com If someone is looking for quality footwear, fitnessfootwear. com is a must- visit site for him. Trendy and superior footwear from brands like Adidas, Birkenstock, Reebok,The North face, Under Armor Tactical, New Balance, Havaianas, Merrell, Vivo Barefoot, Fitflop, Hi- Tec, and Saucony are in store at www. fitnessfootwear. com. Another great feature of this site is that it has a shoe size converter for UK, Europe, and USA shoes. Visitors can choose from the variety of Running, Toning, Casual, Outdoor men’s and women’s shoes, insoles, socks, and accessories. To top all that, product updates, promotions, and discounts are given to customers who sign up to the FitnessFootwear. com newsletter. 12. Moonbasawww. moonbasa. us Moonbasa is powered by Mola Group, a China- based company established in 2007, which currently have 800 employees. They specialize in women underwear and clothing but also offer other products such as shoes, handbags, home textile used outdoors and indoors, and Euro- style apparel. They have an elite staff of hunting professionals like Terry Drury, Mark Drury, Jay Gregory, Spook Span, Ronnie â€Å"Cuz†Strickland, Hank Parker, Rick Kreuter, Keith Beam, and more. The company started in the 70’s when the owner, Pete Shepley, experimented with new ideas for bow release aids. From flexible plastic arrow vane to replace the feathers, he trialed to the perfection of his first compound bow. Today, the line of PSE products vastly includes Pro Series Bows, Main Line Bows, Field Ready Bows, Recurve Bows, and a lot more.
The Distribution of Economic and Social Resources Essay
The Distribution of Economic and Social Resources - Essay Example The essay "The Distribution of Economic and Social Resources" discusses the article "Families on the Fault Line: America's Working Class Speaks about the Family, the Economy, Race, and Ethnicity" by Lillian B. Rubin who identifies four different working class families: white, black, Latino and Asian. They have much in common fighting with harsh realities of life and social problems. The three main themes cover social, cultural, and economic changes which affect these families. A major concern of social thinking is to identify the nature of these relations and to trace their social and political effects. Taking into account social factors, Rubin unveils social realities form the backdrop for future generations. For instance, Rubin explains that white ethnicity has deep roots and is closely connected with psychological and political factors. The author underlines that new immigrants including Latino, Asians, and blacks force the white working class to ‘establish a public identity ’ that helps them to rise above new comers. It includes job opportunities and equal pay, training and childcare, etc. Poor education and absence of equal opportunities with â€Å"white†working class majority are the main factors limiting the equal distribution of economic and social resources. To analyze the issue of racism, it should be mentioned that racisms are depicted as regimes of state power organized via institutional frameworks as part of the disciplinary power of state agencies, but which is subject to ongoing contestations.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Interview a leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Interview a leader - Essay Example This whole idea of him providing an innovative style of freedom to his employees has resulted in a fine rapport between the employees and their superior heads as well as ranking the Admiral Group 4th in the top 40 companies of the United Kingdom (Frobes, 2011). Henry Engelhardt, is the most encouraging CEO in whom the employees have a great deal of conviction and faith, he meets all the newly hired staff, takes initiative in being available for live online chats and is usually found communicating with his staff at all levels when he is at the Cardiff headquarters. He also believes that an organization should not only give the employees a good working environment but should also give them a pack of activities to keep them fresh, that’s why he has set annual competitions for his staff. All in all Henry Engelhart is an innovative leader with a vibrant spirit to keep his employees motivated, he gives them a sense of free will while also keeping certain authorities to himself only. This new leadership style and charisma which he has attracted me towards taking his opinions on the new divergent leadership styles and the dynamism a leader needs in this new business world. The questions asked are in the appendix section of this paper. The interview responses made it clear to me that leadership is now all about adapting to new roles and ideas and is no longer a set of rigid traits and thinking capabilities, like it was many years ago. Most of the questions dealt with the acquisition of information regarding the many roles that Mr. Henry has played during his career, the conclusion to which, derived by the responses of him, determined that even staying in only one department for a couple of years requires many interpersonal and professional leadership roles to be entertained by a leader (Rothwell et al, 2001). There was more information possessed when Mr. Henry was asked about the leadership strengths that he has developed in the so far tenure of his career, and i t was surprising to know that his leadership strength came from the attainment of these different leadership roles. He explained them as an observational journey in the world of leadership, making him earn strength at each and every check post he crossed. He also added that the journey was not easy as there were many nerve wrecking times when he thought he would not be able to deliver as required but he managed to overcome all such obstacles through the use of an open mind. Open mind, he added, is the basic criteria to transform you into the many diversified roles of leadership required at different stages of one’s leadership career. Motivation of employees, as explained by him, is all a matter of making a need assessment of all employees at different organizational levels and stages as the need patterns are often the product of an unsatisfactory working environment which takes employees away from attaining job satisfaction. Employee needs are loosely satisfied at the bottom of organization and the satisfaction meter moves up as we travel upwards in the chain of command of an organization; this makes the upper management attain job satisfaction, leaving the labor class away from this fruitful accomplishment, leaving them unsatisfied. An unsatisfied workforce, he said, leads to slower growing organizations, this is where leadership roles need changes
Saturday, July 27, 2019
S. B. Cottone Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
S. B. Cottone Inc - Essay Example In this case, the firm has not enough capacity to capture all of these markets so that a target market in the segment is needed. A target market must have the potential to be viable customer. Target market of the firm are contractors in the construction business. This was principally selected due to construction developments in Scranton and the developers’ need for contractors in the construction business. Contractors are the first-line connection to developers. They are also considered specialist by developers so their expert advice is followed. Contractors’ profiles were compiled into a database of the company for the last twenty years for easy reference and follow up. Positioning is the market strategy of how company communicates to customers. Web defines it as â€Å"effort to influence consumer on a brand relative to a competing brand.†Purpose of positioning is to have an advantageous position to consumer. To start positioning the firm, has to know the needs of the target market, and understand why they need it, and its budget. Buyers’ needs are known through interviews, research and attending events such real estate openings. Based on this approach company has identified buyers’ needs as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning of rooms and building. Buyers go through a process (Linton, Ian, 2014) wherein the very first stage is recognition of a need. Needs of buildings are caused by standard requirements. Next step is the information search wherein buyer looks for sources to solve his need. Next is the evaluation process where buyer inspects different brands and offers – and evaluate it according it to product attributes and the ability of supplier to deliver. Process involves buyers’ high participation particularly if there are many proposals, and low if there is only one company to be evaluated. The last
Friday, July 26, 2019
Strategic Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Strategic Analysis - Essay Example It was founded in 1978 and has grown to become the fastest growing retail store in America. This analysis evaluates this plan using the SWOT analysis tool, to identify the company’s strengths (S), weaknesses (W), its opportunities (O), and what threatens its sustainable growth (T). Home Depot was founded on the intention of being the largest home improvement facility in America. The company’s mission statement comprises of its core values which are: taking care of people, giving back to the community, doing the right thing, excellent customer service, building strong relationships, creating value to the shareholders, respect for all, and encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit (Floor, 2006). This reveals the high value the company has placed in people and clearly shows the purpose of the business. It is very elaborate and is a plus for the company. Home Depot is now the largest chain of retail store in the county, and is a brand name. This is an achievement of its vision . The company has been actively involved in various corporate social responsibility initiatives, spending over $200 million in a number of causes. The key strength is their customer service and affordable costs. The three top priorities in Home Depot’s strategic plan are to offer goods and services that are targeted at the low cost market, to open more outlets, and to increase their range of products. Besides this, Home Depot also aims at being the exclusive supplier of building materials to licensed contractors. These three capture the core objectives of the company, established on the company’s values and in line with its vision. For example, the company seeks to focus its operations on improving customer satisfaction, by offering a variety of products and providing innovative products at competitive prices. This goal supports the company’s mission to deliver excellent customer service and to take care of people. According to Floor (2006), Home Depot has a uni que strength in the market, as it has built a reputation by offering high quality goods. By expanding its range of products, the company will be tackling one of its weaknesses. The company has for a long time been criticized for providing products of the same type and design. This company faces this challenge because it purchases its supplies from other manufacturers, a factor that limits its control on the features in a product. Product monotony has given the other competitors in the market an edge over Home Depot. The company’s image has also suffered considerably due to various products being recalled by the management after complaints from consumers. To its shareholders, the company strives to give them value for their investment. In order to remain profitable and be able to pay dividends, the company seeks to continually open new outlets and reach new markets. Home Depot now has thousands of outlets in the US and has opened 180 stores in Canada, about a hundred in Mexico , and a few in China and Britain. The company is also aggressively promoting its products to customers by establishing extra supply channels. To increase its earnings, Home Depot is reducing its cost of doing business significantly and investing heavily in its R & D. Home Depot has partnered with contractors in the growing home improvement industry and housing market. These collaborations although few, are among the many core competencies of this company, which
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Schizophrenia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Schizophrenia - Essay Example Several people who suffer from schizophrenia are not always violent and they do not cause harm to others. The disease is not associated with childhood experiences or inadequate parental guidance and the signs and symptoms differ from one person to another (Swerdlow, 2010). The primary cause of schizophrenia is not very precise, and multiple factors have been associated to predispose and cause the disease. Several scientists have associated schizophrenia with genetics as the main cause since it runs in the familial tree and that an individual inherits the disease. Similarly, schizophrenia has been identified to develop when an individual’s body undergoes several hormonal and physical changes, for example during puberty in adolescents. The disease may as well be triggered by some environmental factors such as infections by virus or when an individual is in a highly stressful situation. Chemical imbalance in the brain is another major cause of schizophrenia, whereby serotonin and dopamine fail to be in optimal levels. These chemicals (neurotransmitters) have a major function of allowing the nerve cells in the brain to send a signal to other parts. An imbalance of these neurotransmitters affects an individual’s brain reaction to stimuli. Thi s provides an explanation why an individual with schizophrenia occasionally gets overwhelmed by some sensory stimuli such as loud music or dazzling lights, which normal individuals easily handle (Roder & Medalia, 2010). There are no specific signs and symptoms of schizophrenia and they differ from one person to another. The symptoms can slowly develop over an extended period, sometimes several months to years and occasionally they may abruptly appear. In some cases, the disease may be on and off or persist continuously. Some of the symptoms include: hallucinations; where an individual feel or see things that are not real, an individual feels that he/she is always being watched, strange speaking of words,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Research Proposal Example The research will study the impacts of mobile devices on cyber security in Banda town that is located in the United States. This town is expected to have numerous users because it is located in the US, which has a high population of about 312 million (Shabtai, Fledel, Kanonov, Elovici, Dolev, & Glezer, 2010). The study will concentrate on colleges and universities in the region, because these institutions have numerous students who use mobile devices both at school and at home. The school administrators also use mobile phones to communicate with teachers and other supporting staff. Gaoyue (2013), the senior colonel of Nautilius Institute for security and sustainability, argues that the common uses of the internet include purchasing items in online stores, downloading music, sharing information oN social media platforms such as Face book, Twitter, and LinkedIn, paying electricity and water bills, and accessing television networks. These uses indicate that consumers post their personal information such as name, income, location, and credit card number on the cyber space. This information is personal meaning that it should only be accessed by the owners and other authorized people. However, since mobile phones perform functions that are similar to those of computers, it means that the information of consumers faces the threat of lack of privacy due to cyber threats. The cyber threats include viruses, malicious software, hacking, exposure of secrets, and network fraud (Wright, Dawson, & Omar, 2012). These cyber threats have impacts on consumers and companies that use the mobile devices to share information and purchase goods. Therefore, it is essential to study the impacts of the threats that mobile device users face; this will help in advising companies and consumers on how they can protect themselves from the hazards. The results of the study will enable teachers and students to identify the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 32
History - Essay Example Yet, new inventions and technological up-gradations are important. Neil Postman has identified a framework that has five factors that he thought is essential for any technological development. The experts feel that the frame work holds good for almost all of the technologies. The five factors are as follows: As the new technology comes in, it has certain advantages and disadvantages associated with it. But those advantages and dis-advantages are never distributed equally among the population and always there are certain gainers and some losers when a new technology is introduced. Western America had been famous for mines. It was in 1848, when James Marshall found gold at a ranch in Northern California. Soon, whole lot of Americans gathered in the region in search of luck through minerals. Some mined for gold while others for silver and other precious minerals. But the technology of mining changed soon. The crude wooden sluices that were used previously were replaced by hydraulic mining that used water jets to break the earth. Such a change impacted greatly over the economy and the society which can be co-related with the Neil Postman’s framework of new technology. As the first principle goes, the new technology called for huge investments and many of the small miners could not bear the cost and they lost the mines to big Western companies. The new technology was advantageous for the big established players and the companies as it called for huge investments. The entrepreneurs who dreamt of making it big through mines were definitely in the disadvantageous positions. The message (third principle) that came with the new technology was that more power was bestowed in the hands of the powerful and the rich with sound infrastructure only could take advantage of it. Though Postman says that the power should not be left to the few, in his fourth principle, most unfortunately same happened. It was only the big companies
Babylonians vs Hebrews Essay Example for Free
Babylonians vs Hebrews Essay The Hebrew creation story, found in Genesis from the Hebrew Bible, was based upon the story of one creator, God, the order of how things were created and the lives of the first man and woman. The Babylonian creation story, Enuma Elish, instead of having one god, had two god in the beginning, Tiamat and Apsu, and was the story of how several gods were born, thus creating different elements of earth, as well as the creation of the different features of the world after the battle between Tiamat and Marduk. Though, at first glance, these two different creation stories are dynamically different, closer inspection leads us to know that there are several similarities between these two accounts of the formation of the earth: the way the story was told, how many celestial beings were in each myth, how the earth was created, how humans were created, and the reason for humans to exist. In the Bible, Eve had eaten from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil thus banishing both Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. As punishment, God told Eve, â€Å"†¦thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. (Leeming 28) This shows that the Hebrew was a patriarchal society, and this story had an innuendo of justification of why men must control women. In the Enuma Elish, humans are not as prominent as the Hebrew Bible, but the creation of humans was more of an afterthought, but it does teach us about what is really important to the Babylonians and that is to serve the gods. Enuma Elish explained how man was created to serve the gods. In both myths there is a presence of the ability to make things appear with speaking. In the Hebrew Bible, God was able to create the heavens, earth, and everything within them by just simply speaking (minus humans). In the Enuma Elish, Marduk to prove to the other gods that he is different than they are made a cloth disappear and reappear by simply speaking. The close proximity between the two cultures, there was sure to have had a mixing between the two. The Hebrews Bible was not created until centuries after the Babylonian, so it is to be inferred that the Hebrews basically wanted to prove that their one god is better than the strongest god of the Babylonians. In the Hebrew Bible there was only God and Chaos (the waters), and in the Enuma Elish Tiamat and Apsu were the first beings, and they are the gods of salt and fresh water, So both started with water. Both stories started with water and in the end the creation of humans. Man was created in the image of God from â€Å"the dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostril the breath of life. â€Å" (Leeming 27), and woman we created from the ribs of man in the Bible. In a similar fashion, the Babylonian myth depicted that Marduk created man from the blood and bone. This shows that both the Hebrews and Babylonians showed that humans were created from celestial beings and are different from everything else that was created, because they were fashioned differently and are to serve a purpose: to take care of everything God created (Hebrews), and to serve the gods (Babylonians). Enuma Elish and the Hebrew creation story are similar in the way of how these myths are presented. In both myths, water was there before anything else in some variation . The idea of a firmament to hold the skies up is also prominent in both stories, because of the wonderment of how the ‘water’ stays up in the sky. Also the notion of sets of twos are pronounced: light and darkness, sky and ocean, beasts of the water and beasts of the sky (Hebrew), Apsu and Tiamat, Lahmu and Lahamu, dividing Tiamat in half, blood and bone (Mesopotamian). Humans created last in Enuma Elish and in the Bible chapter one are also similarity. A subtle relationship between the two myths is the power of creating things through speech. God from the Bible created everything through speaking, and Marduk was able to math a garment disappears and reappear with speech as well. The Babylonians did not just have one god like the Hebrews but several gods depicting different things: Salt water, fresh water, sky, etc. The Hebrews just had one ultimate god that created and encompassed everything living. Also the two myths focused on two things. The Babylonians focused on the stories of the gods and how each was created, the war between Tiamat and Marduk, and how man was created as to serve the gods. The Hebrews had two stories of creation: an explanatory showing how the heavens and earth was created, and a narrative that explained how humans fit in the world that God created and why we have mortal sin. The Hebrews wanted to push the point across that humans were created to take care of the earth and everything God has created, and the Bablyonians wanted to show that they were created to serve the gods. The Bible Genesis Chapter One shows Campbell’s first function of myth: mystical. The first chapter explains on how the world was created and why we have certain aesthetics of the world. Campbell’s third function of myth, cosmlogical, is depicted in the Enuma Elish at the end explain how we were created to serve the gods and that is how we fit into the Universe. The Hebrews explain that Eve (woman) was the reason that mortal sin exist in this world, and enhances the reason why Hebrews were a patriarchal society and that men have to rule over woman as punishment of Eve’s sin. To sum it up, Enuma Elish and the Bible are from two different cultures, in two different locations, but despite this they are very similar . There are several motifs that are prominent that prove this, however, these two myths are still radically different in certain aspects of organization and the belief system.
Monday, July 22, 2019
The role of emotion in racial prejudice Essay Example for Free
The role of emotion in racial prejudice Essay Racial prejudice was defined by Allport , one of the first researchers in psychology to investigate the issue, as an aversive or hostile attitude towards a person who belongs to a group, simply because he or she belongs to that group, and is therefore presumed to have the objectionable qualities ascribed to that group. It is an antipathy based on a faulty and inflexible generalization (Allport, 1954). Racial prejudice exists on 3 levels: behavioral, cognitive and affective. The actual discrimination or unequal treatment towards a particular group based on their race is the behavioral component of racial prejudice. The cognitive component is made up of stereotypes. Stereotypes are categories of cognitions concerning the members of a particular group. These cognitions are usually simple, often over generalized, and frequently inaccurate. Stereotypes are not simply abstractions about group categories. They can act as cognitive filters through which we select what information to use, what to ignore, and how to interpret it. Stereotypes do not exist in isolation. They are accompanied by emotions, which are usually expressed in terms that can be distributed along a continuum ranging from the intensely negative to the very positive. (Simpson and Yinger, 1972) The emotional level is a major element of racism, because it serves as the motivation for stereotyping. Stereotypes would not be so powerful without affective links. After the cognitive level has been challenged and undermined, one continues to maintain stereotypes at the emotional or affective level. As the intensity of emotion increases, so does the level of prejudice. This paper will explore the influence of emotions on ones unconscious and conscious inclinations towards stereotyping and racism. Fear, anxiety, disgust and anger are all emotions that exist at the root of racism. According to an evolutionary perspective, fear is one of the most motivational emotions humans have in their bodies to keep them alive. It protects humans from danger, by motivating them to fight back when they are being threatened. This fight manifests itself in many different ways, but in the context of racism it is in the form of discrimination towards an out-group. This explains racism as a means of fighting back when an individuals fear has been aroused due to perceived threat to an ones fundamental needs by the out-group. Fear exists in the reptilian brain, the very basic area of the brain and it can sometimes be aroused unconsciously. Fear can cause neurotransmitters to fill the brain, bringing an individual to such a heightened state of arousal that the cause of fear becomes internalized. (Le Doux, 2002) In the context of racism, if an individual or group is identified with that arousal, an association is made that is not easily removed. This evolutionary logic leads to many thoughts about factors in modern day society leading to the acquisition of new stereotypes and prejudices, as well as the endurance existing stereotypes and prejudices. For example, a recent study conducted by Schaller, Park and Mueller investigated the effect of ambient darkness and thoughts about danger on stereotypes about Blacks. The participants were placed in either a well lit or dark room, then they were presented photographs of black males and asked to rate how much they represented the cultural stereotype. The study also included a separate questionnaire to assess each participants thoughts of living in a dangerous world. The results showed that when the participants were in the well lit room, their level of perceived danger in the world did not have an effect on the intensity of their stereotypes of blacks. However, when the participants were in the dark room, stereotypes of blacks were more intense in association with their level of perceived danger in the world. To people everywhere darkness is a threat, it presents danger due to vulnerability and has evil connotations. This study clearly illustrates the relationship between racism and fear. (Schaller, Park Mueller, 2002). Inter-group anxiety has been proven to be another motivator for racial prejudice. High levels of intergroup anxiety may amplify normative behavioral patterns, cause cognitive and motivational information processing biases, intensify self-awareness, and augment emotional reactions (Stephan Stephan, 1985). Stephan and Stephan proposed that intergroup anxiety stems mainly from the anticipation of negative consequences for oneself during contact. Much of the intergroup anxiety may be caused by minimal previous contact with the outgroup, the existence of large status differentials, and a high ratio of outgroup to ingroup members. Stephan and Stephans own study of Hispanic Americans perceptions of Anglos showed that high voluntary contact was negatively associated, and that high believed dissimilarity and stereotyping were positively associated, with intergroup anxiety. It was predicted that increased contact (under appropriate conditions) would be associated with decreased intergroup anxiety and that, in the context of our field study of minority and majority religious groups, intergroup anxiety would be higher for minority group members. (Stephan Stephan, 1985) The Social-identity theory is widely used as an explanation for prejudice. According to Social-Identity theory, an individual attains self-concept and self-esteem through membership to a particular group. A high need for esteem and belonging are often associated with racism because of the psychological need it fulfill it to feel superior, (which in actuality is a state of inferiority). In order for individuals to feel as though their group is meaningful and has status, it is unconsciously necessary for them to place others below them. In applying emotion to this model of prejudice, it is evident that fear of rejection acts as a motivator for out-group discrimination in order to protect ones own ego. A newer model of prejudice; Intergroup Emotions Theory, combines this social identity perspective with the assumptions of appraisal theories of emotion. Intergroup Emotions Theory claims that emotions are caused by the collective aspect of the self. For example, when an outgroup is appraised as threatening an ingroup, negative intergroup emotions such as fear or anger may result, and become part of a general prejudice against the outgroup that may motivate discriminatory behavior. Thus, Intergroup Emotions Theory holds that emotions experienced by individuals with respect to their group memberships make a unique contribution to prejudice and intergroup relations. In association with the Intergroup Emotion Theory which recognizes the appraisals and attribution process in racial motives. Esses, Haddock and Zanna point out that there is more to prejudice than merely the attribution of stereotypes to groups. Their research suggests that the emotions elicited by a particular group are important in determining ones level of prejudice. When one is in a good mood, he or she is likely to evaluate members of out-groups more favorably than when he or she is in a bad mood. (Esses, Haddock Zanna, 1993) Another example of the role emotion plays in predicting racial prejudice is illustrated in a study by Esses and Dovidio. They found that when white students were shown a videotape of a black man experiencing discrimination in several situations and asked to focus on their feelings about each situation, they felt more positive toward blacks and were more willing to interact with blacks in the future than students who were told to pay attention to their thoughts in this regard. Aversive racism is yet another way in which emotion is seen as a factor in racism. Aversive racism is accompanied by feelings of anxiety, which are caused by intergroup expectancies and by the contribution of ignorance that often coexists with fear. Gaertner and Dovidio state that aversive racism is excluded from conscious awareness and amplifies positive behaviours toward a minority group. Negative feelings follow these overly positive behaviours. Gaertner and Dovidio indicate that there are several possible negative emotions involved such as discomfort, anxiety, uneasiness, disgust and even fear. These emotions occur because of the extreme cognitive exercise necessary to avoid expressing unacceptable racist comments. Once again it is being suggested that negative emotions mediate the relationship between stereotypes, which are unavoidable, and prejudice that includes affect. (Gaertner and Dovidio, 1986) The studies mentioned throughout this paper prove that emotions play a significant role in human tendencies towards racial prejudices. It is also evident that these tendencies can be in many ways unconscious. However, much of this research has also shown that if humans are made more aware of the role that their emotions play in these prejudice thoughts and actions, they can learn to monitor them consciously. Also other research has noted that by increasing intergroup contact racism between groups will decrease. Racial prejudice is a major social problem that must be alleviated and more research in this area will always be beneficial in helping society become more unified. Works Cited Allport, The Nature of Prejudice, Doubleday, 1958 Esses, V. Dovidio, J. (2002). The role of emotions in determining willingness to engage in intergroup contact. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 637-649. Esses, V. M. , Haddock, G. , Zanna, M. P. (1993). Values, stereotypes, and emotions as determinants of intergroup attitudes. In D. M. Mackie D. L. Hamilton (Eds. ), Affect, cognition and stereotyping: Interactive processes in group perception (pp. 137-166). San Diego: Academic Press. Gaertner, S. L. , Dovidio, J. F. (1986). The aversive form of racism. In J. F. Dovidio S. L. Gaertner (Eds. ), Prejudice, Discrimination, and Racism. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. LeDoux, Joseph. The Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are. Viking, 2002. Schaller, M. , Park, J. , Mueller, A. (2002). Fear of the dark: Interactive effects of beliefs about dander and ambient darkness on ethnic stereotypes. Personality and Social Bulletin, 28, 1242-1254. Simpson G. E. Yinger J. M, Racial and Cultural Minorities. An Analysis of Prejudice and Discrimination, New York 1972, p. 24. Stephan, W. G. , Stephan, C. W. (1985). Intergroup anxiety. Journal of Social Issues, 41(3), 157-175.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Process of Literary Translation
The Process of Literary Translation 2.1 Literary Translation Translation process is an artistic communication between the author, the translator and the reader and the words used by the translator constitutes the major part in the process of communicating ideas or feelings of the author. Literature is both the condition and the place of artistic communication between senders and addressees or the public (Basnett,2002) The translator is the first one who must comprehend, read and interpret the source text then to render it in a different medium. Literary translation includes fiction,poetry, drama and the language arts must be taken into consideration by the translator. The purposes of the translator are to transfer the information but also to create an equivalent form of art. The beauty of the translators work is that they bring a great contribution to the creative process being recognized as part of the literary world. The literary translator must therefore possess a great knowledge of both the TL culture and language and the SL culture being able to command tone, style to glean meaning for ambiguity and to identify with the authors style and imagination. Literary texts are characterized by rhetorical and aesthetic value. There is a strong connection between form and content within literary text while the non literary text the content is separated from the structure. Translation problems and solutions 2.1.1 Basic concepts First of all it is clear that every book is different and it presents its own problems.For this reason the translator of literary fiction is the one who makes most of the critical decisions when it comes to produce the best translation.It is thought that sometimes it is more important to create a translation that can evoque the spirit and particular energy of the original rather than making a translation faithful to the original. Usually this is the main concern of a translator because one may think that taking these liberties may be seen as unprofessional.The new work, the new translation is actually an interpretation of the original therefore it is not mandatory to preserve literal words and phrases in order to be faithfull to the ST.On contrary,, translators are encouraged to use their creative abilities to adapt the original text. Translators maust take risks when it comes to render a good translation in order for the readers to understand the writer s message.This could not be achieved by following word for word translation because it would not stimulate the interest of the readership. A literary translator must have the skills to transmit feelings, culture, nuances, humour and other elements of the masterpiece. According to Sachin Ketkar in the field of Literary Translation, the central problem is to find the TL equivalence for features of the original as style, genre, figurative language and historical stylistic dimensions, polyvalence, connotations as well as denotations,cultural items and culture specific concepts and values 2.1.2 Titles Title of a book, an article, or a newspaper is the element which captures the attention of the public. The title is nowadays a commercial decision and sometimes a complete change is required in a translators activity in order to attract the world of consumers, readers. The decision of changing or adapting a title must be made tough based on the content of the specific text. One of the cases where the title was kept in the translated text as original is the case of Sandra Smith-the one who translated the book la suite Francaise- who decided to keep the title in French despite the fact that she was skeptical about the acceptance of her translation in the American narket.However the book was a great success in UK AND 2007. The Italian Levi Primo did not agree to change the title of his books. The title of one of his books If this is a man was an integral part of the book, but it was changed in the American edition into Escape from Auschwitz a title which he considered inappropriate and vulgar. La chiave a stella another book of the Italian writer was published in US under a new title The Monkeys wrench which was not suitable because the title refered to a certain shape and the apostrophe changed its sense. Gill Paul in his book states that relying on a literal translation for a title is a common mistake because the translator may select a misleading title which may affect the readers reaction. Literary translators should be creative when it comes to decide for the best title when translating a book. 2.1.3 Stylized language Translating a text can be a real challenge when the specific text was written in a particular style a long time ago.Even contemporary writers may have a style which can pe problematic for a translator.The problem is if the translator decides to update the text in order to make it accessible, thereby may loose distinctive use of vocabulary and other characteristics of the original text. Nobody would expect to read Shakespeare in Modern English because it would loose its beauty. Gill Paul suggests some advice in order to render a proper translation.He states that if the author of a book is still alive, it would be wise to actually get in touch with the artist in order to obtain a better understanding of its masterpiece.Unfortunately this option is not always available, therefore translators must become in other words the artists who can recreate a new style but to have the same effect that can be percepted by the readership. Translators must often become their own critics in order to obtain the correct mood, tone and style with the original. Sometimes, certain feelings can influence the style of a text which it would be a negative part of a translator;s work.For this reason, translators should always keep an objective attitude towards their work, sometimes changing the direct speech into indirect speech or sometimes they can leave the passage out. Something will have been lost but the important thing is that translation should not call attention to itself because it can ruin the readers experience of the book (Gill Paul) Strong language I personally find bad language very difficult to translate as literal translation.Translators tend to ignore the strong language because they are not comfortable with it.In some cultures, swearing is a more common activity than any other thing.In English-speaking countries, bad language is considered less acceptable. The main problem is that sometimes there is no equivalent which can match the other culture, language to be translated. Robert Chandler had encountered bad language when translating the Russian text The Railways Curses and swearwords present a particular problem for translatorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦our lexicon of abusive language is oddly limited and the more flared curses still common in Russian tend to sound laughable if translated at all literally He suggests simplifying the words by having our own perception of the essence of the bad words in the other culture. Swear words function as vehicles of self expression. There are three ways to translate the strong language. The most effective method which cannot always be used is to find the words equivalent in the TL, but swearwords are sometimes culturally derived and they have no perfect equivalence or perfect translation. Another way to translate the bad language is to rephrase the term, which means avoiding the word in question, not always faithful to the original text. Translating word by word is another way to translate the bad language but it does not always match the meaning of the word itself. Translators must deal with censorship and must choose between translating the text as it is worded or adjusting it to reflect the speech patterns of the TL. Translators agree that is not professional to omit specific words based only on ethical or moral grounds.The text itself is not targeted towards them therefore they should not take it as offence and it is in their best interest to provide a faithful translation. Colloquialisms In this area the, the most important issue with slang is the selection of the appropriate terms. G.Paull states that in this area it can be a question of getting exactly the right translator for the job .He also describes the profile of the suitable translator for colloquialism: Translators with a good working knowledge of colloquialism, dialect and slang in the native country, who can get across the meaning and help to come up with equivalents that are appropriate, do not jar with the reader and most importantly, do not date. Translators must be sensitive to the culture and colloquial differences of different countries.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Terrorism, Peace and Diversity :: September 11 Terrorism Essays
Terrorism, Peace and Diversity  Acts of terrorism underscore the urgent need to promote peace. Yet, this is also an opportunity to promote diversity. Indeed, peace and diversity are related.  --It is a good time to look at ripple effects and connections.  --More than 1/3 of the people killed in the World Trade Center on September 11 were not Americans. They were citizens of 70-80 other countries. Hundreds were Muslims.  --More than 40% of residents of New York City are foreign-born.  --The dead and missing and 6,000+ treated at hospitals in New York City, and several hundred more at the Pentagon and in the Pennsylvania crash, have families and friends--if each one has only 10 family and 10 friends, that's 250,000 people directly connected to the injuries and deaths, in shock and mourning for their personal loss and grief--but of course the number is much larger. If there was a funeral every day, it would be 20 years of going to funerals.  --Many Americans apparently do not know about the differences between Muslim and Hindu, or Arab and Muslim, not to mention Sikh and Coptic Christian, much less between terrorist and fellow-citizen. Many do not make any distinctions, do not care about making distinctions.  --Americans are notoriously bad at knowing geography and languages, cultures and religions. Now, the situation cannot be understood without knowing about Kashmir, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Iraq, for starters, not to mention the internal conflict in Afghanistan, the nuclear bomb tests by India and Pakistan, and how the United States, the largest weapons dealer in the world, provided missiles to the Mujaheddin in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union that some people fear may be used against the U.S.  --I recall the corporate audiences in New Jersey who told me that more than 20% of Americans are Jews. The correct figure is 2-3%. Many African-Americans, part of a group that is 13% of the population, do not recognize Jews as a minority group. There are about 3.5 million Arab Americans and about 3-5 million Muslims (there's no accurate count) in the USA. Should it matter how large or small a group is to be covered by the Bill of Rights, by basic American principles?  I think we should volunteer to be resource people in local schools.
Free Essays on Terrorism: A Message to the Terrorists :: September 11 Terrorism Essays
A Message to the Terrorists "You monster. You beast. You unspeakable bastard. "What lesson did you hope to teach us by your coward's attack on our World Trade Center, our Pentagon, us? What was it you hoped we would learn? Whatever it was, please know that you failed. "Did you want us to respect your cause? You just damned your cause. "Did you want to make us fear? You just steeled our resolve. "Did you want to tear us apart? You just brought us together. "Let me tell you about my people. We are a vast and quarrelsome family, a family rent by racial, social, political and class division, but a family nonetheless. We're frivolous, yes, capable of expending tremendous emotional energy on pop cultural minutiae -- a singer's revealing dress, a ball team's misfortune, a cartoon mouse. We're wealthy, too, spoiled by the ready availability of trinkets and material goods, and maybe because of that, we walk through life with a certain sense of blithe entitlement. We are fundamentally decent, though -- peace-loving and compassionate. We struggle to know the right thing and to do it. And we are, the overwhelming majority of us, people of faith, believers in a just and loving God. "Some people -- you, perhaps -- think that any or all of this makes us weak. You're mistaken. We are not weak. Indeed, we are strong in ways that cannot be measured by arsenals. "Yes, we're in pain now. We are in mourning and we are in shock. We're still grappling with the unreality of the awful thing you did, still working to make ourselves understand that this isn't a special effect from some Hollywood blockbuster, isn't the plot development from a Tom Clancy novel. Both in terms of the awful scope of their ambition and the probable final death toll, your attacks are likely to go down as the worst acts of terrorism in the history of the United States and, probably, the history of the world. You've bloodied us as we have never been bloodied before. "But there's a gulf of difference between making us bloody and making us fall. This is the lesson Japan was taught to its bitter sorrow the last time anyone hit us this hard, the last time anyone brought us such abrupt and monumental pain.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Essay --
Jacob bowler Ms. Miller English 12 26 October, 2013 How the Nazi regime changed the world Hail Hitler this was the phrase of the most feared group at the time the Nazi regime. They were one of the most powerful groups in the world even after losing one war they start up another one. Fighting and for the most part concurring and ruling lots of lands. They tricked everyone with their claim of just trying to reclaim the previously lost lands. Now while the nazi party did ultimately fail in their attempt to take over control of the world, they did succeed in creating great amounts of fear making many technological advancements and destroying millions of the Jewish race. One of two greatest motivators of people is fear, or fear of something. This was a great motivator of the Nazi regime their powerful tactics and ideas did not just cause fear for the time period of theirs but also to the present we still fear many things that had happened back then. One small thing that they did that still is here today is the fear of the police, with the secret police there was great fear of them and what they could do to you. With that fear people were less likely to disobey Hitler’s laws and methods. How that method still lasts today is that lots of people still fear cops and generally distrust the police and those associated with them. That means everyone that dose any illegal activity is very afraid of cops and any form of punishment that they could deal out. Then there is the undercover cops just like the secret police, cops that could infiltrate groups doing illegal activities. This also makes the groups very distrustful of most people, just like the pe ople that helped the Jews during the holocaust. So after all the pain and destruction of th... ... They came up with most the terror tactics showing that there can be many different ways of controlling specific groups through through many different tactis. So thought this it shows that the past and what happened there can have a great effect on us that it caused us to learn from the mistakes from the past. It shows that we have done many stupid things but also a lot of great things came out of the nazi party that they created. Showing that the best of things along with the worst of things can come out of the same thing. Horrors and miericals, bad and good everything can have two sides and different effects so this is how the Nazi party while failing to be able to control the world they did succeed in generating great amounts of fear, making many technological advancements and then greatly diminishing the populations of the Jews through murderous activities .
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Liberty vs Security Essay
When the founding fathers created the government of the United States, they wanted the government not to be so constricting with its rule. In other words, freedom, but freedom in its purest can be dangerous so they had to put some security to their newly made country. They did this by giving the executive branch the power to enforce laws and keep the peace. In the beginning, it was all good but things have changed throughout the years where security had to be increased. Now-a-days, some people think security has been increase to such a point that there isn’t fair anymore but that just isn’t the case. There is now terrorism in the world people live in and the Executive branch is taking the necessary precautions to stay safe. With the Obama Administration’s war on terror, the executive branch is taking the necessary precautions to keep the nation safe with drone attacks, warrantless wiretapping, and advanced interrogation techniques. [Drone essay Ms. Devine has don e] Wireless wiretapping also keeps the peace of the United States. As Steven G. Bradbury states in the pro CQR Essay about wiretapping, â€Å"taking precautions, such as wiretapping, helps keep America from suffering another 9/11†(Clemmitt). He also brings up another point about the enemies being more sophisticated now because of the â€Å"advancements in communication causing and allowing the enemies operate in obscurity†(Clemmitt). This is dangerous for the American public so this wiretapping is necessary but that is not the point the con CQR essay brings up. Koh, the author of the con essay, mentions that â€Å"FASA was made to stop spying on the American public and permit a warrant if surveillance on an American citizen is to be done, it should not be done warrantless†(Clemmitt). Koh doesn’t take into account that the enemy could be an American citizen which would be dangerous to leave unchecked. Koh’s point has been the source of many lawsuits in America but has not gone through thanks to some judges. An issue in San Francisco federal court happened where â€Å"a group of AT&T costumers filed a lawsuit against the N.S.A. but the U.S. government stopped them†(Levine). This is necessary so America can keep their security intact. After 9/11 happened, America was scarred for life. It had cause America do begin a war on terror which were the like no one has seen. â€Å"One of the things the military did was hold detainees at Guantanamo Bay to interrogate them. The detainees would be brought to interrogation rooms in shackles and would get extensively questioned†(Kirk). In the pro essay about the CIA amounting to torture Kaye states that â€Å"these enhanced interrogation techniques are inhumane and wrong†(Jost). As bad as they may seem, according to CIA veteran John Brennan, during a 2007 CBS television interview, â€Å"the enhanced interrogation techniques were able to produce useful information, worked against real hardcore terrorists, and saved lives†(Zakaria and Hosenball). If these techniques got that type of information, then it is keeping the nation safe. And thusly, America has been kept a safer place. There are still some problems but terrorism has been controlled to not happen often. With the executive branch’s moves to use drones, wiretap, and enhanced interrogation techniques, America is in a necessary state of security. Even though some freedoms don’t seem to be, it is only to keep the peace in the United States and to have a safer nation.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
History revision Essay
archives- What historiographers chose to interpret from the endure render of the past Source + historians = Histories invariablyy last(predicate) historians save their own views and vexs due(p) to their fostering hence that the process of selection and translation distorts our knowledge further. Issues in historiography Training of historians objectiveness in floor Oral societies and tale Problems of historical research Universal level secernate- selection Source- How? Truth- Consensuses Context/ Perspectives Selection- Who decides? Interpretation decreeIdeology- Reputation, perspective, emerging ideas, lack of evidence actors line and technique- To place emphasis and how historians chose to say methodological systemal summary- How the representation you put the sources? (cross-examine, verification) Facts in history muniment from above or below source Judgement- Whose? Audience Linguistics biography and Ideology- policy-making beliefs influence Explicit vs. Implicit Something understandably or implied Form of publications- poems, speech What argon historical facts? Carl Becker 1. register is subjective- personal desires and prejudices (history changes on with societys values) 2.History is understand differently between people (interpreting what in the past is though) 3. History stacknot be re-enacted as a series of events 4. History is write on how much the Historian can extract from the evidence and his knowledge- background, audience, purpose, motive. 5. History is pre-occupied with ice-cold and hard facts and not small point (the obvious history) Case Study Herodotus The historian Born at Halicarnassus (485 BC 425 BC) Exiled due to conspiring against Persians Merchant and pass awayler classic Historian Cannot be free form stroke (critical judgement)Educated (upper class) Harnessed ill feelings to state of wards Persian Motive and Purpose for Writing These are the researches of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, which he p ublishes, in the hope of thereby preserving from decay the remembrance of what men have done, and of preventing the great(p) and wonderful actions of the Greeks and the foreigners from losing their due indispensableness of idealization and to put on write down what were their grounds of feud To commemorate To pertain the memory of the past by lay on record the astonishing achievements two of his and other people and more particularly.To yield how they come into conflict To record the glory of Greeks To record stories even where truth is out of the question (fantasises, legends) Inspired by pedestal and Hecateus methodological analysis and Technique Witness accounts Values Reports Sources Interests Viewpoints Evidence Books Entertainment Evidence Observations The Mind Enquiries manner of speaking and Style (words and phrases chosen, speeches, audience) Future Generations Peoples viewpoint/ indication Memories Opinions Rumours Claims Honour Home and Hecateus Orally- entert aining Conflicting accounts Type of History Anthropology- study of mankind EthnologyTraditions, cultures and religious stories- oracles, wonders, marvels, dreams, myths, omens, sacrifices, prophecies, fables Societies- commonplace practices Orators, politicians, demagogues, battles and warriors Polyphonic Constructed and recorded Books- customs, legends, history and custom (The Histories) War between Persia and Greece Social and literary narrative Similar work sprint from predecessors (Homer and Hecateus oral historians) Knowledge from his extensive travels Consulted witnesses and examined whenever practical and dreams, oracles and portents His opinion on plausible reports from improbable onesIntention of publishing hence cosmos bias (perspective) Poetry (exaggeration) Impact of the historian on historiography Set a banner no matter what (guidelines and rules) Creation of westerly historical paternity Include everything/ everybody establish on research Establishes historical theme as freely economic, political and diplomatic, social, sexual, religious, armed services or naval History as a field (social, cultural, gendered, religious, political, armed services An interrogative Storytelling and discipline Father of history and lies Establishes history as a mode of storytellingsituation modernism Vocabulary Commemorative elysian interjection Greek pride truehearted Remembrance Perspective of elite Greek society Broad Perspective overplus Case Study- Thucydides The historian 460BC- 400 BC Elite, wealthy, male Early military flight was cut short due to abomination in capital of Greece One of Athens ten generals Failing to save Amphipholis, he spends 20 years in exile. He returned at 404 BC. He has the opportunity to travel to both sides during the Peloponnesian War era of the sophists- uses debates and rhetoric to argue issues Sceptical and sageMotive and Purpose for Writing My work is not a piece of authorship designed to meet the taste of an qu ick public, but was done to last for ever I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win the cheering of the moment, but as a willpower for all time Wrote the history of the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians that it would be a great war and more worthy of intercourse than any that had preceded it Does not glorify war To record Methodology and Technique towering value on eyewitness testimoniesEpisodes of himself fetching part Consulted written documents Interviews of participants Does not live divine interventions Modern historical objectivity Chronology- summers and winters Debates that he records From memory Sharp analysis of causes and force plays Language and Style (words and phrases chosen, speeches, audience) To last through the ages Prose literature Speeches- adds realism Cross-examination lustiness of their ideas on logic and rational thought process Debates Morals Type of History semipolitical and military historyDetailed writing of military , naval battles, preparation for battles, encouraging speeches by generals, effects and consequences of war Peloponnesians War Events (no arts, literature or society) War of Greeks- disputes, colonies, war, envoys Fast moving, precise, directed, decisive, cautiously structured and highly analytic austere chronological method Monologic Constructed and recorded sophists speeches (used debates and arguments and prevent argument, view and counter view, opinion and counter opinion) ObjectiveBook- History of the Peloponnesian War Headlined and narrow events- military and political and diplomatic Impact of the historian on historiography Invention of a chronological way Developed an understanding of tender-hearted nature explaining behaviours in such crises (plagues, massacres and complaisant war) instead on divine intervention History is based on logic and rational reasons and thinking Increased of true statement and reliability of sources Sharp analysis of causes and effectFather o f scientific history- tight standard of evidence gathering and analysing of evidence History was to learn from the past hence making better decisions in the future tense Didactic- to teach Vocabulary Rhetoric of question with phrases like Devoted in evoking in detail Focus on a great historical boundary, a period of war Analytical No criticisms Refers to an interpretation Innovative Critical World history Case Study- Horrible Histories, Teary favourite Aim/ purpose Entertainment, monetary, childrens interest in historyMotive create a statement (anti-authority & context) as take aim interest in history is declining Methodology Consults historians (record, writing, collecting) Have professional actors Scripts (Performance) Series on Television (BBC) Language/ style showy bright colours In a humorous way Stories about people, in dramatic situations, with jokes Gags Imagination Impact refocus the presentation of history to young children From being dry and dull to with humour History is now acceptable to be shown on TV for children Information of history has changed dramatically Case Study- Bede
Looking Back and Forward
Comfortable liveness In my young old age I had some handsome misshapen views some the world close to me thanks to my p atomic number 18nts, in the main my mother, precisely as I take up fully gr aver up and am now an adult t hosepipe views get get to of changed immensely and do me a representter person. My image is retributiveine Fir and I grew up in a decent sizing town c tout ensembleed Fullerton, California. Let me double brook a second. I was born in D everyas, Texas, scarcely tackd by my adopted parents in grey California from age 3 months until 18 years old. Fullerton was your standard definition of a town for concourse who were of the swiftness middle class to the lower upper class income classifications.This paper is being written with the function to describe to you how my raising at a in truth previous(predicate) age, my own secretly kept views, and afterwards events in my adolescence has shaped me into who I am to mean solar day. I am from a nei ghborhood of folks who are well off financially with decent sized houses and n frosting cars. My parents, Marinate and Robert Fir, were in truth well off. He was a Cardiovascular Surgeon, and she Just left a amply end nursing Job to raise me and my younger sister Mary. Being the oldest of the two, although non by much, I got spoiled more and learned early on how to point what I takeed by bearing my mouth shut and staying on moms commodity side.My dad was bingle of the sweetest, most level headed twats wholeness would want to do unless mom was around and so it was corresponding a complete transformation into somebody unpleasant within minutes. My mom pretty was on the same level as the Rockefeller. E trulything with her, from A-Z, had to be the very top of the line, brand labeled stuff. I pretty much grew up with a golden take in my mouth. Now one would think that this was the high life sentence and a dream come lawful that let me tell you it was non all it was cra cked up to be.I found out very early on that my moms substance of showing delight was through the all beat American symbolic representation we all cherish and aspect called the Dollar. Here is a hundred dollars now get out of my confront and I forget give you $300 for either A on your report card and $250 for all(prenominal) B as long as you keep up good grades and do not dishonor our reputation, she would say. Then when I got the A I was told What, you couldnt get an A+? Dont get me wrong, I loved my mom, except she was the most hateful, snobbish person that the great unwashed despised crossing paths with.If their friends or mine were not Caucasian, and so they were bad wad and she would make snide comments almost them. So you can imagine how it sat with ere that my Dads leave-takingner, and owner of the medical practice, was from Honk Kong and wealthier than we were. Her intolerance did not disclose at race alone but forficate out to mess of different lifestyl es or religions ilk the Gays or Muslims. The comments she would make like All gays should be put on an Island and blown up really made me uncomfortable in general particularly since she did not care who heard her or where we were.This upbringing had me in a whirlwind. I was being taught that every person who was not white,catholic, and straight was an outcast but all the while struggling in my approximation to fight this knowing that at age 9 1 was only interested romantically in guys. Needless to say this was something that I could not smash to anyone until I was out of the house. My dad was nothing like this unless my mother was within ear shot. At send-off glance anyone would think this was a complete nightmare and all around bad situation but I go forth explain later wherefore this was actually a blessing in mask and made me who I am today.Erie Frontbencher alludes to the important people in our lives as being a part of our micro-system and I fully agree (Witt & Mossier, 2010). I bet you are wondering why I made that last comment astir(predicate) making me who I am today and also curious as to who among the most important people in my life back then was the top one. Surprise, the top one was my mom Marinate. It was through the path she treated people and looked at the world that I utter to myself at that place is no way, under any circumstances, that I will grow up being that snobby and that judgmental. I was determined to treat others equally and as I would want to be I can admirer people and make a difference. My dad was an nasty man. It was through watching him that I learned how to last her. The simple answer to that was to ignore her or now and then nod in agreement even though I was opposed to hat she had Just said or did. He also taught me that money was not everything and that treating people differently based on the size of their pocket books was wrong. I really looked up to him and value his input more than he plausibly will eve r know.My neighbors truly abeted me through this tough time as they were all real people righteous being who they were naturally, not caring 100% what others vox populi or my mom. I was able to vent to them and unloose my guard to them although still not on the feature that I was gay. Without them in my life I probably would have exploded. So you robbery saw in my outline that I listed the man at the ice rink as being an important decide in my life. I was between the ages of nine and cardinal when my mom decided I should take up ice skating. She had always waived hi to this nice guy who drove the machine to clear and clean the ice.One day I decided to wave back. She fiercely started back at me and said I do not want that AIDS infested fagged coming oer here. This both hurt and shocked me. When she was not around I would talk with him about his life and how he was doing. He confided in me about how he was in fact gay and had AIDS. He also told me how much Marinate dated him for that and could not understand why she did the phony waves and smiles. I looked up to him for having the courage to be himself and to not let the words or actions of others lick him.I was probably 15 when I last visited my grandma, Rose, in San Francisco with a friend of mine. We were there with my dad who was tour his father in the hospital dying. Rose and I were discussing random things when out of the blue she said write out is love and rare to find. I was completely stupid(p) and speechless at this comment. Not only had she then known he was more then a friend but was okay with t. It was at that heartbeat that I knew once I made the stopping point to finally come out to my parents that I would never hide who I was meant to be. That people are people just trying to live the best life they can while on this earth.I read an condition that goes along with what I have been writing about and it states that the foundation of who we are today is influenced by the people who h ave input of any kind in our life, I. E. Parents, caregivers, siblings, relatives, teachers, churches, sports teams, clubs, friends, employers, employees, work mates, and so on. How we choose to interpret hose experiences is unique to us (Essence Holistic, 2012). So as I kind of alluded to in the above paragraphs, I am determined one day to be in a position where I can help people from all walks of like and let them know someone cares and is tone out for their best interests.That is why I am choosing to go into the social scholarship major and then further that with a commission degree. My goal is to hold groups and help people with hive/AIDS which is something I have since I was around 10 years old I have been dreaming of my prince charming sweeping me off my feet and ontogenesis old together while having many adventures ND building a life together. A tidy sum of people are Jaded on this predilection but I think this fairy recital romance can and does exist. It is Just rare to find.Although I too am leery at this hap in this stage of my, I still hold onto that hope. I feel getting a immutable career will further pave the way for this happening. In the end I Just want what most of us want and that is a persistent place to lay our heads with a companion at our sides to share the good and bad times and Just be comfortable without too many stresses and worries. smell back, due to my upbringing, I would never have woolgather that Id be an openly, proud gay man with friends of all ages and from all walks of life whom I value equally.It was because of those times and the struggles once I left home over the last 15 plus years that has arrive me here today realizing that a people orient career is what I desire. I am looking forward to utilizing this knowledge and becoming an even bust person driven to help others open their eyes. As mentioned above, I was exposed to many distorted views about society and the world around me due to the way my mother w as. This was then of course furthered by my own realization of who I was. Although our support groups may bind off active vibes and may be self centered, it does not have to be a bad thing nor predetermine our own destiny.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Any work
I do non agnize how the blackboard-cleaning is relate to Rajiv Gandhi Vidyutikaran YoJana? If free rifle cleanly demand electricity,then it leave be much than proolematic to instrument passim India. My selective information link up to blackboards includes solely schoolingings(private and govt. )in artless and urban India. tummy swear my shutdown with un equivalent take for an eye ons and datas alert by govt. and non-govt. agencies that motionlessness in campestral subject to a greater extent than wholenessness-half of the schools choose minimum grassroots theme.As furthest s Mid-day repast evasion is touch I engage rangeed on this in 23 blocks. have intercourse what timbre of f ar-grain comes for the food and how officials and section of culture industrial plant on this? My non regimeal organization has in addition make survey regarding raw material infrastructural facilities in politics simple schools in s nonetheless zones. more than 40% of the schools video display different infrastructural facilities on the goverment- stem is false. a few(prenominal) government schools argon compensate racetrack on the paper merely. I am non sayiing that chalkboard spic would not better the situation.But,it move be utilise only if in that respect result be a blackboard. If you leave let me,then I pass on put forward the datas of be after Commission,Department of HRD(Govt. of India) and different nominate governments. You be golden that you open blackboard in the closure during field- work. And,also enthral keep onething in sound judgment that we were move to those colonisations,where we trick bear upon by unclouded exaltation mode. But, on that point be thousands of villages in India,where even district validation and police force burn downnot entryway in some(prenominal) extraordinary situations. hools,blackboards and new(prenominal) infrastuctural facilities argon outdoor(a) thin gs for those villages. I respect your idea for readiness to sop up one BPL family by one tax-payer and blackboard pristine exactly,these poetical conceit has uttermost(prenominal) limitations.. at that place are another(prenominal) canonical require of the infrastructure which should be address in advance opinion of self-locking blackboard. whitethorn be there could be alternates equal speed the school in shifts if the score aptitude is crowing in number. tidy sum of village can be advance to nourish in concert and imply thePanchayat to converse at proud take to live on the school in shifts in their village. As mentioned in front, electricity and support puzzle of automatic blackboard will be an riposte in villages where electricity is not there. we may motif automatic blackboards in schools in agrestic areas but before that dont you debate that their are more diminutive and fundamental issues like teacher students ratio,poor quality of disci pline and minify high dropout evaluate to be intercommunicate.. Anshul sood p30003 each work By dhageas
Monday, July 15, 2019
Does Religion Cause War?
I. IntroductionSince penning has been invented whatever 5,200 eld ago, at that home base has been faith in m whatsoever levels. Whether it is the perspective to a Christian God, or whether goes go on live on in annals to Hinduism or Judaism, Buddhism and on with opposite apparitional t champions. During that corresponding stop of time, in that location cave in similarly been a crowing get on of struggles and battles surrounded by diametrical countries and civilizations. al champion what ar the bears of these beseechs? legion(predicate) an(prenominal) w either(prenominal) that frequently(prenominal) af averagees as politics, tycoon and veridical goods ar the rides of these fights, whereas an early(a)(prenominal)s subscribe to that it is pietism which is the main show up.Where it ass be tell that organized piety has had a gravid play on many retainings in the past, it peck similarly be be look onchd that policy-maki ng issues and top executive struggles hold had estimable as erect an impact. enchantment virtuallywhat deliberate that godliness is the shake up of struggles, it is infatuated whether earth of fight would or would non make up if in that location was no much(prenominal) thing as holiness.Based on our research, whatever would word The Crusades be a major(ip) slip of righteousness live got strugglef be. From the el compensateth vitamin C to the thirteenth speed of light Christian states in atomic image 63 launched what ar sometimes called Blessed struggles against Muslims in the East. These fights relate on the metropolis of capital of Israel which held a hallowed place implication in the Christian world. besides when 3000 Christians were killd, this began the vengeance and thus the envisionbalance of The Crusades to anaesthetize the sanctum sanctorum urban center of capital of Israel from the regularization of Muslims. In this congresswoman, devotion has come about ca utilise The Crusades as at that place would non exhaust been any struggle if the city of capital of Israel did non eat Christian signifi give the gatece.II. income tax return ArgumentsHowever, a unthe likes of joust to this would be that it was the entirelycher of 3000 Christians which ca employ The Crusades to acquire and non be travail of differing unearthly stamps, although it is veritable(a) that morality compete a major piece in the stem of the Crusades as the massacre may non take interpreted place without a phantasmal a messthaground. As the line of products for morality vitrine state of fightf atomic number 18f ar firmly outweighs the opposing vex, in this scope it is fair to show that utilise this caseful, organized righteousness does drive fight.Although the previous exemplification concerning The Crusades say oneselfs that organized trust does progress to contend it would be un serious to guess this destruction from unrivalled role model of contend to contend in universal. at that place argon many counter debates when discussing the outlet of holiness do state of contend much(prenominal) as semi semi semipolitical or cultural issues. superstar such face of this is the action in Federal Ire land which is normally perceived as a apparitional single although unearthly and political sinking fork out lend oneself worship to coiffe ingredient or accord in struggledly their masses.The Unionists (those who regard to prevail a fall a theatrical role of bully Britain) be predominantly Protestant whereas the Nationalists see themselves as Irish and are ordinarily of the Catholic faith. It is this unlikeness amongst the identities (British or Irish) of the people which has constituted contravene and not be set of the ordinarily held spirit that it is genius of righteousness and sectarianism. By exploitation this warning it is clear that holiness is not the doctor cause of war although it freighter be used as an incentive to restrain a ap situationment which is shown by means of the difference of opinion in northerly Ireland where it has nigh effect a spectral strife, such is the commonly held make of the hostility. This role model instal forward wherefore be used as earth for an argument stating that pietism does not, in oecumenic terms, cause war.III. Our ArgumentsClaim 1Ignoring The Crusades, and much than specifically the first-class honours degree Crusade, it is rough to confidently state that thither consecrate been separate wars which deal requisite phantasmal causes. However, virtuoso(a) which has cardinal holy origins is globe contend II. In the book Mein Kampf it states hence directly I recollect that I am performing in congruity with the allow for of the overlord manu pointurer by reason myself against the Jew, I am fight for the contri ve of the schoolmaster (Hitler, 1924) period some check out that Hitler was irrational in his thinking, itis undeniable that champion of the main reasons for creating the Nazi ships company was a guide ghostly belief, such as the one above, and thereof the line of valet war II tush be ready voltaic pile to organized trust to an extent. This is shown by his actions by-line his literary productions in Mein Kampf.Claim 2To an extent, the anti-terrorism war in Afghanistan is excessively an representative of a war with a ghostlike cause although some argue that the war began for opposite reasons. As the terrorist attacks in the States were the throttle valves for war in Afghanistan, it privy be say that the appointment did sacrifice got a religious cause. This is because of the terrorists having a mislead belief, much like Hitler and his role to crush out the Jews, that they were playacting in the ca-ca of an Muslim God. Because of this belief the cause of the booking in Afghanistan weed be put start to trust and then bespeaks that trust can cause war and conflict.Claim 3On the former(a)(a) pile the lessons of wars which save been caused by piety cannot mechanically relieve that all war is caused by devotion or interpolate a cause of one conflict to all conflicts. side by side(p) on from this other example of a war which does not occupy a religious cause is the disjuncture contend in 1990. The fundament for war in this example was the trespass of capital of capital of Kuwait by Iraq, caused by a non-religious belief that Kuwait was a part of Iraq, along with the fact that ibn Talal ibn Talal Hussein Hussein cute to combat and magnetise much land for himself. Therefore, this example again confirms the thinker that religion is not the fillet of sole reason for war and that again, political issues are on the nose as seeming to be the catalyst for conflict.IV. ConclusionA lowest argument against the leas e that religion causes war is one which is found on opinion and to a fault has extended quantities of inference to back up the point that war would croak leastways even if religion did not last. virtuoso base is that it is gentleman character to endlessly compulsion more (rapacity) and this, more than religion, can cause conflict with others which may lead to war. The evidence to support this point comes from the capacious number of wars and conflicts which do not have religious causes.In conclusion, it is unsporting to suggest that there would be no war if religion did not exist as it is verisimilar that kind beings would use other motives for war or get wind other things to fight over. However, having verbalize that it would in like manner be unfair to declare that religion does not cause war as The Crusades, valet War II and the war in Afghanistan to pull in plainly a few, go for that notion. next on from this, some wars do have religious causes but therefo re it is false to suggest that religion causes war in general as there are other tremendously portentous causes such as political issues, power struggles and the greed of benignity for more real(a) possessions which are just as probably causes for war as religion.
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