Friday, September 4, 2020
Natural Science Study Guide Free Essays
Time Determining the age of the earth: Identify the strategies utilized for deciding the age of the earth, what every technique uncovers, and when It Is proper to utilize every one of them. Counting: Principles of consistency, Horizontally, Superimposition and Cross cutting connections Erosion, Deposits and unconformity Radiometric dating, Carbon 14 Dating utilization of the Geomagnetic Timescale Fossils: Define and separate among Paleontology and Archeology Define fossils and recognize/portray the various sorts that are usually found. Disclose the procedures thrilled to the shaping of different sorts of fossils (e. We will compose a custom exposition test on Normal Science Study Guide or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now G. Molds throws, how Petrified fossils are framed) Geological Time Scale: Eons: Identify the Eons and their related significant occasions. Times: Identify the times and their related significant occasions. Periods: Identify the different periods, their connections to one another and the Eras, and their related significant occasions. Key will be to recognize what does/doesn’t have a place in each timespan. Model 1: â€Å"What kind of Organism would you NOT hope to see during the Devotion time frame? A) bugs, B) plants developing ashore, C) Jailers fishes, D) Mammals. Model 2: During which Era did the Dinosaurs rule the land? A) Cenozoic, B) Mesozoic, C) Paleozoic, D) Permian. (Note, why, whenever included would Jurassic NOT be the right answer? Consider it†¦ ) Video: How the Earth was Made What proof did the â€Å"Burgess Shale†uncover? What impact did moving Oxygen levels have on life In the seas and ashore? How were the coal stores shaped? When did the biggest elimination of life ( 90%) happen and what do specialists think caused it? What developed as the prevailing species after this mass eradication? What is the connection among precious stones and volcanoes? What do analysts accept slaughtered off the dinosaurs? (indication, it’s NOT something very similar that caused the biggest elimination! ). What proof is there to help this speculation? What is the â€Å"Tombstone Layer? †What gathering developed as the predominant species after the dinosaurs went wiped out? Why? What do Glaciers have to do with rock developments in Central Park? From: What Darwin Never Knew Video his beginning at being a naturalist? How could he build up his concept of â€Å"Decent with alteration? What was the proof that he utilized? What was Darning’s perspective on â€Å"natural selection†and how it functioned? What proof did the â€Å"pocket mouse†of Arizona give when the analysts began inspecting its genome? What did the â€Å"Human Genome†venture uncover about our species comparative wi th others, for example, chickens, flies, corn, mice and monkeys? What is uncovered through the procedure of early stage advancement that underpins the hypothesis that we as a whole have a typical progenitor? What are Body Plan, switch and manager qualities? What do they do? What proof do we have of their jobs and how they work? How did the analysts examine them and what did their examination uncover? What are the more extensive ramifications of these discoveries? Advancement Natural Selection: Chapter 21 Define and separate among Evolution and Natural Selection. What is characteristic choice and what job does it play in Evolution? Clarify what is implied by â€Å"Survival of the fittest†(indication, it doesn’t essentially mean being the â€Å"strongest†or generally athletic). Recognize, and clarify the different wellsprings of hereditary changeability and the jobs they play in advancement. What are â€Å"acquired†qualities? How are they gained and what impact do they have on advancement? What needs to occur for preferences qualities to be given to the people to come? What is the study of Epigenetic uncovering about the cooperation between nature and our acquired qualities (just as what we pass on)? Common Selection: Describe the job of â€Å"selecting agents†in characteristic determination and advancement. Be set up to give or distinguish instances of attributes that can be (or have been) chose â€Å"For†or â€Å"Against. †**What does the Hardy-Weinberg model speak to and how is it utilized? For the Null Hypothesis of this model to be right (I. E. No progressions is happening), various conditions MUST be met. Recognize the conditions, clarify what it would take to disregard these conditions, and give proof or potentially models f what occurs in the â€Å"real world. †Does the â€Å"real world†fit this model? Why or why not? What are the ramifications of the Hardy-Weinberg model for Evolution? What proof do we have that Evolution happens in little advances. Clarify the proof, yet how every model offers help for, or integrates with the hypothesis of Evolution. Step by step instructions to refer to Natural Science Study Guide, Papers
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Statements Over Above Recoverable Amount †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine About The Statements Over Above Recoverable Amount? Answer: Introducation The fundamental guideline behind debilitation is the way that the advantage could never be accounted for in the fiscal summaries well beyond the recoverable sum. This is the higher of the reasonable estimation of the benefit less the expenses to sell and its worth which is being used. The conveying estimation of the benefit would be contrasted in and the sum that would be recouped if the advantage is sold in the market. An advantage is expressed to have been disabled when the sum that could be recuperated is not exactly the incentive at which the expense has been accounted for in the books of records. Any distinction between the previous and the last is then named as a hindrance misfortune and is carried on to the announcement of benefit and misfortune. The entirety of the advantages that are accounted for in the books of records or in the budget summaries are commonly tried for audit with respect to a hindrance at whatever point there means that a benefit could have been impeded. There are a portion of the advantages, for example, the generosity and the immaterial resources that have an uncertain life which are tried for a debilitation every year in any event, when there is a nonappearance of the conditions that could show weakness. The sum that is fit for being recuperated is determined for every last one of the individual resources. There is commonly not so much as one resource that can create incomes for the organization without anyone else. It needs different resources for the motivations behind creating the incomes. This is named as the money creating units. It is predominantly portrayed as the littlest gathering of the advantages which can produce in the income which for the most part relies upon the other incomes of differen t resources or the gatherings of the benefits. At whatever point there is a business correspondence, at that point the measure of the altruism earned or recouped can be distributed to the money creating units of the acquirer which is required to profit by the business blend. Be that as it may, the biggest gathering of the money creating unit which is allowed is for the weakness testing of the altruism which by and large works at the most reduced degree of the working fragment According to the standards of the IAS 36 which manages the disability of the benefits, the testing of debilitation of the advantages is generally proceeded as the level which is substantially more greater than the working stement which has been characterized out under the IFRS 8 which manages a working fragment. There are a considerable lot of the issues that are made since the IFRS 8 permits the way that a more elevated level of the working section which could be accounted for is made on the off chance that a portion of the conditions have been set The norm however isn't a lot of clear regarding the conglomeration of the designation of the altruism for the money producing units alongside the testing of debilitation. This would be no longer than the working fragment when the collection has occurred. So as to manage this vulnerability (AASB, 2017). The IASB proceeded to correct the norm and express the way that the working section for no situation could be bigger than the working fragment before the conglomeration happens. The substances would guarantee that the money creating units would be adjusted in with the working fragments. The sum that is equipped for being recouped is typically the equivalent for every single one of the individual resource. The conveying measure of the money creating units includes the benefits that are fit for being legitimately credited to the sensible and predictable reason for the money producing units. These incorporate the corporate resources and the altruism (IFRS, 2017). For the situation, wherein altruism is assigned to a working unit and afterward that working units has been discarded, at that point the measure of the generosity which is designated to the working units would be remembered for the conveying measure of the activity when it would ascertain the benefit or the misfortune on removal. A substance would perceive the business and furthermore change in the structure of the money producing units to which the measure of the generosity is determined. In these cases, the measure of the altruism which is owing to these tasks would be moved in the middle of these money producing units based on the reasonable estimations of the activities and the staying of the money creating units from which the activities could be moved. The measure of the liabilities that relates in with the financing of the money creating units are not distributed to decide in the conveying measure of the money producing units which is connected with the measure of the income which is separated from the computations of a hindrance (IAS besides, 2017). At whatever point there is a weakness misfortune, at that point the measure of the change would be designated towards the measure of the generosity which is determined to the money creating units and afterward on to different resources of the money produci ng units on the master rate premise according to the conveying measures of every single one of the benefits that shapes the piece of the money producing unit (Ernst and Young, 2017). While ascertaining the loss of disability to a money creating unit, the conveying measure of every single one of the benefit would be decreased to underneath to the most noteworthy of the reasonable worth less the expenses to sell or incentive being used or 0. Any measure of the disability misfortune which has not been apportioned would be allotted to the money producing units or on to different resources subject to a portion of the cutoff points. This would bring about the procedure which proceeds till the time a weakness misfortune is equipped for allotted completely or work the time every last one of the benefits contained in the money producing units has been decreased to the most elevated of the reasonable estimation of the every advantage less the expenses to sell, worth or 0 (ACCA worldwide, 2017) Coming up next is the diary section alongside the operations: (Sums in $) Points of interest Conveying sum Incentive being used Debilitation misfortune Patent 5,21,000.00 5,01,381.00 19,619.00 Hardware 1,20,000.00 98,950.00 21,050.00 Fittings 76,000.00 62,669.00 13,331.00 Stock 33,000.00 33,000.00 - Generosity 27,000.00 - 27,000.00 All out CA 7,77,000.00 6,96,000.00 81,000.00 Hardware 1,20,000.00 0.61 - Fittings 76,000.00 0.39 - 1,96,000.00 - Diary passage: Weakness misfortune 81,000.00 Patent 19,619.00 Gear 21,050.00 Fittings 13,331.00 Altruism 27,000.00 References:, A. (2017).Impairment of altruism and CGUs | ACCA Global. [online] Accessible at: cgus.html [Accessed 12 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Goodwill and other impalpable resources Key contrasts between U.S. GAAP and IFRSs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Sep. 2017]. (2017).International Financial Reporting Standards - Questions and Answers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Sep. 2017]. (2017).ED 30. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Executive rundown Impairment of Cash-producing Assets. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Impairment bookkeeping the nuts and bolts of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. [online] Available at:$FILE/Impairment_accounting_IAS_36.pdf [Accessed 15 Sep. 2017].
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Seeking Philosophical Problems
Dynamic Philosophical issues are settled by speculation fundamentally, in contrast to logical examinations and numerical conditions, which give the undisputable outcomes and answers for their particular issues. In this exposition, the author contends whether all shifted philosophical reactions to a philosophical issue or question are legitimate or if an answer can be ideally acknowledged more than others can.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Seeking Philosophical Problems explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Philosophical Responses There are various methods of taking care of issues or questions we experience throughout everyday life; the logical inquiries need lab try result to respond to the inquiry, numerical inquiries need scientific hypothesis to tackle and give result, while philosophical inquiries can be replied by simply thinking. The philosophical way to deal with issues by deduction asks more inquiries concerning whether our psyche s are fundamentally the same as in light of comparable issues in same or diverse condition, regardless of whether we have copy contemplations, and what standard of musings can give favored arrangement among fluctuated reactions? There are wide philosophical inquiries that are replied by numerous thinkers with every single diverse sort of confirmations on the side of their answers. Be that as it may, how would they find these solutions? What sort of investigations and contemplations make them offer the likely response to an issue? They state it is the origination examination that decides the philosophical answer. The initial step that we should think going to address the philosophical inquiry is the fundamental idea. The importance of essential idea is the thing that we gained as a matter of fact in our lives and the information picked up from the individuals. Novak and Canas characterize idea as â€Å"a saw consistency in occasions or items, or records of occasions or articles, ass igned by a label†(Para. 1). In the straightforward philosophical inquiry â€Å"Does God exist†, first, we need to recognize what God is. The significance of God from a word reference says is â€Å"The maker and leader of the universe.†Now we have fundamental idea of what God is, we would now be able to think the God exist or not. Be that as it may, the appropriate response couldn't be the correct answer in light of the fact that the proof isn't totally originating from the scientific computation or a lab analyze (Clayton Para. 3). In the event that God doesn't exist, what are the confirmations and evidences that makes us so? On the off chance that God does exist, what are the solid contentions that help our thinking?Advertising Looking for research project on theory? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The beginning purpose of the contention is the word â€Å"God†. Person concocted the word â€Å"God| †as a name of their maker and leader of universe. Do they have an image or seen the God who made the universe? In the event that God exists for what reason doesn't He/She appears before us? Do they ever hear God’s voice? Have they contacted God previously? They likely answer is no, consequently this could be the proof and bolster my answer that God doesn't exist. This answer didn't originate from any research center examination or a scientific estimation. The suspicion of the musings is that all the inquiries were negative (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Para. 1-5). In the event that the response to the inquiry isn't right, for what reason would it be a good idea for us to answer it? Would it be a good idea for us to likewise think all science tests, numerical hypothesis, and different inquiries needn't bother with answers? People need to think and decide their own future by their encounters or investigation of the gathered information, which help them in taking c are of issues. The world is loaded with issues, for instance; individual comprehends advances, fire, vehicles, nature, and assortment of apparatuses that help in our living. In the event that they didn't have psyches to think and information from their encounters, we were unable to exist in this world. End Most philosophical issues can't have proof like science and numerical yet are simply fathomed by utilizing essential ideas of reasoning and beneficial encounters. Philosophical answers are wrong yet are extremely emotional since numerous individuals have various musings and information, which legitimize fluctuated reactions to be substantial in their own right. Works Cited Clayton, John. â€Å"A Practical Man’s Proof of God. Does God Exist?†27 Aug. 2007. Web. Novak, Joseph, Canas, Alberto. â€Å"The hypothesis Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct and Use them.†Institute for Human and Machine Cognition. 22 Jan. 2008. Web.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Seeking Philosophical Problems explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. â€Å"Ontological Arguments.†12 July 2007. Web. This research project on Seeking Philosophical Problems was composed and put together by client Kailyn Phillips to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Importance of Greek Mythology Essay
â€Å"Greek folklore is the assortment of stories having a place with the antiquated Greeks, concerning their divine beings and saints, the nature of the world and their own clique and ceremonial practices. Present day researchers alluded to the fantasies and contemplated them trying to reveal insight into the strict and political foundations of antiquated Greece and, by and large, on the old Greek human advancement. †(reference) Mythical portrayal played an enormous, and furthermore significant job in the lives of the antiquated Greeks, they depended predominantly on the legendary stories to direct them through emergency and gave them something to have confidence in; the same number of individuals follow God’s words and the Holy Bible in our present time. The epic sonnets â€Å"The Illiad†and â€Å"The Odyssey†are the most established known abstract sources from the folklore time that we are aware of. These sonnets incorporate a lot of significant life exercises, for example, otherworldly development, devotion, and tirelessness; however these are just a chosen few of the fundamental subjects in the epic sonnet, â€Å"The Odyssey. †Homer works admirably in relating this message through different characters, undertakings, and obstructions all through the book. In the epic sonnet, â€Å"The Odyssey,†Homer shows the significance of otherworldly development through numerous occurrences. Odysseus starts on Calypso’s island and he has been persuaded he possesses everything, with the exception of the most significant thing, bliss. Odysseus’ becomes discouraged in light of the fact that he understands the amount he misses his country. Homer presents Odysseus at an awful time to underscore the development of Odysseus’ soul from starting as far as possible. In the event that Homer would have expounded on Odysseus cheerful from the earliest starting point, at that point the development would not have appeared as predominant. Odysseus appears to light up a considerable amount as he sees the light in cruising home. He is fiercely tried Poseidon about murders him when on the shoreline of the principal island that he comes to, Scheria. The Odyssey says, â€Å"and caught inside that discharge of the brackish water, Odysseus would have passed on before his time had not dim peered toward Athena directed him. †This is just one case of numerous that appears to shows the exercise of otherworldly development in â€Å"The Odyssey. †This epic sonnet likewise depicts devotion from various perspectives from characters to circumstances. In The Odyssey, there stayed three fundamental characters that stuck out and demonstrated their dependability to Odysseus while he was away battling in the Trojan War and attempting to advance back to Ithaca. It appears that out of the considerable number of characters, the most faithful individual to Odysseus could have been just neglected, yet it most unquestionably would have been Odysseus’s spouse, Penelope. She stayed devoted to her better half significantly after right around twenty years separated from him. She would not wed one of the admirers that bothered her step by step; so it came as an astonishment to discover that Odysseus is generally unfaithful to his better half. This piece of the epic sonnet spoke to the human-like character of Odysseus in indicating that even he could commit errors, and furthermore wasn’t anything near great. Telemachus, at a certain point, demonstrates his dedication to Odysseus by going along with him on going on a journey to become familiar with his dad, Odysseus. There are a variety of implications for every story and in the Odyssey itself, and there are a lot a larger number of understandings than only one translation. From this point of view, one of the primary topics of the Odyssey is tirelessness. Persistence is a significant subject and is one that is seen a considerable amount all through the whole epic sonnet and certainly by more than one character. As a matter of first importance, there is Odysseus and he was welcomed with diligence in the earliest reference point of the story. He was held hostage by Calypso on an island, when later visited by Athena, Odysseus builds up a much more grounded want to return home. Disregarding Calypso’s perseverance, he at that point chose to leave. Odysseus additionally had an experience with Circe, and was given a lot of various sorts of enticement. He took the ocean again in light of his child and spouse, and continued home. Odysseus and his men wind up running into the lotus-eaters. The lotus plants gave a phenomenal, loosening up feeling for the entirety of the team, and nobody needed to leave aside from Odysseus who remained his course. Diligence is likewise shown in his method of considerations, and furthermore his longing to endure and now and again vanquish, are characteristics that advance his constancy. For instance, when Odysseus at long last gets back, he intends to murder the entirety of the admirers that have been pursuing his significant other and winds up doing as such. Homer’s epic sonnets The Iliad and The Odyssey have let us get somewhat of a sample of the significance Greek Mythology for the antiquated Greeks. His compositions have let us perceive the amount they had confidence in the Greek folklore and how they applied the existence exercises to their own lives. I discovered numerous correlations with the Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology to our God that numerous individuals have confidence in today. Their words and stories were as imperative to us as His accounts are to us today. Homer’s epic sonnet, The odyssey included numerous clearly significant life exercises that the old Greeks gained from and took from the accounts in the manner they experienced their lives.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Centre For Strategic International Studies -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk About The Center For Strategic International Studies? Answer: Presentation World Health Organization (WHO) is an office which was made by the United Nations which identifies with the worries of the issues of universal general wellbeing. It was made on seventh April, 1948 .It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. World Health Organization (WHO) is an individual from the UN Development Group. The constitution of World Health Organization (WHO) was marked by 61 nations on seventh April,1948. Since its joining, it has assumed a significant job in dispensing with little pox from the world (WHO, 2018). For setting up the world wellbeing report, World Health Survey and World Health Day, World Health Organization (WHO) does the study and accumulates data. Tedros Adhanom is the Director General of WHO and he began his multi year term on July 1, 2017. The parent association of World Health Organization (WHO) is United Nations Economic and Social Council (EOSOC). Conversation The fundamental point of World Health Organization (WHO) is to present certain changes with respect to wellbeing mindfulness in 154 nations which are its individuals. For executing the approaches identified with the changes, it is helped by in excess of 7000 staff individuals and six territorial workplaces. The thought process of World Health Organization (WHO) is to give initiative issues identifying with general wellbeing. World Health Organization (WHO) is responsible to characterize the motivation identified with wellbeing examination and rules on wellbeing guidelines. It has attempted to impart the protection strategy alternatives for remunerating the misfortunes endured because of sick soundness of the individuals of the part nations (WHO Reform Story, 2018). The World Health Organization (WHO) has presented certain changes in the wellbeing area with respect to attention to wellbeing among the individuals of the part nations. The World Health Organization (WHO) needs to move its concentration from worldwide to worldwide methodology on the off chance that it is to satisfy its command. For this, it has presented certain all inclusive wellbeing inclusion programs for its individuals. Its current approaches contain expelling transmittable ailments, for example, HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Malaria and Tuberculosis. It additionally tries to lessen the impacts of non-transferable ailments and works upon the issues, for example, improvement of human wellbeing, sustenance, and dispensing with tainting of food, good dieting and word related wellbeing (World Health Organization, 2017). So as to satisfy the obligatory work, WHO executed International Health Regulations for accomplishing its objective of receiving Global rather than International methodology. It endeavors to diminish the medical issues by managing the issues identified with social, ecological and monetary components of wellbeing. It is additionally endeavoring to build the entrance of top notch clinical items by bringing down their costs so they can be inside the scope of normal man (World Health Organization, 2015). To achieve the objective of receiving a worldwide rather than the global methodology, in the event that it is to satisfy what is obligatory, new changes have been presented by the World Health Assembly ,Executive Board and its advisory groups and Regional Committees in regards to the strengthening of the World Health Organization (WHO).They endeavor to adjust the administration forms , update the key dynamic and build up the detailing and correspondence for presenting the new changes and overhauling the working of World Health Organization (WHO). Aside from this,the World Health Organization (WHO) has enabled its commitment with the accomplices and partners, for example, United Nation Agencies, NGOs, establishments, civilsocieties, the scholarly community and enterprises (WHO, 2017). It will help World Health Organization (WHO) to blend its exercises to advance wellbeing and prosperity of the individuals of the part nations. The partner commitment is based on the World Health Organiz ations intergovernmental personality and science based technique (United Nations, 2017). To satisfy its point of receiving a worldwide instead of the universal methodology, on the off chance that it is to satisfy its command, the World Health Organization (WHO) restore its administrative systems and authoritative structures which would bring about upgrading the proficiency, efficiency, viability and responsibility of the World Health Organization (WHO) (Yach, 2016). The plans significant components incorporate new methodology for embracing result based administration, another financing technique and an enabled culture of appraisal. For satisfying its objective of embracing a worldwide as opposed to the global methodology, on the off chance that it is to satisfy its order, the World Health Organization (WHO) has detailed the Ebola Interim Assessment Panel which targets destroying this malady from the root level. It accepts that for destroying this fatal infection, the World Health Organization (WHO) needs to execute certain adjustments in its Secretariat and Member States. The Secretariat needs to change itself for playing out its capacity on worldwide wellbeing in a superior manner. For this the International Health Regulations have been defined. Its rationale is to destroy, protect against and manage the spread of the malady all inclusive (Negin Dhillon, 2016). Rundown The World Health Organization (WHO) so as to satisfy its objective of receiving a worldwide rather than the universal methodology, in the event that it is to satisfy what is obligatory, has executed certain measures in such manner. It has enabled its extension outside its center systems and picked up capability in managing plagues. For actualizing the worldwide vision of World Health Organization (WHO), as it is portrayed in the Sustainable Development objectives, it has upheld the legislature of the part states to execute the appropriate exercises in the wellbeing segment. It has attempted to play the lead job for building forumsfor interfacing various partners and in managing the monetary, ecological andsocial issues identified with wellbeing. The World Health Organization (WHO) is additionally taking activities in helping out the wellbeing accomplices to ensure that all the partners are aware of the medical problems and exercises in the part nations (Legge, 2016). World Health Organization (WHO) has figured certain strategies to spare human lives and to ensure that the plagues are destroyed. For executing its strategies, the World Health Organization (WHO) has expanded its openness to annihilate TB, AIDS, Malaria and disregarded tropical infections. It likewise endeavors to destroy viral hepatitis and quicken its control and treatment of Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya. It has defined its approaches with respect to the treatment of kid wellbeing and its emphasis is on powerless gatherings which are inclined to maladies and contamination (World Health Organization, 2015). World Health Organization (WHO) has figured the approaches identified with shielding the general wellbeing, to evaluate and decrease the ecological and emerging dangers identified with wellbeing. It has endeavored to present tobacco free social orders and expanded the open doors for sound ways of life. Aside from that, the embracing a worldwide instead of the universal methodology, on the off chance that it is to satisfy its command, the World Health Organization (WHO) has encouraged the entrance of the normal man to the clinical guides. It has additionally contributed towards counteraction and managing sexual orientation based savagery (Gostin, Sridhar Hougendobler , 2015). It has propelled the definition of the Comprehensive Nutrition Program. Ithas aided the execution of the Asia Pacific Strategy for sickness and general wellbeing crises and defined the fiasco chance administration for healthrelated issues. To accomplish its objective of receiving a worldwide instead of the global methodology, on the off chance that it is to satisfy its order, ithas helped the National Health Cluster Response in crisis circumstances. It has made endeavors to build the entrance to clean air and encouraged the entrance of the normal man to safe water and food (Graham, 2014). It is upholding for eco-accommodating human services enhancements and has put forth attempts to reduce the carbon discharges .It has bolstered the activity plan for battling against the Antimicrobial Resistance .At the managerial level it has tried to build the proficiency of the wellbeing offices in the federalized administration structures. It has helped with expanding the productivity of the guidelines, identified with acquiring and the executives of the provisions and coordinations identified with wellbeing the board. It has guaranteed shielding against the calamitous catastrophes identified with wellbeing (Revees Brundage, 2011). End In this manner, to close, so as to satisfy the objective of embracing a worldwide as opposed to the global methodology, in the event that it is to satisfy its command, the World Health Organization (WHO) has endeavored to improve its administration identified with arrangements and strategies of wellbeing the board. It is working with the administration divisions, lawmakers and associations identified with wellbeing laws and methods to help multispectral collaboration. It has helped the instructive divisions and youth situated associations through the Department of Education and Commission on advanced education. It has engaged its part nations to support populace wellbeing (Markel, 2014). Aside from executing these techniques, World Health Organization (WHO) has managed the issues identified with mishaps identified with streets and traffic. Along these lines, the World Health Organization has endeavored to satisfy its objective of embracing a worldwide instead of the universal methodology, on the off chance that it is to satisfy its order, by figuring approaches and strategies to spread the attention to general wellbeing and prosperity with the administrations of the part nations (Liden, 2014). References Gostin, L.O., Sridhar, D. Hougendobler,D. (2015) The regulating authority of the World Health Organization. General Health, 129(2015),854-863. Graham, E.R.(2014). Global associations as aggregate operators: Fragmenta
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Consciousness Is the Psychology of Awareness
Consciousness Is the Psychology of Awareness Theories Cognitive Psychology Print Consciousness Is the Psychology of Awareness By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on February 24, 2020 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW on February 24, 2020 swissmediavision / Getty Images More in Theories Cognitive Psychology Behavioral Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology While people often talk about consciousness, it can be somewhat difficult to define. Consciousness refers to your individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environment. Your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. This awareness is subjective and unique to you. Your conscious experiences are constantly shifting and changing. For example, in one moment you may be focused on reading this article. Your consciousness may then shift to the memory of a conversation you had earlier with a co-worker. Next, you might notice how uncomfortable your chair is, or maybe you are mentally planning dinner. This ever-shifting stream of thoughts can change dramatically from one moment to the next, but your experience of it seems smooth and effortless. Some different states of consciousness include sleep, dreams, hypnosis, hallucinations, meditation, and the effects of psychoactive drugs. Early Research on Consciousness For thousands of years, the study of human consciousness was largely the work of philosophers. The French philosopher Rene Descartes introduced the concept of mind-body dualism or the idea that while the mind and body are separate, they do interact. Once psychology was established as a discipline separate from philosophy and biology, the study of the conscious experience became one of the first topics studied by early psychologists. Structuralists used a process known as introspection to analyze and report conscious sensations, thoughts, and experiences. Trained observers would carefully inspect the contents of their own minds. Obviously, this was a very subjective process, but it helped inspire further research on the scientific study of consciousness. The American psychologist William James compared consciousness to a stream; unbroken and continuous despite constant shifts and changes. Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud focused on understanding the importance of the unconscious and conscious mind. While the focus of much of the research in psychology shifted to purely observable behaviors during the first half of the twentieth century, research on human consciousness has grown tremendously since the 1950s. What Is the Unconscious Mind? How Do Psychologists Define Consciousness? One of the problems with the study of consciousness is the lack of a universally accepted operational definition. Descartes proposed the idea of cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am), suggested that the very act of thinking demonstrates the reality of one’s existence and consciousness. Today, consciousness is often viewed as an individual’s awareness of their own internal states as well as the events going on around them. If you can describe something you are experiencing in words, then it is part of your consciousness. In psychology, consciousness is occasionally confused with the conscience. It is important to note that while consciousness involves awareness of yourself and the world, your conscience is related to your morality and sense of right or wrong. Modern Theories of Consciousness Research on consciousness has focused on understanding the neuroscience behind our conscious experiences. Scientists have even utilized brain-scanning technology to seek out specific neurons that might be linked to different conscious events. Modern researchers have proposed two major theories of consciousness: Integrated Information Theory This approach looks at consciousness by learning more about the physical processes that underlie our conscious experiences. The theory attempts to create a measure of the integrated information that forms consciousness. The quality of an organism’s consciousness is represented by the level of integration. This theory tends to focus on whether something is conscious and to what degree it is conscious. Global Workspace Theory This theory suggests that we have a memory bank from which the brain draws information to form the experience of conscious awareness. While integrated information theory focuses more on identifying whether an organism is conscious, the global workspace theory offers a much broader approach to understanding how consciousness works. A Word From Verywell While consciousness has intrigued philosophers and scientists for thousands of years, we clearly have a long way to go in our understanding the concept. Researchers continue to explore the different bases of consciousness including the physical, social, cultural and psychological influences that contribute to our conscious awareness. What Role Does the Conscious Mind Play
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Research and Discuss Some of the Ways to Prevent Divorce - 825 Words
Research and Discuss Some of the Ways to Prevent Divorce (Essay Sample) Content: WAYS TO PREVENT DEVORCEName:Institutional Affiliation:Healthy marriages are the key to emotional and psychological well-being of the couple and the welfare of their children. However, all marriages stumble upon problems that make the couple fight, get separated, and in the worst case divorced. Most divorces are a gradual process that can be prevented if corrective and timely measures are taken. This paper explores some of the principal things that spouses may do to prevent their marriage from ending in divorce or even coming close to it.The most important thing is to observe fidelity. Dr. Finnegan found out that infidelity was the leading factor causing divorce. Over 90% of the people, she interviewed in 1998 claimed that infidelity would make them consider divorcing their spouses (Alford-Cooper, 1998). Secondly, the couple should regularly spend time together. This will help the couple to intimately understand each other and know when there is a problem between them . The couple could then discuss the problems and solve them before they lead to frustrations and ultimately divorce. Thirdly, the couple should frequently engage in hobbies that they both enjoy as this would keep the spark of their marriage alive and reinforce the friendship between them. Fourthly, the couple should exchange compliments both in...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Emily Bronte s Wuthering Heights - 1384 Words
Emily Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Wuthering Heights is not only one of the most widely read books in English but it also encourages different critical approaches. One of the most interesting approaches is the psychoanalytical approach in this circumstance. Through the entirety of this book it is understood that childhood has an impact on adult life, â€Å"psychological history that begins in childhood experiences in the family and each with patterns of adolescent and adult behavior that are the direct result of that early experience†(Tyson 12). Just as the way everyone else acts in reality Brontà « creates a reality that is more realistic in the sense of their actions to acknowledge the complexity of the novel as a whole. Catherine Earnshaw, a very complex character, happens to be fond of Heathcliff, whom was brought home by Mr. Earnshaw. Catherine’s love for Heathcliff was described by Nelly Dean as, â€Å"She was much too fond of Heathcliff. The greatest punishment we c ould invent for her was to keep her separate from him†(Brontà « 37). Later on in her life she was proposed to by Edgar Linton, the rich young gentleman of Thrushcross Grange. She had decided to accept him despite her emotions towards Heathcliff. Catherine then chose to tell Nelly that she had accepted the proposal and that she cannot decide if she had made the right decision. At her age, Catherine should have felt the happiest she has even been after Edgar’s proposal, but her emotions toward Heathcliff change all that. And inShow MoreRelatedEmily Bronte s Wuthering Heights1167 Words  | 5 Pagesability to distinguish one person from the rest of the people. Emily Brontà «, author of Wuthering Heights, was a copy of her siblings and therefore used her extreme passion for learning and teaching to set herself apart from her siblings. In the novel, Wuthering Heights, Brontà « creates many similar characters but differentiate between them solely on their mental ca pacity. Growing up in a household of writers and artists, Emily Brontà « felt like a copy of her siblings and therefore used Gnosticism asRead MoreEmily Bronte s Wuthering Heights1814 Words  | 8 PagesTitle: Wuthering Heights Author: Emily Brontà « Date of Publication: 1847 Genre: Gothic Romance / Fiction Biographical information about the author Emily Jane Brontà « (born 30 July, 1818 | Died December, 19, 1848) was born in Thorton. She was one of six Bronte children; she kept to herself usually and was unusually quiet. In 1835 she briefly attend Miss Wooler’s school at Roe Head. Around 1837 Emily taught at Law Hill School. In 1842 she and Charlotte studied in Brussels. Historical information aboutRead MoreEmily Bronte s Wuthering Heights1182 Words  | 5 PagesHarsh, wild and unforgiving; the Yorkshire moors on which Emily Brontà « played, provided the backdrop and catalyst of turmoil in her most tragic book Wuthering Heights. Born in 1818 in rural England, Haworth she lived in the heart of these wild, desolate expanses which provided her an escape where she truly felt at home and where her imagination flourished. Along with her sisters and brother, the Brontà « children in their pastimes would often create stories and poems largely based on their playfulRead MoreEmily Bronte s Wuthering Heights1144 Words  | 5 PagesTitle: Wuthering Heights Author: Emily Bronte Main Characters (Protagonist/Antagonist), Title, Traits: Heathcliff: Antagonist, morose, cruel, vengeful, sullen, brought in by Mr. Earnshaw. Treated badly by Hindley, Catherine’s brother. He falls in love with Catherine and loves her after her death. Catherine nee Earnshaw Linton: protagonist of the story. She’s childish, immature, spiteful, ignorant and arrogant. Beautiful, free spirited, mischievous. In love with Heathcliff and she dies halfwayRead MoreAnalysis Of Emily Bronte s Wuthering Heights 1589 Words  | 7 PagesReading Analysis Wuthering Heights Tramel – 2nd period November 4, 2016 Introduction The self-consuming nature of passion is mutually destructive and tragic. The gothic Victorian novel, Wuthering Heights, was written by Emily Bronte and published in 1847 where Bronte challenges ideas of religious hypocrisy, social classes, gender inequality and mortality. Wuthering Heights was first ill received being too much removed from the ordinary reality in the mid-nineteenth-century; however, Emily Bronte’s novelRead MoreAnalysis Of Emily Bronte s Wuthering Heights 2133 Words  | 9 PagesKimberly Boots Ms. Loomis AP Literature and Composition 16 January 2015 The Meaning Behind It All Emily Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Wuthering Heights is not only one of the most widely read books in America, but it also encourages different critical approaches. One of the most interesting approaches is the psychoanalytical approach in this circumstance. Through the entirety of this book it is understood that defending oneself in different ways is a way to escape the stresses of reality. â€Å"Our unconscious desiresRead MoreAnalysis Of Emily Bronte s Wuthering Heights 3443 Words  | 14 PagesRRS Wuthering Heights Title: Wuthering Heights Publication Date: 1847 Author: Emily Bronte Nationality: English Author’s Birth/Death dates: July 30, 1818 – December 19, 1848 Distinguishing traits of the author: Emily Bronte, otherwise known as Ellis Bell, had many siblings growing up in the isolated town of Thornton, Yorkshire. One of which was Charlotte Brontà « author of the masterpiece, Jane Eyre. At the time of their publishment Jan Eyre was known as the superior book but over time Wuthering HeightsRead MoreThe Uncanny And Emily Bronte s Wuthering Heights1746 Words  | 7 PagesAssessment 1: Critical Commentary Freud’s The Uncanny and Emily Brontà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Wuthering Heights The principal idea in Sigmund Freud’s interpretation of The Uncanny theory centres around the Heimlich, translating to ‘homely’ and thus, what is familiar, and the Unheimlich, which is often translated to what is ‘Uncanny’ defined as ‘what is [†¦] frightening precisely because it is not known and familiar’ (Freud, 1919) or later described as something that is ‘secretly familiar which has undergone repression’Read MoreEmily Bronte s Wuthering Heights1693 Words  | 7 PagesUnfortunate Events Emily Bronte, a highly esteemed and imaginative writer, is the mastermind behind the novel Wuthering Heights. When Bronte was very young, her mother passed away from a serious, untreatable sickness. After her death, Branwell, Bronte’s older brother, took care of the children (Pettingell). Her brother, a poet and painter, turned to an alcoholic and drug abuser was responsible for the children as they all grew up together. He was irrational and never treated Emily and her sisters theRead MoreEmily Bronte s Wuthering Heights1215 Words  | 5 PagesEmily Bronte grew up in an oppressive society, being forced to learn in her own home and dealing with the deaths in her family, she felt the need to take control. In Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, emphasis on the mistreatment of woman and the issue of control present themselves symbiotically. In the novel, the main female Catherine and the main character Heathcliff simultaneously unleash their darkest inner conflicts throu gh various displays. Throughout the novel, it is evident that there exists
Monday, May 18, 2020
Victims Of Fear The Social Psychology Of Repression
The employment of torture to an individual not only leaves a physical and psychological mark, but creates an altered reality that the victim must now adjust to. The authors of Victims of Fear: The Social Psychology of Repression, argue that â€Å"Like all experiences of trauma, the torture experience needs to be worked through in the context in which it occurred by reconstructing and reliving it in all its horror and thereby coming to terms with its personal and social meaning†(Salimovich,80). Alternatively, in The Illness of Exile, author Caroline Moorehead, notes that â€Å"what they needed was not medical help, which perpetuated their sense of being victims, but practical assistance in putting their lives onto a tolerable footing†(Moorehead,†¦show more content†¦In the Illness of Exile, it is reported that 90% of refugees suffer from depression, with post-traumatic stress disorder being overserve in approximately 50% (Moorehead,217). These mental illnesses highlighting the importance of addressing these issues before they become more severe. It is the job of clinicians to help address these issues and develop treatment plans that will best benefit the victims. Helping them to come to terms with their new notions of humanity. Clinicians must work diligently to prevent victims from succumbing to helplessness, by helping them accept its personal and social meaning. Although, clinical therapy can be proven to be very effective, the availability of therapy for victims is scarce. Barriers such as culture, language and cost present multiple challenges regarding therapy for victims of torture (Veer,24). Victims tend to feel out of place in general spaces and tend to seek specialized services. This tends to be in large part due to culture, as in many cultures seeking help is shameful or weak (Veer,25). Therapy is often stigmatized, due to its connotation with craziness. These aspects of ones culture are very likely to deter them from seeking the assistance they need. Language is also a key barrier for those who are seeking help, as it may be difficult for one to find a therapist who speaks their native language. Although, interpreters are an option, direct communication between clinicians and patients is very important. In addition,Show MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Anxiety And Anxiety1724 Words  | 7 Pages Anxiety is a heightened fear or tension that causes psychological and physical distress; according Stossel text Sigmund Freud  who had said that to understand anxiety, â€Å"one would be bound to throw a flood of light on our whole mental existence, had two theories of anxiety. Simply psychology states that Freud first theory, was known as Little Hens theory, he states that repression causes anxiety. In his second theory, later developed, psychoanalytic theory repression is a defense mechanism thatRead MoreAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Or The Modern Prometheus 1710 Words  | 7 Pages it is given a different spin. The process still runs on the same basic idea on why civilization is unhappy, which is the â€Å"fear of loss of love†(Freud, Discontents 30). The loss of love stems from fear of loss of society, thus a loss of parents that ultimately consists of loss of love. This fear develops into a conformity for the society in which one cannot rebel against for fear of the loss. Hence, the creature desperately tries to find love but is unsatisfied from the rejection of a society, whichRead MoreRichard Wright and William Faulkner both examine the psychologies of excluded members of society.1500 Words  | 6 PagesFaulkner both examine the psychologies of excluded members of society. While in Native Son, Wright studies someone oppressed and downtrodden beneath society, Faulkner looks at a family of outsiders cast far away from a common community in As I Lay Dying. For both, a central question becomes the function of their characters’ minds in relati on to one another, and to reality. Through different approaches, both Wright and Faulkner conduct modernist explorations of the social outcast’s interiority. ToRead MoreThe Child That Lives From Within1611 Words  | 7 PagesJazmine Feijo Professor Don Moore AHSS 1210 21 November 2014 The Child that Lives from Within The social sciences often question if psychopathic behaviour is innate or a product of social environment. The answer seems difficult to discern because it is not split down into equal parts of nurture and nature, but rather rely on one another for a better understanding. In the movie Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, Norman Bates’ downfall proposes how crucial a healthy childhood is to the mental state of developingRead MoreFeminism s Role As A Vehicle For Social And Political Commentary Essay1662 Words  | 7 Pagessignificant role as a vehicle for social and political commentary. This fact can be attributed to its ability as a cultural medium to educate and entertain. Over the past several decades the social-political movement of feminism has been adopted in many literary works. The concept of Feminism is concerned with the analysis of social theories, political movements, and moral philosophies, largely motivated by or concerning the experiences of women, especially regarding their social, political, and economicRead More Flappers and Mothers: New Women in the 1920s Essay1466 Words  | 6 Pages Navy, and Marines (James and Wells, 66). Women retained few of those 1.5 million jobs after men returned from war, but the United States’ industrialized postwar economy soon provided enough work for men and women alike. Once confined to nursing, social work, teaching, or secretarial jobs, women began to find employment in new fields. According to Allen, â€Å"They besieged the offices of publishers and advertisers; they went into tearoom management until there threatened to be more purveyors than consumersRead MoreAnalysis Of The King Of Persian Essay2049 Words  | 9 Pageslack of freedom caused many Iranians to immigrate to other places. Now, you can find Iranians spread all around the world. Majority of them moved out because of assault on their identity and heritage, government intrusions in their everyday life, and fear and escalated anxiety . Majority of them came to the United States, and very soon became one of the most educated minorities in America. This shows the significance of knowledge seeking among Iranians through history. Having education as a major priorityRead MoreMedia and Crime2169 Words  | 9 Pagescan so successfully engage the public’s fascination, can they equally tap into – and increase – people’s fears about crime? Is the media’s interest is in obsession with – crime harmful? Although people have some autonomy (self – control, and self – determination) in how they behave, they still may imitate some things they learn from media – what clothes to wear, styles of language and social interaction – they know what it means to be violent to someone and they are careful about such actions. PeopleRead MoreFormer New Jersey State Senator, James McGreevey2287 Words  | 9 Pagesyears of marriage to two different women he finally admitted to himself and came out about his sexuality. He finally accepted himself and allowed the society around him to do so too. He overcame the repression that he received by society to follow moral norms; additionally he overcame the repression his own mind forced him into believing for 12 years! Like Mr. James McGreevey, many individuals who are at the point of understanding themselves more clearly are faced with the unknown and are constantlyRead MorePersonality Theories5586 Words  | 23 Pagespersonalities of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologists do. Personality psychology looks at the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that make a person unique. Some of the best known theories in psychology are devoted to the subject of personality. Almost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Wife Of Bath - 1660 Words
The Canterbury Fails: An Analysis of Misogyny in the Wife of Bath’s Tale At first glance, you wouldn’t think that the Wife of Bath’s tale is anything other than feminist. She is, undeniably, the only non-religious female character in The Canterbury Tales and therefore is the only character who is approached from a point of view that was generally uncommon. We don’t have many or even any, as far as I’m aware pieces of medieval literature written by or for women or with a main female protagonist. If there is a female character present in a male dominated story, they are usually there to be someone’s wife, treated like property or a whore and in some instances, all three. So, as a way to be original, Chaucer took this opportunity to use a female character that is unlike any other in his time. Except that her tale does exactly what it sets up not to: it rewards a man for being a brute. The Wife of Bath is supposedly a â€Å"strong female character,†but Chaucer fails to show how her character has value s that defy those of the average medieval person. The only obvious differences between the Wife of Bath’s tale versus her male counterparts is her perspective as a woman. The Wife of Bath offers a lengthy and detailed sexual and marital history for herself which preludes a short story detailing a knight’s supposed conversion. These two tales are directly related the Wife of Bath’s favorite husband is the one who abused her and the knight in her tale is a repented rapist. It would beShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem The Wife Of Bath Essay873 Words  | 4 PagesAnalytical Essay on the â€Å"Wife of Bath.†Question One Description of the Wife of Bath in terms of her progressive feminism, rhetoric style, and her prolog tale. Comparison of her as a women attitude towards general medieval attitude towards women. â€Å"Wife of Bath†Tale provides insight and understanding of the women change and their view mainly in matters of family, marriage, authority and marital affairs. The Prolog is double the size of her Tale, a lot of information about marriage group is givenRead MoreFeminist Analysis Of The Wife Of Bath 1419 Words  | 6 PagesFeminism in the Wife of Bath The story of the Wife of Bath provides an insight to the role women were expected to play during the late middle ages. In the Prologue, Alice narrates her story guided by her life experience and religious beliefs. Alice is a reformed woman who goes against the patriarchal community’s expectation of women being suppressed by their men (Carter, 309). According to Kittredge (440), the wife of bath contradicts the church’s expectation that the wife should be loyal and holyRead MoreWife Of Bath Chaucer Analysis702 Words  | 3 Pagescontroversial characters, the Wife of Bath. Dame Alison, the Wife of Bath, gained her notoriety by deviating from the normal ideals of women in this time period. While most women in this time period were expected to be obedient to their husbands, Alison demands the submission of men her relationships. Like all of Chaucer’s characters, Dame follows her prologue by telling her own story, which directly parallels her own morals and belie fs. As seen in her prologue, the Wife of Bath was first married off whenRead MoreCharacter Analysis of the Wife of Bath1755 Words  | 8 Pagesextensive stories comes from the character, The Wife of Bath. Initially, she is described in short as a well-dressed woman who knew much about love and life. â€Å"Of remedies of love she knew per chaunce,/ For she koude of that art the olde daunce†(Chaucer, GP, 475-476). Upon further examination of her prologue and tale, one comes to find that she may be one the most intriguing characters represented in the Canterbury Tales. Everything about the Wife of Bath is bold and pronounced, from what she wearsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Wife Of Bath 1754 Words  | 8 PagesBecca Edmondson AP English 12 Mrs. Price Research Paper The Wife of Bath The Wife of Bath is unlike the other women of her time to some extent, yet simultaneously is a member of a certain group of individuals. Although this is taking place in the fourteenth century, surprising as it is, the Wife of Bath fits into the society through her uniqueness. In Chaucer’s tales the women of this time were not portrayed as one might imagine. Many believe the women of the fourteenth century were housewives whoRead MoreCritical Analysis Of The Wife Of Bath1521 Words  | 7 Pagesauthority regarding their morality, spirituality, and economic and social positioning. Biblical symbols caused a misrepresentation of women and were highly regarded in the suppressing of the female voice and their value outside of being a wife and mother. â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Tale†provides one of the most intriguing medieval cultural insights to gender studies. The reader joins a pilgrimage with the Canterbury Tale’s most audacious and sexually unrestricted f emale narrators who also gives a personalRead MoreWife of bath character analysis1148 Words  | 5 Pagestime, even in the past abuse like this existed, but there wasn’t a term for it, especially if it was your wife. Likely you would be told that she’s a little rambunctious or noisy and she will calm down, but that may not be the problem. The Wife of Bath in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales can be classified as an abuser by the methods she uses to control her husbands. Emotional abuse is the Wife of Bath’s greatest tool against her first husbands. In the Wife’s Prologue, she tells of the accusationsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Wife Of Bath Essay1247 Words  | 5 PagesAnalytical Essay on the â€Å"Wife of Bath.†By Chaucer’s time, the antifeminism tradition was very strong and had grown up. Her faith on marriage is surprising to men, especially during that period of time. She is a skilled woman, and knows how to defend her views on marriage and sex, in which she blows the idealistic of antifeminism by interpreting the bible to her benefit. And, when someone in authority disagrees with her, she relies on her experience. â€Å"Wife of Bath†Tale provides insight and understandingRead MoreWife Of Bath Prologue Analysis1130 Words  | 5 PagesThe Wife of Bath’s Prologue The Wife of Baths Prologue On my paper, I decided to do the wife of Baths Prologue to the song lyrics I Do by Colbie Caillat. The first stanza says: Its always been about me, myself, and I I thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time I never wanted to be anybodys other half I was happy saying I had a love that wouldnt last That was the only way I knew til I met you In the Wife of Bath, Chaucer has rolled the ultimate outrageous medieval stereotypeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Wife Of Bath Essay2305 Words  | 10 PagesThe theme of matrimony in the Wife of Bath’s Prologue as well as in the Miller’s Tale does not fit in with traditional fourteenth-century culture. The characters in these two texts turn what is suppose to be a sacred unity into a promiscuous and taboo fantasy for pilgrims. The characters narrating these two tales promote the idea of what fourteenth-century canon law would define as adulteryâ€â€to have had a third lover while married is the new societal trend for the characters in these tales. And so
Business Reasearch Method Part 1 Free Essays
Business Research Methods Part I Sara Gonzalez QNT/561 March 19, 2013 Business Research Methods Part I A business organization must make tough decisions when faced with a dilemma. They could be rising costs, employee turnover, or in the case of British Petroleum (BP), safety. The recent explosion, deaths, and environmental impact of the deepwater Horizon oil drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico brought the question of drilling platform safety to the forefront of the news, continuing to do so over two years later. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Reasearch Method Part 1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The disaster is one of the more recent events and â€Å"is the largest marine oil spill in history†(Cleveland, 2013). Research Question The dilemma that BP faces is keeping their employees safe while working in an industry known for its immediate danger. Are there warnings in the form of safety incidents that show likelihood that an event similar to the deepwater Horizon could happen again? Research Design A case study, â€Å"also referred to as the case history†(research text) is used to â€Å"obtain multiple perspectives of a single organization, situation, event, or process at a point in time or over a period of time†. (Cooper Schindler, 2011, p. 81) The research for this case study will include safety reports from many global oil companies. The purpose for researching many companies is because â€Å"When multiple units are chosen, it is because they offer similar results for predictable reasons†(Cooper Schindler, 2011, p. 181). It is expected that researching different oil companies will show a common factor in safety incidents leading to catastrophic events. Sample Desi gn A non-probability sample design will be used for collecting data. However, to select effectively a sample design certain questions must be answered. They include, â€Å"What is the target population? What are the parameters of interest? What is the sampling frame? What is the appropriate sampling method? What size sample is needed†(Cooper Schindler, 2011, Chapter 14, Steps in Sampling Design)? Target Population Our target population will consist of the employees at BP that can provide or have access to statistical data related to our research question. This includes workers who are exposed to the possibility of injury while performing regular day-to-day job duties. Parameters of Interest Population parameters will describe the â€Å"variables of interest in the population†(Cooper Schindler, 2011, Chapter 14, Steps in Sampling Design). These include the sample mean, sample variance, and proportion of safety incidents to incidents resulting in injury. Sample statistics will serve as a â€Å"basis of our inferences of the population†(Cooper Schindler, 2011, Chapter 14, Steps in Sampling Design). Sampling Frame The sampling frame will be a list of the subjects that make up the population of our sampling design. Characteristics can include age, work experience, and position within BP. Appropriate Sampling Method Our sampling design is limited to team member Scott Thrasher’s exposure to BP’s employee population. Again, a non-probability sampling design is the most appropriate method because it does not require the entire affected population at BP and only relies on the subjects who are readily available to him (Crossman, n. d. ). Sample Size At this point we have not established a standard for sample size. It is, however, agreed that a larger sample will provide the most accuracy, precision, and least chance for error (Cooper Schindler, Chapter 14, Steps in Sampling Design, 2011). References Cleveland, C. J. (2013). Deepwater Horizon Disaster: Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Retrieved from http://www. eoearth. org/article/Deepwater_Horizon_oil_spill? topic=50364 Cooper, D. R. , Schindler, P. S. (2011). Business Research Methods (11th ed. ). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Crossman, A. (n. d. ). Types Of Sampling Designs. About. com. Retrieved from http://sociology. about. com/od/Research/a/sampling-designs. htm How to cite Business Reasearch Method Part 1, Papers
Centre of Arts Essay Example For Students
Centre of Arts Essay Analysis Company Analysis The goal for The Center of Arts is to provide a hands-on experience for Brock students, high school students, and community users as an educational and cultural resource. It also has a goal of successfully attracting thousands Of visitors annually to Brock university. While at The Center of Arts, it focuses on stimulating the cultural interest in the arts Within the Niagara Region through its live performances and professional entertainment. One of the centers strengths is that it has been successful in attracting thousands Of visitors annually to Brock University. An abundant social network of loyal customers brings with it a strong market. As a result the Center, receives reduced artistic fees because of volume booking. The weakness for the center is that of those loyal customers, not all of them buy tickets in advance. Ticket sales are disappointingly low for the first performance, Halo. Customer Analysis The decision process in this particular case is to make a decision on what alternatives to choose about the ticket sales, discounts, and giveaways. A decision and/or solution to the reaction of how prepaid customers tee about the given alternatives are also the topic of discussions. While we could offer discounts to Gold and Platinum members who did not purchased tickets, complaints and dissatisfaction with members who already booked and prepaid is an issue. In todays sociably there are issues with every alternative you try. IV. Selected Marketing Strategy The strategy was selected because it appeals to an extensive range of target markets or The descriptive and vivid brochure attracts readers attention through an excellent Distribution channel. This major promotional item for The Centre of Arts, Halo in particular, is a visual brochure which makes appealing to the distribution channels. These channels include the enters Gold and Platinum members, the centers database, internal mail, local hotels, libraries, and is continuously being distributed at the box office throughout the performing season. Direct mail is also a contributor through one of the channels which allow the marketing strategy to grab the attention of all audiences in the target markets. This strategy is also aimed at inclusive and well established distributors who Will enjoy spreading word-of-mouth to colleagues, or acquaintances. An enthusiastic entertaining experience would greatly be motivation to spread word-of-mouth. The location of this theatrical reference, Halo and many more takes place at Brock university. The university allows a seating of 538 people to attend these cultural performances. Market Development occurs in the days before Halo is to be performed through alternatives and options to fill the seats, The alternative is to give free tickets to volunteers or people who recently made some contribution to Brock University community.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Sonnet 71 by William Shakespeare, Remember by Christina Georgina Rossetti and I Am by John Clare Essay Example For Students
Sonnet 71 by William Shakespeare, Remember by Christina Georgina Rossetti and I Am by John Clare Essay The following essay will focus on three pre 1914 sonnets and I will explore the themes of love and loss within them. The poems that I will be looking at are, Sonnet 71 by William Shakespeare, Remember by Christina Georgina Rossetti and I Am by John Clare. All three poems agree that love and loss are inevitably linked and that the easiest way to deal with the loss of someone that you love is to forget them rather than come to terms with the loss itself. Some say, that without loss, you will not be able to love, because loss makes you appreciate and be grateful for the love that you do have from all the people that love you. However, these poems look at loss from a slightly different perspective. They focus more on the fear of loss, rather than the idea of loss enhancing your appreciation for love. Shakespeares approach to love in his poem, Sonnet 71, is a very selfless one with subtle undertones of bitterness. From the first line we see that he wants his lover to be happy once he has passed, and doesnt want her to mourn over him when he is dead. This selflessness shows he has only his lovers best interest at heart. Throughout the poem, it seems as though he is fighting between being selfless or bitter because he attempts to be selfless but cant help but feel bitter at the same time, and this shows. Perhaps his bitterness is aimed at the vile world, or the society which maybe took away his freedom and time with his lover, which he is resentful for. He seems to sacrifice his memory of him with her, so that she remains happy. He knows that after a passing, people are normally sad and mournful, but he tells her that he doesnt want to be remembered if it is to make her mournful, since he doesnt want to cloud her sweet thoughts with regret and mournfulness of him- hed rather that her love for him decays, as he would when he dies. Although he is very selfless, we see he slips into feeling sorry for himself, when he tells her not to rehearse his poor name. Also, we see the bitterness in this poem reflected in some irony, when he speaks of the wise world. It is almost as though he is being sarcastic, and mocking the world back, because he has just described the world as being vile and now suddenly, wise. He doesnt want the wise world to mock his lovers moan. So, really, everything said is a suggestion of his personality, however, he never directs or speaks of the bitterness towards her; just everything that affected his relationship. Unlike Shakespeare, Rossetti isnt bitter at all. She sees loss as a natural part of being in love, whereas Shakespeare admits loss is inevitable, but resents it. She does express some sadness, but doesnt have a bitter feeling towards anyone or anything and doesnt blame anyone either, whereas Shakespeare blames the world and society. For example, in the second line of Remember, she talks of passing into the silent land. This gives an image to the reader of a peaceful place to come, maybe a silent graveyard or even heaven, or maybe it is silent because she is unable to communicate with her lover anymore. However, Shakespeare tells his lover to warn the world that he has fled, with vilest worms to dwell. This shows that he feels he passes from one horrible place to another- from a vile world to go and live with vilest worms. From the word fled we would assume that he is fleeing to a better place from where he is fleeing from, but in this case, it is not so. Also, he has a very protective tone in his poem, because he wants to protect his lover from the world. He wants to protect her from the world mocking her, and he wants to protect her from grief. .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 , .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 .postImageUrl , .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 , .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2:hover , .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2:visited , .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2:active { border:0!important; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2:active , .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2 .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u632545a939363fc25e56892433d489b2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Social context of the poems EssayShakespeare wants to be forgotten altogether, however, Rossetti wants all the good memories and times to be remembered only, not so her lover can grieve on his loss, but so that he can cherish all the times they had together. We can see the language differences in the two poets. We notice that Shakespeare uses very harsh, direct, and sarcastic words, whereas, Rossetti uses soft, peaceful, and harmonious words. The two language variations and word choices help the readers to realize the different feelings that each poets hold on the view of love, loss and death. The different takes that the two poets have on loss could be due to their backgrounds. Rossetti was a very religious person, devoted to the Church of England, who wrote a range of devotional, romantic, and childrens poems. Her religious beliefs were so strong that she broke off her engagement when she found out that her fiance was a Roman catholic. She could have a very religious view on death and passing over, which is why the main tone in her sonnet is very peaceful and accepting, with hints of sadness. For example, we see how she speaks of the things her lover will never be able to do, like hold her by the hand, and how it will be too late to counsel and pray. She discusses all the things shell lose; however, she never turns to bitterness, just sadness. Because of the times of when the engagement broke off and when she wrote this sonnet, the meaning behind it could be a very indirect goodbye note to her fiance. She doesnt want him to grieve over her rejection, but rather to move on maybe. This sonnet could have many meanings or messages, this being one of them. Or, it could be like the Shakespearean sonnet- a piece of early advice on how to deal with grief for when the poets pass away. Rossetti also talks about how loss can affect the image one holds of their lover. For example, after some ones death, your memory of them may become hazy, faded or changed. In Rossettis sonnet, she explores this idea of darkness and corruption making her lovers image of her altered, leaving a vestige of thoughts. Both Shakespeares and Rossettis poems have the general message that they would not want to hurt their lovers, if remembering them causes this. The last two lines in both sonnets have the same message, but, with the use of different words, the tone differentiates. Evidence of this is the way Shakespeare uses the word, lest at the start of the sentence. It is almost as though it is an explanation for all that has been said just incase she needs it. The word itself adds a slight negativity to the whole poem. Also, Shakespeare only seems to see the conclusive physical condition of his life, which is negative and bitter, for example, passing to dwell with vilest worms. On the other hand, Rossetti sees the conclusive spiritual condition of her life, which is positive, for example, her passing into the silent land. Although these two poets talk about the future and what is to come, in John Clares sonnet, I Am, he describes to us what it feels like to be forgotten, even though he has not yet passed away. During his stay at Northampton General Lunatic Asylum, Clare wrote the sonnet I Am which was his view on life at the time. He felt lonely and left out and from the first line in the poem, you can easily see how he feels and what he thinks. Clare writes, I am- yet what I am none cares or knows. This is expressing how he felt in the loneliness of the asylum. Although he was not diagnosed at the time, Clare suffered from manic depression and bipolar disorder, which caused him to fall into periods of over excitement or periods of depression. Maybe it was in the period of depression that he was driven to write this poem. .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 , .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 .postImageUrl , .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 , .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3:hover , .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3:visited , .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3:active { border:0!important; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3:active , .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3 .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud6d525b9e030dace718757d27d9e12f3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shakespeare's Othello - Iago, the Evil in Othello EssayHe describes how his friends have forsaken and forgotten about him. He feels that when they are locking him out, they are stifling him and he is feeling the physical effects of it, in what he calls nothingness as he feels he is oblivious to others around him because they have done that to him. The second line shows the direct feeling of the alienation Clare is being put through. However, referring back to his manic depression, maybe this wasnt the case, and he just felt it because of the disorder itself, and not because of others blocking him out. This isolation may have hit him so hard that he feels he is the only one there for himself which is maybe why he describes himself as the self-consumer of his own woes. Like Shakespeare, he has a negative view of the world, where he describes life as nothing but scorn and noise, where there is neither sense of life or joys. He also has a bitter perspective of society and life. Clare also writes in his poem, Even the dearest, that I love the best/ Are strange- nay, rather stranger than the rest. I think that this line summarizes the direct relation between love and loss because it is evidence that the more you love someone the stranger or harder it is to come to terms with their loss. When in the asylum, it was almost as if Clare gives a taste of death, because he has been forgotten by everyone but he does not have the luxury of being able to forget everyone else himself, so he lives knowing he is forgotten even before he dies, and no matter how hard he tries to forget everyone else, their memories are still with him. Although we know how Clare feels at this time and how much he hates it, we also know of the place he dreams to be. He longs for scenes where man has never trod/ A place where woman never smiled or wept. This shows he wants to go somewhere where there is no creation and where no emotions are shown. In this way, no one will have to experience love so they cant lose. With no emotions, he is happier and at peace. He wants to abide with his God, and sleep as he in childhood sweetly slept. Here he uses repetition and sibilance. This gives a sweet, soft tone to the whole poem as he begins to move from the horrors of life to the sweet places he dreams to be. The poem has a somber tone and makes the reader see the world from Clares perspective.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Great Essay Topics For Your Lord of the Rings Essay Topics
Great Essay Topics For Your Lord of the Rings Essay TopicsYour Lord of the Rings essay topics could not be any more interesting and challenging. While it may seem like you're just learning about the story and characters of the book, it's more than that. The scope of your Lord of the Rings essay topics is really unique.To begin with, your essay topic will be from a book or movie based on the Lord of the Rings. The Lord of the Rings is based on Tolkien's writings. He was a very famous English author of fantasy fiction. His books are very popular for their intricate and detailed portrayal of a wide range of characters, where the narrative is presented in verse. So, you'll find out just how you can utilize these same literary tools to write an interesting Lord of the Rings essay topic.There are many different types of essay topics you can choose to use. Some are more difficult than others, though. This is because you need to look at the settings and elements involved. For example, you mi ght need to look at what place they live in, what culture, and other things of interest. It is also important to look at how the stories of the books have been used in other ways.One way to approach your Lord of the Rings essay topics is to read it and try to figure out how it relates to today's world. Perhaps, you see parallels between what was going on in the Middle East during the First World War and what is going on today. You can then look at things like the ongoing conflict in Iraq, where the one main character, Frodo Baggins, is trying to do something about the potential genocide going on there. If you decide to take a comparative perspective, you'll find some of the same issues in places like Haiti. Another great way to use the Lord of the Rings to help with your Lord of the Rings essay topics is to look at the conflicts in the Middle East.There are more options for your Lord of the Rings essay topics when you start looking at the historical aspects of the book. There is so much more going on here, and you need to study how it affects the characters in the book and the setting. Today, it is very difficult to reconcile the two in any real sense. However, there are several books written from this perspective, including Brian McClellan's The Nine Lives of Harry Jenkins. In fact, McClellan's books are among the most popular Lord of the Rings reference works available today.If you take the time to really dig into how the conflict between the people of the ring and the other races has impacted the world, you'll find that your Lord of the Rings essay topics will be both relevant and meaningful. It is easy to spot the differences between this world and the world we live in today. These include the role of religion in the lives of the people, the impact of the ring on the state of affairs in the region, and even the tension between the side of good and the side of evil. In fact, there are many areas where you can look to make your Lord of the Rings essay topics far more relevant than they already are.When you take the time to do your research with a good course in thesis editing services, you'll find that your Lord of the Rings essay topics will be much more unique and interesting. Even if you don't plan on doing any writing, the help of thesis editing services could mean the difference between a bad or mediocre grade. So, get started today and find out how you can turn your Lord of the Rings essay topics into a fun and enlightening experience.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Stepmothers Sin free essay sample
Professional experience Business manager (NOV 2009 JUL 2010) Unimark remedies ltd, Hyderabad, India * Promotion, marketing and sales of oncology drugs * Taking appointments from oncologists and visiting them in order to promote new products if any, discussions in order to increase the prescriptions for the company`s products * Visiting pharmacy retail and whole sale institutions in order to increase the availability of range of products. We will write a custom essay sample on Stepmothers Sin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Visiting patient wards in various government medical institutions conducting surveys to help the company in public relation programmes * Studying the data describing new products to develop sales approach. * Compiled data on equipment and supplies preferred by customers. * Online report to the head office about the job done and about the competitor activities in the region. Medical representative (MAR 2009 – NOV 2009) Zen life sciences (oncology), Hyderabad, India. * Promotion, marketing and sales of oncology drugs Taking appointments from oncologists and visiting them in order to promote new products if any, discussions in order to increase the prescriptions for the company`s products * Visiting pharmacy retail and whole sale institutions in order to increase the availability of range of products. * Attending class room training and aptitude tests in order learn about new products to develop sales approach. * Giving samples to the customer. * Reporting to the manager about the job done. Medical representative (MAR 2008 – NOV 2008) Lupin pharmaceuticals. Bangalore, India. Promotion, marketing and sales of lupin femina drugs. * Taking appointments from gynaecologists, general physicians and visiting them in order to promote gynaecology drugs and over the counter drugs ( vitamin, calcium and other supplements ) * Visiting pharmacy retail and wholesale institutions in order to increase the ava ilability of range of products, taking orders, checking the storage conditions of the products in their premises. * Attending class room training and aptitude tests in order learn about new products to develop sales approach. Reporting to the manager about the job done. Honours * Registered pharmacist in Andhra Pradesh pharmacy council holding registration number: 060622/A1 * Awarded best trainee in 2009 by Zen life sciences (oncology) * Awarded best seminar and poster presentation on pharmaceutical marketing and administration in 2007. References * Miss Rubina khan , product manager Email: rubina. [emailprotected] com * Mr Rahul rao boinapally, regional manager, lupin pharmaceuticals. Email: [emailprotected] com * Mr Sasankha canuparthy Email :
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Truth Behind the Alien Reptile Hoax
The Truth Behind the Alien Reptile Hoax In 1990, a former British soccer player named David Icke began sharing his psychic visions with the world. According to Icke, our planet is secretly being controlled by a race of humanoid reptiles from the Alpha Draconis star system, 300 light years away. Not only do these reptoids or reptilians live underground beneath the earths major cities, Icke contends, but they drink human blood and have the ability to shape-shift. Sadly, most of the worlds leaders have already been co-opted by these evil reptiles; Icke and his followers believe that former president George W. Bush and Queen Elizabeth II are both reptoids in disguise. Of course, Icke isnt the first person in history to ascribe supernatural powers to reptiles. Snake- and crocodile-like gods are common in ancient mythology, and there were some notable pop-culture reptilian references that preceded Icke (and may, in fact, have directly influenced his philosophy). In 1983, the hugely successful TV miniseries V featured an invasion by conniving alien reptiles disguised as humanoids. After Icke appeared on the scene, the most famous fictional reptilian is arguably the snake-like Voldemort from the Harry Potter books; however, theres no evidence that J.K. Rowling even knows who David Icke is. Are Reptoids Really Intelligent Dinosaurs? Its unclear whether or not Icke believes that his alien reptoids descended from, or were somehow responsible for, the dinosaurs that roamed the earth until 65 million years ago. However, bizarre conspiracy theories have a way of rapidly mutating, and the Icke cult has spawned a subset of enthusiasts who believe that dinosaurs didnt, in fact, go extinct, but evolved into super-intelligent reptoids- so super-intelligent, in fact, that theyve managed to evade detection to this day, except (perhaps) by ex-footballers prone to psychic visions. These conspiracy theorists have received an unintentional boost from North Carolina State paleontologist Dale Russell, who in 1982 published a paper speculating about what might have become of the dinosaur Troodon had the K/T Extinction not happened. Since Troodon was an uncommonly intelligent dinosaur, Russell surmised, its uninterrupted evolutionary arc might have resulted, tens of millions of years later, in a race of super-intelligent, humanoid reptilians. One common attribute of conspiracy theorists (not to mention religious fundamentalists and disbelievers in the theory of evolution) is to take the speculations of reputable scientists as established, carved-in-stone fact. Today, most adherents of the reptoid cult cite Russells paper as proving the existence of humanoid reptiles, and many uninformed readers have helped spread the word. Russell himself, of course, meant no such thing, and is doubtless embarrassed by the cult he unintentionally fueled with his research. Are Humanoid Reptiles a Scientific Possibility? Despite what Icke and other conspiracy theorists claim, theres absolutely no proof that a race of super-intelligent reptoids (or Martians, or swamp monsters) lurk beneath the sewers of Paris, New York, and Beijing. There is also no evidence that the earth has ever been visited by flying saucers or that reptilian aliens have tinkered with human DNA, or that Queen Elizabeth II is a lizard in disguise (though some Icke cultists claim to have seen a second eyelid flickering across her pupils, if you look really closely at slowed-down news footage). But is it possible that an isolated population of meat-eating dinosaurs (Troodon, or some other genus) managed to survive the K/T Extinction, and persist to this day on some remote island or in the middle of a dense rain forest? The odds are vanishingly small, but not zero. However, the chances are even more remote for a scenario in which these dinosaurs have evolved into super-intelligent beings, which would require (among other things) a huge increase in their population, making detection by (and competition with) contemporary human beings a certainty. The fact is that reptoids, reptilians, or whatever you want to call them simply dont exist, despite what David Icke and his followers claim.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Media Assigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Media Assigment - Essay Example This paper stresses that as per Alberta Human Resources and Employment, for such a dynamic profile of the job, editors may exhibit the following characteristics: and ambition, excellent writing and research skills, the ability to criticize effectively, organization and time management skills, decision-making and leadership skills, the ability to work well under time pressure. As the report declares the editors are required to plan, coordinate work with other, analyze information, solve problems and negotiate with writers and others. The job is multidisciplinary in nature with persons from a variety of backgrounds qualifying as editors. Citing the case of newspapers, there are written statements to define ethical standards. The job of journalists is to gather information, to validate it, and also to sort facts out of a mass of information, not only voluminous but often unintelligible. This process of selection and synthesis implies choices which will alter reality. People often blame the media for over-simplification and lack of nuances. But efforts at simplification are part of the job. Almost by definition, to inform is also to deform. News describes information that is new. The concept has a deep meaning because it implies that what is not new, or different, or significant is not news. By definition, news is a breach of continuity and a breach of normal ity as may be describable by events such as crises, fights and changes that are not part of normal daily life.
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